As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings
All activity attendant to staging or shooting motion pictures, television
shows or programs, commercial still photography, videotapes, computer-based
programs or other visual reproduction technology now known or hereafter created.
The period of filming includes the set-up, strike and time of photography.
However, the provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to include the
filming of news stories by recognized news gathering programs and organizations.
The Director of Community Development shall be designated the film
permit coordinator and shall approve or deny permits for filming on public
lands within the City of Passaic.
Any and all property that is not a public street, highway, sidewalk,
square, public park or playground or any other public place within the City
of Passaic, but rather is owned by or assessed to a private person or entity.
Any and every public street, highway, sidewalk, square, public park
or playground or any other public place within the City which is within the
jurisdiction and control of the City of Passaic.
The schedule of fees for the issuance of permits authorized by this
chapter is as follows:
A. Basic filming permit: $50.
B. Additional daily filming charge for use of public buildings,
public parks or other public facilities:
(1) For filming of eight or more hours of use: $1,000 per
(2) For filming of less than eight hours of use: $500 per
C. There shall be no charge for filming by a nonprofit organization,
which qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) as a charitable organization or is an accredited educational institution,
and for which no person, directly or indirectly, shall receive a profit from
the marketing and production of the film or from showing the films, tapes
or photos.
D. There shall be no charge for filming exclusively on private
Any person violating this chapter, upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by a fine not exceeding $1,250 per offense or by imprisonment in
the county jail for a term not exceeding 90 days. A separate offense shall
be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.