Editor's Note: Former Art. III, Planning and Economic Development Department, was repealed 9-6-2022 by Ord. No. 7857. This ordinance also redesignated former Articles IV and V as Articles III and IV, respectively.
The Director shall be the administrative head of the Public Safety Division and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by any ordinance of the City or by the City Manager.
The Director shall have control over all employees of the Division, subject to the authority and control of the City Manager.
Editor's Note: Former § 2.54, establishing the Public Safety Division, which immediately preceded this section, was deleted 2-20-2007 by Ord. No. 6161.
Establishment. There is hereby created the Police Department for the City of Crystal Lake. It shall consist of the Chief of Police and such other officers of such rank as may be provided for by the City Council in the annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance of the City. All police officers shall be subject to rules established by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the City, the personnel policy of the City, any rules and regulations adopted by ordinance of the City, orders of the Chief of Police or designated representative, or orders of the City Manager. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chief of Police, the City Manager shall designate a qualified replacement.
[Amended 2-20-2007 by Ord. No. 6161]
Duties of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall have the following duties:
The Chief of Police shall be the chief executive officer of the Police Department of the City of Crystal Lake. He/She shall see to the enforcement of all laws of the State of Illinois and the City of Crystal Lake, as well as the enforcement of all orders, rules and regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. The Chief shall devote his/her whole time to the duties of the position.
The Chief of Police shall be in charge of and exercise control over all officers and employees of the Police Department, subject to the authority of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners and the City Manager.
The Chief shall have charge and custody of all property of the Police Department, including but not limited to alarm systems and other communication systems used or required for the operation of the Police Department.
The Chief shall have charge and custody of all evidence relating to pending cases, and all lost, abandoned or stolen property recovered in the City.
The Chief shall be the keeper of the City jail and custodian of all persons confined therein.
The Chief of Police shall keep or cause to be kept a record of all arrests made in conformity with the best possible police record system. The Chief shall also keep records of all traffic violations or accidents and other accidents resulting in loss, damage or injury to persons or property and shall supervise traffic control devices.
The Chief shall give notice to the City Manager of all damage to City property coming to the attention of the Police Department, together with a complete report relating thereto.
The Chief shall notify the City Manager and City Attorney of the violation of City ordinances and of the filing of all complaints for warrants relating to the violation of City ordinances insofar as the knowledge of the filing of such complaint is had by the Police Department.
The Chief shall ensure the preservation of peace and order at elections and provide adequate police protection at every public assembly in the City of Crystal Lake.
The Chief shall make an annual report to the City Manager showing the work carried on by the Department during the preceding year in such detail as maybe required by the City Manager, together with suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of police service.
The Chief of Police may, subject to the approval of the City Manager, establish reasonable rules and regulations relating to routine work of the Department consistent with the ordinances of the City of Crystal Lake and the rules and regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. Willful neglect on the part of any member of the Police Department to comply with such rules and regulations shall be deemed to be a disobedience of lawful orders of the Chief of Police.
Duties of supervisory personnel. Supervisory personnel shall have the following duties:
Supervisory personnel shall perform such leadership and supervisory duties or functions as may be assigned by the Chief of Police or by the City Manager.
It shall be the duty of all supervisory personnel to adhere to such rules and regulations as may from time to time be established by the Chief of Police with the approval of the City Manager, or by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
Duties of patrol officers. Patrol officers shall have the following duties:
Patrol officers shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the Chief of Police, a superior officer, or by the City Manager.
It shall be the duty of all patrol officers to adhere to such rules and regulations as may from time to time be established by the Chief of Police with the approval of the City Manager, or by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
Duties of other departmental personnel.
Other departmental personnel shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the Chief of Police or by the City Manager.
It shall be the duty of all departmental personnel to adhere to such rules and regulations as may from time to time be established by the Chief of Police with the approval of the City Manager.[1]
[Amended 2-20-2007 by Ord. No. 6161]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection 2.55-6, General Requirements of Police Department Members, which immediately followed this subsection, was deleted 2-20-2007 by Ord. No. 6161.
