All words used in this chapter in the present tense include the future tense; all words in the plural number include the singular number; and all words in the singular number include the plural number, unless the natural construction of the wording indicates otherwise. Unless otherwise specified, all distances shall be measured horizontally. The word "building" includes the word "structure"; the word "lot" includes the word "plot"; the word "used" shall be deemed also to include the words "designed, intended or arranged to be used"; the term "erected" shall be deemed also to include the words "constructed," "reconstructed," "altered" or "moved"; and the word "shall" is mandatory and not directory. The word "zone" includes the word "district"; the word "city" means the City of Passaic, in the County of Passaic, State of New Jersey. The terms "City Council," "Board of Adjustment," "Planning Board," "administrative officer" and "Zoning Officer" shall mean the respective said boards and officers of said city.
For the purpose of this Zoning Ordinance, certain words and terms used herein are defined as follows:
A residential living unit that is within or attached to a single-family or two-family dwelling, and that provides independent living facilities for one or more persons, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel of land as the principal dwelling unit it accompanies.
[Added 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2435-24]
Housing which is available to low-income (50% or less of the same-size household median income for the standard metropolitan statistical area) or to moderate-income (50% to 80% of the same-size household median income for the standard metropolitan statistical area) households for which the household pays no more than 30% of its income for housing; "housing costs" include rent or mortgage, tax and insurance payments, plus utility costs.
A person regularly engaged in the fine arts as a career and not as a hobby and is so certified by the Planning Board. An artist is committed to his or her work, has a body of work that demonstrates the development of that art and intends to pursue that work for the foreseeable future. The fine arts shall include, but not be limited to, painting, sculpture, choreography and the composition of music.
[Added 3-5-1998 by Ord. No. 1435-98]
As defined by Chapter 125, Dwelling Units, of the City Code.
[Amended 9-18-1997 by Ord. No. 1416-97]
Any land, building or part of a building, the principal use of which is the washing of motor vehicles for monetary or other valuable consideration.
The use of any building, land area or other premises for the display and sale of new or used automobiles, panel trucks or vans, trailers or recreational vehicles, and including any warranty repair work and other repair service conducted as an accessory use. Used automobile sales shall only be permitted as an accessory to a new automobile dealership.
[Added 9-17-1987 by Ord. No. 990-87]
[Repealed 9-17-1987 by Ord. No. 990-87]
A temporary or permanent roof-like cover or canopy attached to and projecting from a building as an appurtenance to the building. An awning may function as protection from weather and sunlight or be ornamental; it may be fixed or retractable.
[Added 4-15-1993 by Ord. No. 1214-93]
A story partly underground and having more than 1/2 of its clear height below the finished grade. A basement shall not be considered a story for purposes of height measurement in determining the permissible number of stories, when used solely for incidental or accessory storage or for the housing of mechanical equipment.
That property abutting on one side of a street and lying between the two nearest intersecting or intercepting streets or nearest intersecting or intercepting street and railroad right-of-way, park boundary or waterway.
Any building which contains two or more units of dwelling space arranged or intended for single-room occupancy, exclusive of any unit occupied by an owner or operator wherein personal or financial services are provided for the residents, including residential hotels or congregate living arrangements, but excluding any hotel, motel or established guest house wherein a minimum of 85% of the units of dwelling space are offered for limited tenure only, any foster home as defined in N.J.S.A. 30:4C-26.1, any community residence for the developmentally disabled as defined in N.J.S.A. 30:11B-2, any dormitory owned or operated on behalf of a nonprofit institution of primary, secondary or higher education for the use of its students, any building arranged for single-room occupancy wherein the units of dwelling space are occupied exclusively by students enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher education approved by the Department of Higher Education, any facility or living arrangement operated by or under contract with any state department or agency, upon the written authorization of the Commissioner, and any owner-occupied one-family residential dwelling made available for occupancy by not more than six guests where the primary purpose of the occupancy is to provide charitable assistance to the guests and where the owner derives no income from the occupancy. A dwelling shall be deemed "owner occupied" within the meaning hereof if it is owned or operated by a nonprofit religious or charitable association or corporation and is used as the principal residence of a minister or employee of that corporation or association.
[Added 7-7-1988 by Ord. No. 1026-88]
Any structure or edifice designed or intended for use as an enclosure, shelter, protection or support of persons, animals or property.
A subordinate building, deck or at-grade patio, the use of which is customarily incidental to that of the main building on the same lot.
