As used in this chapter, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
The Health Officer of the City or any of his duly authorized
A public notice posted by the Health Officer at the public
entrance of a premises wherein a poultry market is operated and that
results in the immediate closure of the establishment and the discontinuance
of all operations, by order of the Health Officer, because of violations
of applicable federal, state, and local regulations, orders, embargos,
or quarantines.
Refuse, trash, wastes, and butchered animal parts, including
those which are not considered edible.
The individual present at a poultry market who is responsible
for the operation at the time of inspection.
Any domesticated bird (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, or
guineas) and any migratory waterfowl, game bird, or squab such as
pheasant, partridge, quail, grouse, or guineas. The term includes
any such animals, whether live or slaughtered, and excludes ratites.
A food establishment occupied or used for the slaughtering,
dressing, or eviscerating of live poultry to be offered for wholesale
or retail use, either for profit or not for profit, or any establishment
engaged in the business of selling or distributing live poultry, or
any place wherein a similar operation is conducted, including all
detached buildings or rooms under the control of the operator of such
establishment and used in any capacity in connection with the operation
of such establishment.
The poultry market's physical facility, its contents, and
the contiguous land or property under the control of the licensee.
A flightless bird such as an emu, ostrich, or rhea.
The Division of Health shall not issue licenses
to operate poultry markets to any more than three premises in the
City of Passaic.
[Amended 11-10-2011 by Ord. No. 1876-11]
The following license fees shall be made payable
to the City of Passaic Division of Health:
A. License to operate a poultry market and annual renewal
thereof: $250.
B. Duplicate license fee: $35.
C. Initial and revised floor plan and specification reviews:
D. Late fee for licenses renewed after January 15 following
expiration of a license to operate a poultry market: $50.
All equipment used for slaughtering, dressing,
eviscerating, and similar butchering shall be kept in good repair,
clean, free from dust, excessive residue, insects, or any other contaminating
material. Equipment shall be washed, rinsed, and sanitized in accordance
with a schedule and in a manner approved by the Division of Health.
Openings to the outside shall be properly screened,
closed, or sealed so as to prevent the entry of vermin. All parts
of the premises shall be maintained free of vermin.
The general penalty provisions of the Code of
the City of Passaic shall govern violations of this chapter.