Arrests and inspection. Every sworn member of the Police Department is hereby declared to be a conservator of the peace with powers to make arrests. Every member shall arrest without warrant any person detected or seen by them in the commission of felonies, misdemeanors, or violations of City ordinances, and any persons whom they have reason to believe are guilty of a felony or who are escaping from lawful arrest or confinement. Members of the Police Department shall have power to serve civil and criminal warrants, writs and process, pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Compiled Statutes. No member of the Police Department shall serve process unless there has been furnished to him/her sufficient evidence to determine that such process is valid.
Impersonating an officer. It shall be unlawful for any person to impersonate or pretend to be a police officer or member of the Police Department unless such person is lawfully authorized to do so.
Witness fees. Every member of the Police Department shall appear as a witness whenever it is necessary in a prosecution for violation of any ordinance of the City, or any state or federal law. No such member shall retain any witness fee for service as a witness in any suit to which the City is a party. Any fees paid for such services shall be turned over to the Chief of Police, who shall deposit the same with the Director of Finance.
Offenses. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or assist in the escape of any person lawfully in the custody of the Police Department or any member of the Police Department, or to obstruct or hinder any member of the Police Department in the performance of duties, or to give false information for the purpose of obstructing or delaying such member of the Police Department in the performance of duties, or to give or make a false official report. No member of the Department shall recommend counsel to any person or assist any prisoner in securing counsel. It shall be unlawful for any person to retain in his/her possession any property of the Police Department after demand for surrender of such property has been made by the Chief of Police. It shall be unlawful for any person to be guilty of any fraud, aiding in an escape, extortion, oppression, or unlawful wrong or injustice, or to conspire with any persons to commit an act in violation of the ordinances of the City of Crystal Lake or the laws of the State of Illinois.
Establishment. There is hereby established a position of community service officers. The number of community service officers shall be as the Mayor and City Council determine and provide for in the annual budget and appropriation ordinance of the City. Compensation of community service officers shall be as determined by the Salary Ordinance of the City to the extent provided for by the Mayor and City Council in the annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance of the City.
Appointment. Community service officers shall be appointed by the City Manager or designated representative.
Duties of the community service officers. The community service officers shall have the duty and authority to enforce those ordinances of the City of Crystal Lake designated for enforcement by the City Manager.
Issuance of complaints. The community service officers shall have the authority to issue a notice to appear to any person in violation of the ordinances of the City of Crystal Lake which the community service officers shall have the authority to enforce. The notice shall be in the form approved by the Chief of Police of the City of Crystal Lake and the 19th Judicial Circuit for McHenry County, Illinois.
Issuances of summons. Subsection D shall not prohibit any person, including community service officers from requesting the issuance of a sworn complaint or notice to appear and warrant for violations of the ordinances of the City of Crystal Lake in accordance with the provisions of Title II, Article 107 of the Illinois Criminal Law and Procedure Act (725 ILCS 5/107-1 et seq.).
Establishment. There is hereby created the Fire Rescue Department for the City of Crystal Lake. It shall consist of the Fire Chief, and such other members of such rank as may be provided for by the City Council in the annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance of the City. All members of the Fire Rescue Department, including the Fire Chief, shall be subject to the personnel policy of the City, any rules and regulations adopted by ordinance of the City, orders of the Fire Chief, or designated representative, or orders of the City Manager. As applicable, full-time members shall be further subject to rules and regulations established by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. The Fire Chief shall be appointed by the City Manager, and in the event of a vacancy in the office of Fire Chief, the City Manager shall designate a qualified replacement.
Duties of the Fire Chief. The Fire Chief shall have the following duties:
The Fire Chief shall be the chief executive officer of the Fire Rescue Department of the City of Crystal Lake and shall be responsible for the implementation and enforcement of all orders, rules, ordinances and statutes relating to the prevention and extinguishment of fires in the City and shall also be the enforcement officer for the Fire Code.
[Amended 8-21-2007 by Ord. No. 6245]
The Fire Chief shall be in charge of and exercise control over all members and employees of the Fire Rescue Department, subject to the authority of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners and the City Manager.
The Fire Chief shall have control over all fire equipment belonging to the City subject to the direction and control of the City Manager. It shall also be the duty of the Chief to keep such fire equipment in proper repair at all times.
The Fire Chief shall be in command at the scene of all fires, provided that in his/her absence, the officer of the highest rank at the scene shall take command of the fire. The officer in command at any fire shall have authority to order the removal or destruction of any building or any part thereof, as may be necessary for the protection of life or property.