[Amended 6-1-1995 by Ord. No. 1330-95]
The total of areas taken on a horizontal plane at the largest level of the principal building and all accessory buildings, exclusive of uncovered porches, terraces and steps.
A line parallel to the front lot line and removed from it by the depth of the required front yard.
A building in which is conducted the principal use of the lot on which it is situated.
As defined by Chapter 125, Dwelling Units, of the City Code.
[Added 9-18-1997 by Ord. No. 1416-97]
An organization of which at least 2/3 of its membership shall be legal residents and/or taxpayers or persons connected with or employed by taxpaying firms of the City of Passaic, which list of names shall be exhibited for inspection by the Construction Official or Zoning Officer or Police Department and which club shall possess a certified copy of the club's certificate of incorporation and bylaws and a verified list of all its members, its principal officers and directors.
Every type of vehicle used for commercial purposes, such as transportation of goods, wares, merchandise and passengers, excepting vehicles of the passenger-car type and type commonly known as "station wagons," but including trailers and construction equipment of every kind.
An open space area within or related to a site designated as a development and designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of residents and owners of the development. Common open space may contain such complementary structures and improvements as are necessary and appropriate for the use or enjoyment of residents and owners of the development.
A library, theater, exhibition or meeting rooms or other facilities designed, intended and reserved for the use of the occupants of senior housing for recreational, social, cultural or health-improvement purposes.
A use permitted in a particular zoning district only upon a showing that such use in a specified location will comply with the conditions and standards for the location or operation of such use as contained in the Zoning Ordinance and upon the issuance of an authorization therefor by the Planning Board.
An all-encompassing term that includes any type of indoor agriculture, like greenhouses, hydroponic systems, and vertical farms, where plants grow within a controlled environment to optimize horticultural practices.
[Added 12-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2370-22]
An unoccupied space on a lot other than a yard. An "outer court" is one that extends to a street line or to a front or rear yard. An "inner court" is any other "court."
The mean level of the existing curb or of the lot at the street line.
Any ballroom, hall, area or other like place used for the purpose of social dancing, regardless of whether or not a fee or charge is made, either upon entering the premises or per dance. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply to the premises of a bona fide public or parochial school, hotel, restaurant, tavern, civic center, religious, charitable, fraternal or veterans organization wherein dancing is conducted.
See "residential density."
A vehicle in, upon or by which a person or property may be transported, which is in such state or condition that it is incapable or unlawful of being operated under its own power on the streets or highways.
In the following list, each district shall be deemed to be more restricted than the symbols for which succeed it and less restricted than the districts the symbols for which precede it: R-1, R-2, R-1A, R-3, PD, O-R, C-R, C, M-1 and M-2. Individual uses shall be deemed to be more restricted or less restricted in accordance with their classification in the foregoing list of districts.
A facility wherein means are provided for the transacting of banking business from the vehicle of a customer.
A facility where a patron(s) may be served food and drink by an attendant while remaining in the vehicle or a patron(s) may obtain food or drink on premises for consumption in the vehicle without attendant services.
All establishments of a retail or commercial nature involving a drive-in facility, including, but not limited to, drive-in banks, drive-in photo services, fast-food restaurants. This shall include all facilities wherein the recipient of a product or service receives such product or service while in a car or in which a product is prepared and supplied for consumption in the recipient's car, such service or consumption taking place upon the premises of the facility; but shall not include gas stations or car washes.
An area leading from a public or private thoroughfare into any property, used especially by automobiles and surfaced with macadam, concrete or crushed stone.
A building containing only dwelling units. The terms "dwelling," "one-family dwelling," "two-family dwelling," "multifamily dwelling" or "dwelling group" shall not be deemed to include a hotel, rooming house, motel or other accommodations used for more or less transient occupancy.
A group of two or more garden apartment or townhouse structures occupying a lot in one ownership with any two or more buildings having a court in common. Connecting two or more buildings by use of false facades, bridging or other decorative device will not remove them from the dwelling group category.
[Amended 9-17-1987 by Ord. No. 990-87]
A building or portion thereof containing three or more dwelling units.
A dwelling or portion thereof containing three or more dwelling units, consisting of four or more stories, containing one or more elevators and having as an accessory use on the same lot parking spaces in accordance with Article VII.
A building containing one dwelling unit only.
A detached building containing two dwelling units only.
A building or portion thereof having cooking and plumbing facilities for one family.
