[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Rocky Hill 7-19-1999 by Ord. No. 5-99. Amendments noted where applicable.]
A Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) is herewith created in accordance with Chapter 388 of the Laws of 1997,[1] to award members of the Volunteer Rocky Hill Fire Company and the Rocky Hill First Aid and Rescue Squad for their loyal, diligent, and devoted services to residents of the Borough of Rocky Hill and surrounding communities.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:14-183 et seq.
The LOSAP shall provide for fixed annual contributions to a deferred income account for each volunteer member that opts to participate in the program and that meets the criteria set forth below. Such contributions shall be made in accordance with a plan that shall be established by the Borough of Rocky Hill pursuant to P.L. 1997, c. 388. Such plan shall be administered in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey, the United States Internal Revenue Code, and this chapter.
The LOSAP shall provide for annual contributions to each participating eligible member who meets the following criteria: One year of service shall be credited under the LOSAP for each calendar year after establishment of the program in which an active volunteer in the Rocky Hill Fire Company or the Rocky Hill First Aid and Rescue Squad accumulates at least 50 points (as set forth below). The amount of the award shall be $ 900 per annum.
The estimated cost of the program has been calculated as $22,500 per year for regular annual services.
Each active volunteer member shall be credited with points of volunteer service provided either to the Rocky Hill Fire Company or the Rocky Hill First Aid and Rescue Squad in accordance with the following schedule:
Training (consisting of participation in local drills and training sessions as well as courses conducted by a recognized organizations of the county, state or federal governments):
Class attended of two to four hours duration: two points
Class attended of four to eight hours duration: four points.
Work nights (two- to three-hour period monthly devoted to vehicle, equipment and building maintenance and testing) and special assignments (nonscheduled work events involving maintenance, pickup and delivery of equipment, setting up for special events, and other necessary activities ordered by Squad or Department officers):
40% attendance of total work nights and special assignments: 25 points.
30% attendance of total work nights and special assignments: 20 points.
25% attendance of total work nights and special assignments: 15 points.
20% attendance of total work nights and special assignments: 10 points.
10% attendance of total work nights and special assignments: 5 points.
Elected or appointed positions. Completion of a one-year term as a line, department, company or squad officer, trustee, president, vice president, treasurer, or secretary of the Fire Company or First Aid and Rescue Squad: 25 points.
Attendance at meetings and fund-raisers:
Attendance at the official monthly business meeting of the Fire Company or First Aid and Rescue Squad: two points.
Attendance at any fund-raiser, an organized activity aimed at raising money for the Fire Company or First Aid and Rescue Squad: three points.
Participation in emergency responses:
40% attendance of total calls: 25 points.
30% attendance of total calls: 20 points.
25% attendance of total calls: 15 points.
20% attendance of total calls: 10 points.
10% attendance of total calls: 5 points.
Miscellaneous activities. Participation in standbys, inspections and other activities not otherwise listed: one point per activity.
In any calendar year, participating members will accumulate points either as members of the Rocky Hill Fire Department or the Rocky Hill First Aid and Rescue Squad, but not both. Participants holding dual membership will select the organization in which points will be accumulated by January 1 each year.
This chapter shall take effect after publication thereof and final passage according to law and shall further only take effect after approval as a public question by the majority of voters casting a ballot at the next regular or special election.