Words and phrases, when used in this chapter, except for sections or articles to which different or additional definitions apply, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq. (the Act of June 17, 1976, P.L. 162, No. 81), as amended, except that in this chapter the word "street" may be used interchangeably with the word "highway" and shall have the same meaning as the word "highway" as defined in the Vehicle Code.
The term "legal holidays," as used in this chapter, shall mean and include New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
In this chapter, the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the masculine shall include the feminine.
The following words when used in this chapter shall have the following definitions except where the context clearly indicates otherwise:
[Added 1-17-2019 by Ord. No. 358]
A motor vehicle, other than a taxicab or limousine, designed to transport passengers. The term does not include a vehicle used in a ridesharing arrangement, as defined in the Act of December 14, 1982 (P.L. 1211, No. 279[1], or a school bus.
A truck or truck tractor having a Pennsylvania-registered gross vehicle weight rating or a gross combination weight rating of 11,001 pounds or greater, as designated by 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1916, or a truck or truck tractor which is not required to be registered in Pennsylvania but which, if such registration were required, would be registered as having a gross vehicle weight rating or a gross combination weight rating of 11,001 or greater as designated by 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1916.
Two or more vehicles physically interconnected in tandem.
A motor vehicle designed or adapted for use as a mobile dwelling or office, except a motor vehicle equipped with a truck camper.
The value specified by the manufacturer as the loaded weight of a combination.
The value specified on the federal weight certification label by the manufacturer as the loaded weight of a single vehicle.
The combined weight of a vehicle or combination of vehicles and its load, excluding the driver's weight.
A vehicle which is self-propelled except an electric personal assistive mobility device or a vehicle which is propelled solely by human power or by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails.
A bus; a Class V and greater vehicle; a dual-wheel motor home; a recreational trailer; a truck camper, all as defined in this section, and any other motor vehicle having a width greater than seven feet or a height greater than nine feet or a length greater than 30 feet.
The temporary storage of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, off the travel lanes of the roadway.
A trailer designed or adopted and used exclusively for recreational purposes.
The FP Farmland Protection District, the OR Open Space Residential District, the CR Country Residential District, the SR Suburban Residential District, the SR-1, Suburban Residential/Mobile Home District, the TC-1 Town Center/Apartment District and the portions of HC, RC, EC-1 and EC-3 that contain residential dwellings.
The halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not.
The halting, even momentarily, of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control sign or signal.
The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel, including, without limitation, the cartway, berm and shoulder thereof.
A vehicle designed to be towed by a motor vehicle.
A motor vehicle designed primarily for the transportation of property. The term includes motor vehicles designed with seats that may be readily removed and reinstalled if those vehicles are primarily used for the transportation of property.
A structure designed, used or maintained primarily to be loaded or affixed to a motor vehicle to provide a mobile dwelling, sleeping space, office or commercial space.
A motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load other than a part of the weight of the vehicle so drawn.
Every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices used exclusively upon rails or tracks. The term does not include a self-propelled wheelchair or an electrical mobility device operated by and designed for the exclusive use of a person with a mobility-related disability.
Editor's Note: See 55 P.S. § 695.1.1 et seq.
All traffic and parking regulations of a permanent nature shall be enacted as ordinances or as parts of ordinances or as amendments to ordinances of the Township of Forks.
The Chief of Police shall have the following powers to regulate traffic and parking temporarily and in time of emergency:
In the case of fire, flood, storm or other emergency, to establish temporary traffic and/or parking regulations.
In the case of emergency public works or public events of limited scope or duration, to restrict or prohibit traffic and/or parking in limited areas for periods of not more than 72 hours.
These temporary and emergency regulations shall be enforced by the Chief of Police and the police in the same manner as permanent regulations. Any person who drives or parks a vehicle in violation of any such regulation or who shall move, remove, destroy, injure or deface any sign or marking erected, posted or made to give notice of any such regulation shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to the penalty set forth in the law or elsewhere in this chapter for a violation of such nature.
The Board of Supervisors may, from time to time, designate places upon and along the streets in the Township where, for a period of not more than 90 days, specific traffic and/or parking regulations, prohibitions and restrictions shall be in force and effect and shall designate those locations by proper signs and markings. Such regulations, prohibitions and restrictions shall be effective just as if they had been specified in this chapter. No person shall drive or park a vehicle in violation of any such regulation, prohibition or restriction, and no person shall move, remove, destroy or deface any sign or marking erected, posted or made by authority of this section. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be liable to the penalty set out in the law or elsewhere in this chapter for a violation of such nature.
The purpose of this section is to allow for test and experimental determination of the feasibility and desirability of permanent changes in the ordinances of the Township relative to traffic and parking.
The Board of Supervisors shall have authority to close any street or specific part of a street to vehicular traffic and to place barriers or station police officers at each end of the closed portion, while construction or maintenance work is under way or a special event is being conducted on the closed portion. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle upon any such closed portion.
The Board of Supervisors shall have authority to establish a restricted traffic area upon any street where construction or maintenance work is under way and to station flagmen at each end of the restricted portion. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle upon any such restricted traffic area at any time when the flagman is displaying a sign directing that vehicle to stop or is signaling that vehicle, by a flag or other device, not to proceed.
The police shall have authority to direct traffic on the streets in the Township, at intersections in public and in other places where the Vehicle Code or this chapter applies.