One or more persons occupying the premises and living as a bona fide single housekeeping unit, but not including a group occupying a boardinghouse, lodging house, club, fraternity, commune or hotel.
An artificially constructed barrier of any material or combination of materials erected to enclose, screen, or separate areas, whether that barrier is temporary or permanent.
[Added 9-11-2007 by Ord. No. 1735-07]
The sum of the gross areas of the several floors of a building or buildings, measured from the interior faces of the exterior walls or from the center lines of walls separating two buildings.
Existing or potential area within a building, exclusive of basements, porches, breezeways, garages or any areas immediately beneath the roof rafters in which the finished ceiling height is or will be less than six feet above the finished floor under a pitched roof or seven feet 10 inches under a flat roof.
The ratio of the aggregate area of all floors, measured at the exterior walls thereof, to the area of the lot.
An accessory building or part of a main building used only for the storage of motor vehicles as an accessory use.
A building or part thereof, other than an accessory or parking garage, used for auto body repair, welding or painting of motor vehicles.
A building or part thereof, other than an accessory or repair garage, used for the storage of passenger vehicles and which may include servicing of said vehicles as an incidental use.
A building, or part thereof, other than an accessory or parking garage, used for the care or mechanical repair of motor vehicles, but specifically excluding auto body work, welding or painting of motor vehicles.
[Amended 4-18-1985 by Ord. No. 842-85]
A group of two or more multifamily dwellings three stories or less in height, occupying a lot in one ownership, with any two or more buildings having any yard or court in common.
An area of land, including structures thereon, that is used primarily for the retail sale and direct delivery to motor vehicles of gasoline and lubricating oil and mechanical repairs, but not auto body work, welding or painting or repair work on buses or trucks of 1 1/2 tons in capacity or more.
The curb level on a level lot. Where the lot level is higher or lower than the curb level, the average level along the wall in question shall be taken as the base for measuring the height of a building, a yard or a court.
The vertical distance measured from the curb level if the building is not more than 10 feet distant from the front lot line and from the average ground level at the sides of the building in all other cases to the highest roof beam (ridge). In the case of flat roofs, to the highest point of the roof, including parapet walls.
[Amended 10-9-2007 by Ord. No. 1743-07]
A use customarily carried on in a dwelling by a member of the resident family, with no more than one nonresident employee, the occupation or profession being clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and not resulting in the change of the character thereof. There shall be no display visible to the exterior that would indicate the building is used in whole or in part for any purpose other than a dwelling and no sale or long-term storage of goods on the premises. The following shall be considered "home occupations and home professions": artist, instruction or teaching of art, music, voice, dance or sculpture; provided, however, that such instruction or teaching is limited to one student at a time; physician, surgeon, dentist, lawyer, architect, clergyman, accountant, engineer and licensed real estate and insurance broker; Uber/Uber Black/Lyft/Lyft Lux; and similar occupations and professions. The following shall not be considered customary "home occupations or home professions": beauty parlor, undertaking parlor, massage parlor, tattoo parlor, barbershop, electrolysis parlor and animal hospital or care facility. Any space within a dwelling devoted to a "home occupation" or a "home profession" shall be located in the basement or on the first floor and shall not exceed 35% of the floor area of the dwelling. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Article VII.
[Amended 12-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2373-22]
Unless otherwise specified, the term "hospital" shall be deemed to include sanitarium, sanatorium, preventorium, clinic and other place for the diagnosis, treatment or other care of ailments containing beds for four or more patients and shall be deemed to be limited to places for the diagnosis, treatment or other care of human ailments.
Any building or portion thereof containing sleeping accommodations for 15 or more persons who are not members of a family as defined in this section.
A building, structure, or location specifically designed, arranged, altered, used, and/or erected for the sole purpose of religious worship, praise, honor, devotion, and related uses thereto.
[Amended 10-9-2007 by Ord. No. 1743-07]
The practice and process of growing crops and produce in vertically stacked layers. Vertical farming uses controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) which optimizes plant growth by using soilless fanning techniques such as hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics.
[Added 12-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2370-22]
Scrap metals or other scrap materials, including used automobile parts, not specifically set forth as recyclable materials either in state statute or municipal ordinances, whichever are more restrictive. Any vehicle which is not currently registered and insured and/or which cannot be started by the turning of a key in the ignition lock shall constitute a "junk vehicle," except that one such vehicle kept in a garage owned or leased by the vehicle owner shall be exempt from such designation.
