The City of Passaic, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.150
et seq., herewith adopts the environmental opportunity zone tax exemption
program and may provide an appropriate graduated property tax exemption
for approved applicants who intend to remediate contaminated property
and return it to productive use in accordance with the terms and conditions
of this article.
Where used in this article, the following terms
shall be defined as indicated:
Any discharged hazardous substance as defined pursuant to
Section 3 of P.L. 1976, c. 141 (N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11b), hazardous
waste as defined pursuant to Section 1 of P.L. 1976, c. 99 (N.J.S.A.
13:1E-38), or pollutant as defined pursuant to Section 3 of P.L. 1977,
c. 74 (N.J.S.A. 58:10A-3).
Any parcel of real property that is now vacant or underutilized
and which is in need of remediation due to a discharged or threatened
discharge of a contaminant.
All necessary action to investigate and clean up or respond
to any known, suspected or threatened discharge of contaminants, including,
as necessary, the preliminary assessment, site investigation, remedial
investigation and remedial action.
The cost associated with the implementation of a remediation,
including all direct and indirect legal, administrative and capital
costs, engineering costs and annual operation, maintenance and monitoring
The Municipal Tax Assessor appointed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter
9 of Title 40A of the New Jersey Statutes.
The assessed value of the qualified real property designated
as an environmental opportunity zone as determined by the Assessor
at the time the tax exemption is approved, regardless of any improvement(s)
made to the qualified real property thereafter, as if the designation
of the environmental opportunity zone had not occurred.
Any remedial action that does not require the continued use
of engineering or institutional controls in order to meet the established
health risk or environmental standards.
The following procedures shall apply to all
applications for tax exemption pursuant to this article:
A. The application for tax exemption and a form of the
suggested financial agreement shall be made available at the Tax Assessor's
B. The application shall be on a form prescribed by the
city in conformance with the form prepared by the Director of the
Division of Taxation, in the Department of Treasury of the State of
New Jersey.
C. Every application shall contain such information as
the city deems appropriate, together with all information required
by this article and the Review Committee. The Review Committee shall
be comprised of two persons appointed by the Council and one person
appointed by the Mayor for a term of one year.
D. Every application shall have attached thereto a copy
of a memorandum of agreement or administrative consent order executed
between the applicant and the New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection for the qualified real property described in the application.
E. Once completed, an original and four copies of the
application shall be submitted to the Review Committee. The Review
Committee shall determine if the application is complete and, if not,
communicate deficiencies with the applicant; assist the applicant
in preparing the financial agreement for all applications that are
deemed complete and acceptable; and provide the City Council, within
a reasonable period of time, with a copy of the completed application,
the financial agreement and its written comments and recommendations
with regard to whether it recommends or does not recommend the application.
F. If the Review Committee recommends a tax exemption
for qualified real property, it may recommend terms and conditions
in the financial agreement that are fair and reasonable to both the
city and the owner, given the equity the owner will put into the project,
the assistance he needs to complete the project and the city's need
for fair reimbursement. If the Review Committee does not recommend
the application, it shall and must set forth its reasons in writing
and provide a report to City Council. City Council may undertake an
independent evaluation of the application if it chooses to do so and
may hear from the applicant.
G. The City Council shall thereafter review each application package and may approve any application and financial agreement by resolution, to the extent it is consistent with this article, and shall amend §
275-13 of this article to specifically reference the qualified real property subject to the terms of this article.
H. An exemption that is granted shall take effect upon
the approval by the city and it shall be recorded and made a permanent
part of the city's official tax records, which records shall contain
a notice of the termination date of the exemption.
I. The applicant shall deliver a copy of the resolution
approving the exemption to the Division of Local Government Services
in the Department of Community Affairs.
The following qualified real properties are
designated as environmental opportunity zones within the City of Passaic:
Each approved exemption shall be evidenced by
a financial agreement between the city and the applicant. The financial
agreement shall be on a form to be completed by the applicant. The
form of the suggested financial agreement shall be made available
at the Tax Assessor's Office.
The following conditions must be complied with
if the tax exemption is to remain in effect:
A. The qualified real property must be remediated in
compliance with the remediation standards adopted by the Department
of Environmental Protection pursuant to P.L. 1993, c. 139 (N.J.S.A.
58:10B-1 et seq.).
B. The owner of the property must enter into a memorandum
of agreement or administrative consent order with the Department to
perform the remediation and complete the remediation pursuant to the
agreement or order.
C. Once remediated, the environmental opportunity zone
must be used for a commercial, residential or other productive purpose
as approved by the city and incorporated in the financial agreement
during the time period for which the real property tax exemption is
No exemption shall be granted pursuant to this
article with respect to any qualified real property for which property
taxes are delinquent or remain unpaid or for which penalties for nonpayment
of taxes are due.
The in-lieu payments shall be made in quarterly installments according to the same schedule as real property taxes are due and payable. Failure to make these payments shall result in the termination of the exemption. In addition to the remedy set forth herein, the payments in lieu of tax required by §
275-16 of this article shall be enforced in the same manner as is provided for in real property taxes.
The Tax Assessor or other person designated
by the city shall be responsible for administering the terms of the
financial agreement throughout the period of exemption.
With the approval of City Council, any tax exemption
approved by the city may be assigned to a subsequent owner of the
environmental opportunity zone.