[Amended 4-19-2016 by Ord. No. 7213; 9-6-2022 by Ord. No. 7857]
There is hereby created the Department of Public Works and Engineering for the City of Crystal Lake. It shall consist of the Director of Public Works and Engineering and such administrative assistants and other employees with such titles as may be appointed by the City Manager or provided for in the annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance of the City. The Director shall have control over all employees of the Department of Public Works and Engineering, subject to the authority and control of the City Manager. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Director of Public Works and Engineering, the City Manager shall serve as ex officio head of the Department of Public Works and Engineering until the position is filled by a separate appointment by the City Manager. Wherever referenced in this Code, the Department of Public Works shall mean the Department of Public Works and Engineering, and the Director of Public Works shall mean the Director of Public Works and Engineering.
The Director of Public Works and Engineering shall have the following duties:
The Director of Public Works and Engineering shall have control and supervision over all public property of the City not otherwise provided for by ordinance of the City or the Illinois Compiled Statutes, including, but not limited to, all streets, parks, parkways, sidewalks and municipal buildings. The Director of Public Works and Engineering shall also have direct supervision and control over all buildings, equipment and supplies involved in the treatment and production of water, sewage treatment and the treatment of stormwater.
The Director of Public Works and Engineering shall have charge of and be responsible for the care and maintenance of the City storm sewer system and all City streets, sidewalks, rights-of-way and all other public improvements.
All construction, repair, or extension of any pavement, sewer or water main, or any appurtenances thereto, and all other construction, repair or maintenance work conducted by the City shall be done by or under the control and supervision of the Director of Public Works and Engineering, unless that control is specifically delegated to another department by any ordinance of the City, or by the specific direction of the City Manager.
The Director of Public Works and Engineering or designated administrative assistant shall have charge of and be responsible for the condition of all motor vehicles, trucks and other equipment of the City, and of all buildings or places in which the same are housed or kept, with the exception of those vehicles, equipment or buildings specifically placed under the authority of another department by any ordinance of the City.
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works and Engineering to assist the City Manager in the preparation of all applications for grants for the extension, repair or remodeling of existing facilities or the construction of new facilities. The Director of Public Works and Engineering shall also assist the City Manager in the preparation of plans and specifications for the development and construction of new water treatment plants, sanitary sewer plants, stormwater treatment facilities and all appurtenances thereto.
The Director of Public Works and Engineering shall assist the Director of Pollution Control in the enforcement of all applicable ordinances of the City and statutes of the State of Illinois pertaining to pollution control.
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works and Engineering to maintain the City water supply in accordance with ordinances of the City and the Illinois Compiled Statutes.
The Director of Public Works and Engineering, or designee, shall be responsible to study, investigate, counsel, and develop and/or update annually, and administer a plan for care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of trees and shrubs from public areas and along public streets.
Establishment. There is hereby created the Engineering Division of the Public Works and Engineering Department. It shall consist of the City Engineer, Capital Engineering Manager, and such other professional and technical employees as may be provided for by the City Council in the annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance of the City.
General duties. Under the supervision of the Director of Public Works and Engineering or his/her designated representative, the Engineering Division shall have the following duties:
Shall have charge of and supervision over the making of all surveys, plans, maps and investigations regarding City facilities until specific direction to the contrary is made by the City Manager.
Shall exercise approval authority over engineering plans or all public and private improvements in the City, and shall make all inspections needed for that purpose.
Shall issue all permits required by ordinance of the City to be issued by the City Engineer.
Shall perform all other engineering services required of the City, as well as such other duties as may be prescribed by any ordinance of the City, by the Director of Public Works and Engineering or by the City Manager.