[Added 9-17-1987 by Ord. No. 990-87]
The use of any space, whether inside or outside a building, for the storage, keeping or abandonment of junk, including scrap metals or other scrap materials, or for the dismantling, demolition or abandonment of automobiles or other vehicles or machinery or parts thereof, provided that this definition shall not apply to any such use conducted solely as an accessory use occupying not more than 100 square feet of the area of any lot other than any portion of that half thereof that adjoins any street.
A single enclosed private space of 1,200 square feet or more, with a minimum of ten-foot ceiling heights, where at least 1/3 of the volume of the total space is devoted to work space to be used by the resident to operate his/her business. There shall be no more than two nonresident employees. The following is a list of example uses permissible as live/work lofts: instruction or teaching of art, music, voice, dance, sculpture, etc.; physician, surgeon, dentist, lawyer, architect, clergyman, accountant, engineer, licensed real estate and insurance broker; and similar business professional offices.
[Added 11-9-2010 by Ord. No. 1849-10]
Any off-street space available for the loading or unloading of goods not less than 15 feet wide, 40 feet long and 16 feet high and having direct usable access to a street or alley, except that where one such loading space has been provided, any additional loading space lying alongside, contiguous to and not separated from such first loading space need not be wider than 12 feet.
A parcel of land, having frontage on a street, which is occupied or to be occupied by a building and its accessory buildings or by a group of buildings having any yard or court in common and the buildings accessory to such group, together with the open spaces appurtenant to such building or group, regardless of whether or not the boundaries of such parcel coincide with the boundaries of lots or parcels as shown on any map of record.
The total horizontal area included within lot lines.
A lot at the junction of and abutting on two or more intersecting streets, when the interior angle of intersection does not exceed 135°.
That portion of a lot covered by the largest floor area of all structures, both principal and accessory, but excluding decks, pools and at-grade patios.
[Amended 9-17-1987 by Ord. No. 990-87; 6-1-1995 by Ord. No. 1330-95]
The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.
The narrower side of the lot abutting a street, regardless of the location of the principal entrance of a building thereon.
An area not within a building where passenger vehicles may be stored for the purpose of daily or overnight off-street parking.
A structure, the size, dimension or location of which was lawful prior to the adoption, revision or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance, but which fails to conform to the requirements of the zoning district in which it is located by reasons of such adoption, revision or amendment.
A use or activity which was lawful prior to the adoption, revision or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance, but which fails to conform to the requirements of the zoning district in which it is located by reasons of such adoption, revision or amendment.
An organization, the function and purpose of which is to provide a structured, formal academic educational program for children of preelementary school age, which is staffed and equipped therefor in compliance with applicable requirements of law and which maintains a schedule of pupil attendance the same as or substantially similar to the schedule of hours per day and days per academic year maintained by the public elementary schools of the State of New Jersey.
A facility for medical or convalescent care of patients or the elderly with full supervision and meeting the state requirements for nursing homes.
Ground level landscaped yards, walkways, outdoor recreation space, water areas, swimming pools and other landscaped areas. Open space may not include balconies, paved yards, parking lots and driveways. An open space area shall not have any dimension measuring fewer than five feet.
[Amended 9-17-1987 by Ord. No. 990-87]
An off-street space available for the parking of one motor vehicle, having dimensions of not less than nine feet in width and 19 feet in length, exclusive of passageways and driveways and giving access thereto, and having direct usable access to a street or alley.
A structure. such as a fence, wall or other similar structure, built or erected to bar passage.
[Added 1-6-2003 by Ord. No. 1556-02]
Meeting hall, clubhouse, auditorium, church, synagogue or other structure or portion of a structure accommodating 10 or more persons and used at regular or periodic intervals as a gathering place for the purposes of conference, deliberation, worship, entertainment, amusement, recreation or education or performance of social, athletic or cultural programs.
A room or series of rooms used in the pursuit of an occupation, vocation or calling which requires specialized knowledge used in instructing, guiding or advising others or in serving them in some applied science or art as would a doctor of medicine, osteopath, chiropractor, psychiatrist, dentist, lawyer, engineer, architect or surveyor or rendering a specialized service as would a business consultant or accountant; and containing such equipment and/or instruments as are customarily required for the practice of the occupant's profession. For the purposes of this definition, "professional office" shall be deemed to also include space used for instruction by a teacher of voice, music, dance or the graphic arts, when such instruction is limited to one student at a time; provided, however, that the operation of an undertaking establishment shall not be deemed to be a professional use, nor shall provision of overnight sleeping accommodations for patients, the display, sale or storage of goods or the care or treatment of animals be deemed a "professional office" use.
