[Adopted 12-7-1964 by Ord. No. 42]
As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
A sewerage system involving more than one private property which depends upon a master septic tank and a tile field owned jointly by the private property owners.
A sewerage system located on the property of and owned by one private person and serving a private home, industrial establishment, commercial establishment, park, camp, hotel, motel, school, institution, eating establishment or drinking establishment.
A system located on the property of a private home and serving this home.
Any plot of ground upon which two or more mobile homes, occupied for dwelling or sleeping purposes, are located.
Includes any individual, firm, corporation, association or partnership, institution, public body or other entity and includes the plural as well as the singular, and the feminine as well as the masculine.
A sewerage system owned and operated by a local governmental authority or by an established public utility company which is adequately controlled by a governmental authority.
A system serving the general public and which is normally intended to serve more than 25 dwelling units not owned by the owner of the system. Where more than one group of 25 or less separately owned dwelling units are in one location, and each group is served by a separate system owned by the same owner, then such systems shall constitute a public system.
A system serving one facility, such as an industrial or commercial establishment, park, camp, hotel, motel, school, institution or eating or drinking establishment, where the system is owned by the owner of the facility; or a system which is intended to serve 25 or less separate dwelling units; or a system serving more than 25 dwelling units all owned by the owner of the system.
Entire system consisting of conduits, distribution field, pumps, sewers, tanks and other equipment used or intended to be used for the purpose of conveying, treating or disposing of any wastewater or human excrement.
Appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
Entire system consisting of lines, pumps, sources, treatment equipment and other equipment used or intended to be used for providing water for drinking or other domestic, commercial, industrial or institutional use, but not including plumbing system for water usage.
The Township Sewage Enforcement Officer shall, in addition to his powers and duties as prescribed in the Second Class Township Code, Act of 1933, May 1, P.L. 103, Art. 19A, Section 1901 et seq., as amended,[1] be charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this article.
Editor's Note: See now 53 P.S. § 65101 et seq.
The Township Sewage Enforcement Officer shall administer and enforce the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Health regulating individual water systems, and in particular, the Construction Standards for Individual Water Supplies, dated June 22, 1959, and as amended, plus the following:
No person shall construct or reconstruct any individual water system without first obtaining a permit from the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer. The permit issued in response to the application shall contain such terms and conditions as may be considered necessary by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer to ensure compliance with the provisions of this article.
No person shall provide or maintain an individual water supply to be used for drinking or other domestic purposes, other than by the owner and his family thereof, unless such water supply shall be potable, protected against pollution, and shall not contain bacterial, chemical or other contamination in such quantity as may be injurious to health as determined by test in a laboratory approved for this purpose by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer.
Samples of water from any water supply may be taken for examination by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer as he deems necessary for the detection of pollution or unwholesomeness.
The Township Sewage Enforcement Officer shall administer and enforce the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Health regulating semipublic water systems; the Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards of 1946 as published in Reprint No. 2697 from the Public Health Reports, Vol. 61, No. 11, March 15, 1946, and as amended; and the following:
No person shall construct or reconstruct any semipublic water system without first obtaining a permit from the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer. The permit issued in response to the application shall contain such terms and conditions as may be considered necessary by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer to ensure compliance with the provisions of this article.
No person shall provide or maintain a semipublic water supply to be used for drinking or other domestic purposes unless such water supply shall be potable, protected against pollution, and shall not contain bacterial, chemical or other contamination in such quantity as may be injurious to health as determined by test in a laboratory approved for this purpose by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer.
Samples of water from any water supply may be taken for examination by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer as it deems necessary for the detection of pollution or unwholesomeness.
Provisions of this section shall not conflict with any existing or future commonwealth acts or laws or rules and regulations. In no event shall the units of the system be constructed or operated in a manner less than the standards required by commonwealth action.
The regulation of public water systems shall be subject to the direct approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Health and or the Pennsylvania State Sanitary Board.
The Township Sewage Enforcement Officer shall administer and enforce the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Health regulating individual sewerage systems; and the regulations entitled "Household Sewerage Disposal for Rural and Suburban Areas," and as amended, which shall be construed to be mandatory and carrying the force of law, plus the following:
No person shall construct or reconstruct any individual sewerage system without first obtaining a permit from the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer.
For an individual sewerage system serving other than a private home or single commercial establishment, plans shall be submitted with the application for a permit to construct or reconstruct any such sewerage system, and shall be prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer who shall be qualified to design and supervise the construction of such sewerage system.
For an individual sewerage system serving other than a private home or single commercial establishment, absorption area requirements for such sewerage systems shall be based on the results obtained from soil percolation rate tests. These tests shall be performed by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer, a registered professional engineer or a qualified sanitarian in compliance with recognized sanitary engineering procedures.
The Township Sewage Enforcement Officer shall administer and enforce the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Health regulating community sewerage systems, plus the following:
No person shall construct or reconstruct any community sewerage system without first obtaining a permit from the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer. The permit issued in response to the application shall contain such terms and conditions as may be considered necessary by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer to ensure compliance with the provisions of this article.
Plans shall be submitted with the application for a permit to construct or reconstruct any community sewerage system, and shall be prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer who shall be qualified to design and supervise the construction of community sewerage systems.
Absorption area requirements for community sewerage systems shall be based on the results obtained from soil percolation rate tests. These tests shall be performed by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer, a registered professional engineer or a qualified sanitarian in compliance with recognized sanitary engineering procedures.
The Township Sewage Enforcement Officer shall have the power to determine the party responsible for the proper construction and maintenance of a community sewerage system at all times. The Township Sewage Enforcement Officer shall also have the right to refuse the issuance of a permit for the construction of a community sewerage system when in his opinion ownership and responsibility for the system is not clearly established or when the determined responsibility for the system is not in the best interests of public health.
Provisions of this section shall not conflict with any existing or future commonwealth acts or laws or rules and regulations. In no event shall the units of the system be constructed or operated in a manner less than the standards required by commonwealth action.
[Amended 3-4-1999 by Ord. No. 250]
The regulations of public sewerage systems shall be subject to the direct approval of the Department of Environmental Protection.
Sewer construction for mobile home parks shall be done in conformance with Article X of Chapter 200, Zoning, regarding PRD Districts.[1]
Editor's Note: The cited article and district refer to designations in a prior Zoning Ordinance. See Ch. 200, Zoning, for current regulations.
Fees as set forth from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors shall be paid to the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer for the following:
Each new or reconstructed individual water system or each new or reconstructed individual sewerage system intended to serve a private home or single commercial establishment.
Each new or reconstructed individual sewerage system not intended to serve a private home or single commercial establishment.
Each new or reconstructed semipublic water system or community sewerage system.
Each reconstructed mobile home park.
No permit shall be issued without payment of the required fee. These fees shall be in addition to any other fees required by the Township, county, state or federal government.
[Amended 3-4-1999 by Ord. No. 250]
Any person who violates or permits a violation of this article, upon being found liable therefor in a civil enforcement proceeding, shall pay a fine of not less than $400 and not more than $600, plus all court costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the Township in the enforcement of this article. No judgment shall be imposed until the date of the determination of the violation by the District Justice and/or Court. If the defendant neither pays nor timely appeals the judgment, the Township may enforce the judgment pursuant to the applicable rules of civil procedure. Each day a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense. Further, the appropriate officers or agents of the Township are hereby authorized to seek equitable relief, including injunction, to enforce compliance herewith.