[Adopted 2-20-1986 as Ord. No. 909-86[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Article III, Time Limit for Applications, adopted 9-12-1985 as Ord. No. 872-85.
All applications required by City ordinance or resolution to be filed with any agency of the City of Passaic shall be filed with such agency not later than 30 days prior to the commencement of the new term for which such license commences.
In the event that an applicant fails to meet the deadline for filing set forth in Subsection A hereof and such delay precludes any necessary agency of the City of Passaic from taking action or investigating such application, such applicant may be denied the right to operate under such license for the number of days by which the applicant failed to meet the deadline set forth in Subsection A hereof.