The Fire Chief shall investigate the causes of all fires occurring within the City. A written report of each fire, its cause, consequences and extent of damage shall be made to the City Manager. Any unusual circumstances surrounding any fire shall be reported to the City Manager within 24 hours.
The Fire Chief shall keep or cause to be kept records of all meetings and members in attendance, all fires and members in attendance, and records of all other activities of the Department. The Fire Chief shall make all Department records available for audit at the direction of the Mayor and City Council or the City Manager.
Emergency ambulance service.
There is hereby created and established an Emergency Ambulance Service for the City, which shall be under the direction of the Fire Chief. The Fire Chief shall have control, subject to the order and direction of the City Manager, of the Emergency Ambulance Service and all Emergency Ambulance Service equipment belonging to the City.
The Mayor and City Council shall decide the total number of members of the Emergency Ambulance Service.
The Fire Chief shall keep, or cause to be kept, a record of all Emergency Ambulance Service calls and a record of all activities of the Emergency Ambulance Service, and shall furnish such reports as are requested by the City Manager. The Mayor and City Council shall establish a per-call rate for emergency ambulance service.
There is hereby established a charge for the services of the Crystal Lake Emergency Ambulance Services as set forth in this section. The City Manager is authorized to amend the fee for Ambulance Transport Services accordingly when the applicable Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) rate is updated by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS). The fees would be assessed based upon the table below:
[Amended 2-5-2008 by Ord. No. 6322; 4-15-2014 by Ord. No. 7021; 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 8024[1]]
Emergency Ambulance Service Provided
Ambulance transport services
Rate shall be based upon the most recent Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) rate as determined by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) based upon level of service available
Non-transport residents
Non-transport nonresidents
Mileage (per loaded mile)
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided an effective date of 5-1-2024.
[Added 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 8024[2]]
Residents. To the extent that a resident of the City of Crystal Lake is covered for the fees established in § 33-13C(4) by applicable private health insurance, or federal health care programs, including, but not limited to, Medicare and Medicaid, or any other third-party payors; any and all payments made by the aforesaid third parties on behalf of the residents will be accepted by the City and the resident will have no obligation to make any additional payments, provided that: 1) amounts due from such third-party payors have been paid directly to the City; or 2) if such third-party payments have been made directly to the resident, the amounts received have been remitted by the resident to the City. Medicare payment assignment rules will be honored and followed.
Nonresidents. Nonresidents of the City of Crystal Lake shall be liable and responsible for full payment of the fees established in § 33-13C(4) subject only to such restrictions as may be applicable to balance billing under federal or state law in effect at the time of billing. Medicare payment assignment rules will be honored and followed.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided an effective date of 5-1-2024, and also redesignated former Subsection C(5) as Subsection C(6).
The Fire Chief of the City of Crystal Lake Fire Rescue Department, or his designee, is hereby authorized to waive any or all fees due from a person, business, or other entity under § 33-13C(4) pursuant to either administration regulation or on a case-by-case basis. Individual consideration may be given where a person presents in good faith, a financial hardship or inability to pay.
[Added 4-21-2015 by Ord. No. 7121; amended 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 8024]
Duties of fire fighter paramedics. Fire fighter paramedics shall have the following duties:
Fire fighter paramedics shall have such duties in the prevention and extinguishment of fires as may be assigned to them by any ordinance of the City, or by the City Manager or the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
It shall be the duty of all fire fighter paramedics to adhere to such rules and regulations as may from time to time be established by the Fire Chief with the approval of the City Manager. Full-time fire fighter paramedics shall also have the duty to adhere to rules and regulations established by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
Membership. The Fire Rescue Department shall consist of so many members as shall be approved by the Mayor and City Council.
Organization of part-time members. Part-time members of the Fire Rescue Department may form an organization among themselves; provided however, that such organization must be officially recognized by the Mayor and City Council. Such organization may hold such meetings and engage in social activities, approved by the Mayor and City Council. No member shall be elected, appointed or accepted into the organization unless they are accepted and approved as a part-time fire fighter paramedic by the Fire Chief.
