[Adopted 12-4-1986 by Ord. No. 961-86; amended in its entirety 2-12-2008 by Ord. No. 1748-08]
In the event that an official of the City of Passaic shall determine that any auto body repair facility defined in this article has not obtained a license for the current period of licensure from the City of Passaic, the Police Department is hereby empowered to close down such operation. No such closure shall occur prior to a hearing being held before an Administrative Board, to consist of three persons: the City Clerk, one head of a department, to be designated by the Business Administrator, and the Business Administrator. Prior to such hearing, the affected person(s) and/or firms shall receive notice of said hearing and shall have an opportunity to present a defense. The penalty herein shall be in addition to any penalty which may be otherwise imposed under this article.