An operation, wholly enclosed within a building, wherein specified materials are delivered in bulk, baled, crushed or similarly treated and shipped to another site to be reused. Specified materials are high-grade paper, newsprint, glass and aluminum as more fully defined in Chapter 230, Recycling. Except for baling, crushing or similar treatments, no processing of the specified materials shall take place at the site of any recycling center, and no site, business, operation or such which deals in any material in addition to those specified herein shall be classified as a recycling center.
[Added 9-17-1987 by Ord. No. 990-87]
Conduct of any religious services, parochial schools or similar schools for religious instruction, Sunday school, Bible class, parish house or convent, place of residence for rabbis, priests or ministers, rooms or offices for religious meetings, services or gatherings and parking areas related thereto.
Means the number of dwelling units per gross acre of residential land, including private, interior streets, easements and open space portions of a development when planned as an integral part thereof.
An establishment serving food and/or beverages for consumption within the building in which the food is prepared.
An establishment where orders are primarily taken and food is dispensed to the public packaged in paper or other disposable containers or wrappers at a counter or drive-in window, whether for on-premises or off-premises consumption (excluding a luncheonette, diner, tavern, counter or bar service).
A boardinghouse wherein no personal or financial services are provided to the residents.
[Amended 7-7-1988 by Ord. No. 1026-88]
A public or private school or college giving regular instruction at least five days a week for a normal school year, but not including a school or college giving special or limited instruction, such as a business, art, music, dancing or riding school or a school for the mentally incapacitated.
[Amended 10-9-2007 by Ord. No. 1743-07]
A school limited to special instruction, such as a business, art, music, trades, handicraft, dancing or riding.
Dwelling units contained in a multifamily structure or dwelling designed, intended and reserved for the use of households, the single member of which or either the husband or wife of which or any of a number of siblings of which or a parent of children of which is elderly or handicapped within the meaning of those terms as defined from time to time by the New Jersey Housing Finance Agency or the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, except that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to any resident manager and/or the family of such resident manager who resides on the premises.
A business employing fewer than six employees and occupying less than 2,000 square feet of floor area conducted to render a personal service, including shoerepair shops, dry-cleaning shops and laundries, or conducted to render a household service, including the repair of watches, clocks, locks, furniture, radios, television sets and other household appliances, but not including the repair of furnaces and boilers, refrigerators, air conditioners and other articles of similar bulk and weight.
Any structure or part thereof or device attached thereto or painted or represented thereon which displays or includes any letter, word, model, banner, flag, pennant, insignia, device or representation used as or which is in the nature of an announcement, direction or advertisement. For the purposes of this chapter, the word "sign" includes billboard but does not include the flag, pennant or insignia of any nation, state or other political, educational, charitable, philanthropic, civic, professional, religious or like campaign drive, movement or event. The dimensions of a "sign" shall be considered as being the smallest rectangle enclosing all letters, symbols and other devices or the area of its background, if distinguishable from a larger background such as the wall of a building.
SIGN, ADVERTISINGA sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered elsewhere than upon the premises or not exclusively related to the premises.
SIGN, AWNINGAn awning which includes letters, symbols, images, geometric shapes, logos or numbers or any awning which is illuminated. Awnings which display only the street number of the subject premises and are not illuminated shall not be considered an "awning sign."
[Added 4-15-1993 by Ord. No. 1214-93[1] ]
SIGN BUSINESSA sign which directs attention to a permitted profession, office, business, commercial enterprise or industry conducted upon the premises, which sign shall be deemed an integral part of that profession, office, business commercial enterprise or industry.
SIGN, DIRECTIONAL AND TRAFFIC CONTROLGround signs or signs attached to the facade of a building which relate to traffic direction, traffic control or parking control on private property.
SIGN, DIRECTORYA sign which stands on the ground or which is attached to the facade of a building, calling attention to the various businesses which are conducted on any given piece of property.
SIGN, FLATA sign of solid-face or open-face construction which is placed against a building and attached to the exterior front, rear or side wall of any building. No part of any such sign shall extend above the top or beyond the ends of the wall surface to which it is attached.
SIGN, GROUNDAny sign supported by uprights or braces placed upon the ground and not attached to any building.