It shall be unlawful for any person to use any fire engine, hose, cart, or any other fire equipment belonging to the City for any private purpose other than the extinguishment of fires, or to remove such equipment from its place of deposit without proper authority.
It shall be unlawful to willfully or negligently break, deface, or in any manner injure any fire engine, hose equipment, or other fire apparatus belonging to the City, or to remove any screw, bolt, nut, or any part of any such engine or other fire apparatus, or in any manner interfere with the same when being used by members of the Fire Rescue Department or other designated authority.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to enter any Fire Rescue Department house or any place where the equipment and apparatus of the Fire Rescue Department is stored at any time, except on business pertaining to the Fire Rescue Department or other City business.
Arrests. It shall be the duty of each member of the Fire Rescue Department to arrest on view any person found committing any of the offenses listed in Subsection G above, or any person who shall hinder, resist or refuse to obey any such member of the Department in the discharge of duty. To the extent necessary to enable such arrest, all members of the Fire Rescue Department are hereby vested with the usual power and authority of police officers.
Enforcement of the Crystal Lake Rural Fire Protection District Fire Code.
[Added 12-1-2009 by Ord. No. 6521]
The Crystal Lake Rural Fire Protection District, a fire protection district encompassing an area immediately outside the corporate boundaries of the City of Crystal Lake for which the City provides fire rescue services through a paid contractual agreement, has adopted Chapter 251, Fire Code, of the Crystal Lake City Code and those provisions of Chapters 154, Alarms, 187, Building Code, 192, Buildings, Numbering of, 230, Electrical Code, 264, Fuel Gas Code, 302, Housing Code, 336, Mechanical Code, and 392, Plumbing Code, that are relevant and supplementary to Chapter 251 and fire safety, including any amendments. For the purposes of this Subsection I, said codes shall be referred to as the "Fire Code." The members of the Crystal Lake Fire Rescue Department shall have authority to enforce the Fire Code for the Crystal Lake Rural Fire Protection District.
Persons who shall violate a provision of the adopted Fire Code of the Crystal Lake Rural Fire Protection District or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter, repair or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the Fire Code Official, or of a permit or certificate used under provisions of this code, shall be fined in accordance with the Fire Code violations of Chapter 248, Fines, of the Crystal Lake City Code. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense.
Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop-work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be subject to penalties by a fine in accordance with the continuance of work after issuance of stop-work order for Fire Code violations of Chapter 248, Fines, of the Crystal Lake City Code. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense.
In addition to any other means authorized by law, the City may enforce this subsection by instituting an auction under Chapter 3, Administrative Adjudication, of the Crystal Lake City Code.
Editor's Note: Former § 33-17 (now § 33-14), Health Department, was repealed 9-15-2020 by Ord. No. 7653.
There is hereby created the Crystal Lake Emergency Service and Disaster Agency to prevent, minimize, repair, and alleviate injury or damage resulting from disaster caused by enemy attack, sabotage, or other hostile action, or from natural or man-made disaster, in accordance with 20 ILCS 3305/1 et seq.
This emergency service and disaster agency shall consist of the Coordinator and such additional members as may be selected by the Coordinator.
Coordinator. The Coordinator of the City Emergency Service and Disaster Agency shall be appointed by the City Manager and shall serve until removed by same.
The Coordinator shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration, training, and operation of the City Emergency Service and Disaster Agency, subject to the direction and control of the City Manager as provided by statute.
In the event of the absence, resignation, death or inability to serve as the Coordinator, the City Manager or any person designated by him/her, shall be and act as Coordinator until a new appointment is made as provided in this article.
Functions. The City Emergency Service and Disaster Agency shall perform such Emergency Service and Disaster Agency functions within the City as shall be prescribed in and by the State Emergency Service and Disaster Agency Plan and Program prepared by the Governor, and such orders, rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the Governor; provided, however, that any orders or directives of the Mayor (or the Mayor's designee) issued pursuant to § 33-15 of the City Code relating to the governmental operations of the City itself shall control over any contrary orders or directives called for in the State Emergency Service and Disaster Agency Plan and program. In addition, the City Emergency Service and Disaster Agency shall perform such duties outside the corporate limits as may be required pursuant to any mutual aid agreement with any other political subdivision, municipality, or quasi-municipality entered into as provided in 20 ILCS 3305/1 et seq.
