Wherever a space is marked off on any street for the parking of an individual vehicle, every vehicle parked there shall be parked wholly within the lines bounding that space, and it shall be a violation of this article for any person to park a vehicle or allow it to remain parked otherwise.
No person shall park a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts thereof described in Schedule XIII (§ 195-65), attached to and made a part of this chapter, except at the angle designated and only within the painted stall lines. On all streets or portions thereof where angle parking is now or shall hereafter be authorized, all vehicles parked thereon shall be parked with the front thereof nearest the curb.
No person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets or parts thereof described in Schedule XIV (§ 195-66), attached to and made a part of this chapter.
No person shall park a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XV (§ 195-67), attached to and made a part of this chapter, during the hours specified in said schedule, on any day except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
No person shall park a vehicle or allow the same to remain parked upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XVI (§ 195-68), attached to and made a part of this chapter, between the hours specified, for longer than the time indicated in said schedule.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle or to allow the same to remain parked in any special purpose parking zone established in Schedule XVII (§ 195-69), attached to and made a part of this chapter, except as specifically provided for such zone.
Any person who violates any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $15 and costs; provided, however, that it shall be the duty of the police officers and of parking enforcement personnel of the Township to report to the Chief of Police all violations of any provision of this article, indicating, in each case, the section violated, the license number of the vehicle involved in the violation, the location where the violation took place and any other facts that might be necessary in order to secure a clear understanding of the circumstances attending the violation. The police officer or other person making the report shall also attach to or place upon every such vehicle a notice stating that the vehicle was parked in violation of this article. The notice shall contain instructions to the owner or driver of the vehicle that if he will report to the office of the Chief of Police and pay the sum of $15/$50 within seven days after the time of the notice, or if he will place the sum of $15/$50, enclosed within the envelope provided, in any of the special parking fine boxes installed at various locations within the Township, that act will save the violator from prosecution and from payment of the fine and costs prescribed in the first sentence of this section.
Storage of motor vehicles on streets and alleys prohibited. No vehicle shall be stored upon any street or alley in Forks Township. As used herein, "stored" shall mean the parking of a motor vehicle in one place upon a street or alley continuously for over 30 days.
[Amended 5-19-2016 by Ord. No. 341]
Parking for certain purposes prohibited. No person shall park a motor vehicle upon any street or alley in Forks Township for any of the following purposes:
Displaying the same for sale.
Greasing or repairing.
Parking under certain conditions prohibited.
No person shall park a motor vehicle on any street, alley or on private property where the same is in public view, which vehicle:
Does not display a current license plate;
Does not display a current inspection sticker;
Is not in operating condition; or
Is a junk vehicle.
The provisions of Subsection C(1)(a) shall not apply to new and used car dealers who shall park or display new or used motor vehicles on private land zoned for this purpose.
Violations and penalties.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon summary conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $100 and costs of prosecution, and in default of payment thereof, shall undergo imprisonment in the Northampton County Prison for not more than five days.
Any person who shall violate any provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, pay a fine of not less than $15 and not more than $25, plus costs, and said fine shall be paid over to the Township Treasury.
At the request of any handicapped person or severely disabled veteran, and upon action by resolution of the Board of Supervisors, Township officials shall erect on the highway as close as possible to the handicapped person's place of residence a sign or signs indicating that that place is reserved for the handicapped person or severely disabled person, that no parking is allowed there by others, and that any unauthorized parking there shall be subject to a fine.
Except for persons parking vehicles lawfully bearing a handicapped or severely disabled veteran registration plate or displaying a handicapped or severely disabled veteran parking placard when such vehicles are being operated by or for the transportation of a handicapped person or a severely disabled veteran, no person shall park a vehicle on public or private property reserved for a handicapped person or severely disabled veteran, which property has been so posted.
Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, pay a fine of not less than $50 and not greater than $200, plus costs, and said fine shall be paid over to the Township Treasury.
[Added 1-17-2019 by Ord. No. 358]
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand, or park an oversized vehicle on any street in or abutting a residential zoning district; provided, nevertheless, that this section shall not prohibit the stopping, standing or parking of:
Emergency or authorized vehicles as defined in 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 102;
Vehicles engaged momentarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading property or passengers; and
Vehicles of service companies, contractors, repairman, delivery trucks or others actually engaged in working operations between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. where the vehicle is stopped, standing, or parked adjacent to the property at which the operations are being conducted.
Each day that the violation continues shall be a separate violation subject to § 195-52.
Editor's Note: The following sections were repealed 5-19-2016 by Ord. No. 341: § 195-28, Restricted parking areas; § 195-29, Designated times and dates for restricted areas; § 195-30, Permit exemption; § 195-31, Permit issuance; § 195-32, Permit application and duration; § 195-33, Permit display; § 195-34, Permit fees; § 195-35, Temporary passes; § 195-36, Permit revocation; § 195-37, Loss of exemption; § 195-38, No-parking signs, § 195-39, Violations and penalties; and § 195-40, Parking space not guaranteed by permit.