SIGN, POLITICALA sign advancing the candidacy of any candidate or group of candidates for public office, expressly excluding, however, any such signs posted or displayed on existing commercial billboards by or with the consent of the owner thereof and any such signs posted or displayed on licensed motor vehicles in operating condition; provided, however, that no such vehicle is parked or placed in any location for the primary purpose of displaying any such sign.
SIGN, PROJECTINGAny sign which is attached to a building or other structure and extends beyond the line of said building or structure or beyond the surface of that portion of the building or structure to which it is attached.
SIGN, ROOFAny sign erected, constructed or maintained upon or over the roof of any building with the principal support of the roof of the structure.
SIGN, TEMPORARYA sign which includes "for sale," "for lease" or "for rent" signs, construction signs or any such sign of temporary nature.
A development plan of one or more lots on which is shown the existing and proposed conditions of the lot, including but not necessarily limited to topography, vegetation, drainage, floodplains, marshes and waterways; the location of all existing and proposed buildings, drives, parking spaces, walkways, means of ingress and egress, drainage facilities, utility services, landscaping, structures and signs, lighting, screening devices; and any other information that may be reasonably required in order to make an informed determination pursuant to this chapter and requiring review and approval of site plans by the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment.
That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. In a structure having floors that do not extend across the entire length and width of the structure at one height, commonly known as "split-level design," the number of "stories" shall be determined by counting the number of floors directly over each other at that side or end of the building having the greater number of floor or levels.
[Amended 4-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1321-95]
That portion of a building situated above a full story and having at least two opposite exterior walls meeting a sloping roof at a level not higher above the floor than five feet zero inches or a portion of a building below a full story and at least more than halfway below grade.
A public or private thoroughfare which affords the principal means of access to abutting property, including an avenue, place, way, drive, lane, boulevard, highway, road or any other thoroughfare. A "street" as used herein includes in its width the entire right-of-way.
Any change in or addition to the supporting members of a structure.
Any combination of materials forming any construction, the use of which requires location on the ground or attachment to something having location on the ground.
A room or building in which an artist does his work, such as painting, drawing, photography, music, dance, sculpture or similar occupation requiring special skills. A "studio" in this context shall not include the offering of instruction or retail sales but may include rehearsals and the production of music or the recording of music, provided that such rehearsals or recordings are not conducted in any building used for dwelling purposes, and in other dwellings, the sound level does not exceed the following intensity when measured at the point of annoyance:
[Added 4-18-1985 by Ord. No. 842-85]
From 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.:
Continuous airborne sound of 65 decibels.
Impulsive sound in air with an impulsive sound level of 80 decibels.
From 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.:
Continuous airborne sound which has a sound level of 60 decibels.
Impulsive sound in air which has an impulsive sound level of 80 decibels.
A dwelling unit within a multifamily dwelling, having no fewer than two stories and built within one structure having no fewer than four such units, each unit being separated from an adjacent unit by a masonry party wall or common wall extending from the lowest level to the roof. Such dwelling units are not to be greater than 30 feet in depth and three stories in height. When constructed as part of a dwelling group, a townhouse shall have no fewer than three such units.
[Amended 9-19-1987 by Ord. No. 990-87]
The specific purpose for which land or a building is designed, arranged, intended, occupied or maintained. The term "permitted use" or its equivalent shall not be deemed to include any nonconforming use.
A use which is customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use of a lot or a building and located on the same lot therewith.
The specific purpose for which land or a building is designed, arranged, intended or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained.
A single enclosed private space of 1,200 square feet or more, with a minimum of ten-foot ceiling heights, where at least 2/3 of the volume of the total space is devoted to work space for the creation, display and sale of art and the remainder is used for living purposes. Maximum occupancy of a WALAS is five persons.
[Added 3-5-1998 by Ord. No. 1435-98]
An open space of uniform width or depth on the same lot with a building or a group of buildings, which open space lies between the building or group of buildings and the nearest lot line and is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward except for certain features specified in Article IV of this chapter.
The use of any space, whether inside or outside a building, for the storage or keeping of construction equipment, machinery and vehicles or parts thereof which are in active use by a contractor.
A yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the front line of the lot and the nearest point of the building.
A yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the rear line of the lot and the nearest point of the building.
A yard between the side line of the lot and the nearest point of the building and extending from the front yard to the rear yard or, in the absence of either of such yards, to the front or rear lot line, as the case may be.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also relettered former Subsection B through J as C through K, respectively.