[Amended 3-17-2020 by Ord. No. 7618]
Service as mobile support team. All or any members of the City Emergency Service and Disaster Agency organization may be designated as members of a Mobile Support Team created by the Emergency Management Agency Director, as provided by law.
The leader of such Mobile Support Team shall be designated by the Coordinator of the City Emergency Service and Disaster Agency organization.
Any member of a Mobile Support Team who is a City employee or officer while serving on call to duty by the Governor, or the State Director, shall receive the compensation and have the powers, duties, rights, and immunities incident to such employment or office.
Any such member who is not a paid officer or employee of the City, while so serving, shall receive from the state reasonable compensation as provided by law.
Agreements with other political subdivisions. The Coordinator of Emergency Service and Disaster Agency may negotiate mutual aid agreements with other cities or political subdivisions of the state, but no such agreement shall be effective until it has been approved by the Mayor and City Council and by the State Emergency Management Agency Director.
Emergency action. If the Governor proclaims that a disaster emergency exists in the event of actual enemy attack upon the United States or the occurrence within the State of Illinois of a major disaster resulting from enemy sabotage or other hostile action, or from man-made or natural disaster, it shall be the duty of the City Emergency Service and Disaster Agency to cooperate fully with the State Emergency Management Agency and with the Governor in the exercise of emergency powers as provided by law.
Compensation. Members of the Emergency Service and Disaster Agency who are paid employees or officers of the City, if called for training by the State Emergency Management Agency Director, shall receive for the time spent in such training the same rate of pay as is attached to the position held; members who are not such City employees or officers shall receive for such training time such compensation as may be established by the Mayor and City Council.
Reimbursement by state. The State Treasurer may receive and allocate to the appropriate fund, any reimbursement by the state to the City for expenses incident to training members of the Emergency Service and Disaster Agency as prescribed by the State Emergency Management Agency Director, compensation for services and expenses of members of a Mobile Support Team while serving outside the City in response to a call by the Governor or State Emergency Management Agency Director, as provided by law, and any other reimbursement made by the state incident to Emergency Service and Disaster Agency activities as provided by law.
Purchases and expenditures.
The Mayor and City Council may, on recommendation of the City Coordinator of Emergency Service and Disaster Agency, authorize any purchase of contracts necessary to place the City in a position to combat effectively any disaster resulting from the explosion of any nuclear or other bomb or missile, and to protect the public health and safety, protect property, and provide emergency assistance to victims in the case of such disaster, or from man-made or natural disaster.
In the event of enemy caused or other disaster, the City Coordinator of Emergency Service and Disaster Agency is authorized, on behalf of the City, to procure such services, supplies, equipment or material as may be necessary for such purposes, in view of the exigency without regard to the statutory procedures or formalities normally prescribed by law pertaining to City contracts or obligations, as authorized by 20 ILCS 3305/1 et seq., provided that if the Mayor and City Council meets at such time they shall act subject to the directions and restrictions imposed by that body.
Oath. Every person appointed to serve in any capacity in the City Emergency Service and Disaster Agency organization shall, before entering upon his/her duties, subscribe to the following oath, which shall be filed with the coordinator:
"I, ______________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the territory, institutions, and facilities thereof, both public and private, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I nor have I been a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this state by force or violence; and that during such time as I am affiliated with the City Emergency Service and Disaster Agency organization, I will not advocate nor become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this state by force or violence."
Office. The City Manager is authorized to designate space in a City building or elsewhere, as may be provided for by the City Manager for the City Emergency Service and Disaster Agency as its office.
Appropriation; levy of taxes. The Mayor and City Council may make an appropriation for Emergency Service and Disaster Agency purposes in the manner provided by law, and may levy, in addition for Emergency Service and Disaster Agency purposes only, a tax not to exceed $0.05 per $100 of the assessed value of all taxable property in addition to all other taxes, as provided by 20 ILCS 3305/1 et seq.; however, that amount collectable under such levy shall in no event exceed $0.25 per capita.
Declaration of emergency. A local disaster emergency may be declared only by the Mayor. It shall not be continued or renewed for a period in excess of seven days except by or with the consent of the City Council. Any order or proclamation shall be given prompt and general publicity and shall be filed promptly with the City Clerk.