[Adopted 9-18-1973]
This article is adopted pursuant to Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York and the Village Law of the State of New York for the promotion of the public welfare and health and general welfare of the community, including the protection and preservation of the property of the Village and all its inhabitants, and of peace and good order in the controlling and regulating of muzzled and unmuzzled dogs in the Village of McGraw and to provide for the enforcement thereof.
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following definitions shall apply:
Other than on the premises of the owner or on the premises of another person without the knowledge, consent and approval of said other person.
Both male and female dogs, both licensed and unlicensed.
Any person, firm, association or corporation owning, harboring, keeping or having custody or control of any dog.
It shall be unlawful for any owner of or any person harboring any dog in the Village of McGraw to permit or allow such muzzled or unmuzzled dog to:
Run at large, unless said dog is restrained by an adequate collar and leash not to exceed eight feet in length or unless accompanied by its owner or a responsible person able to control the animal.
Engage in habitual loud howling or barking or to conduct itself in such a manner so as to habitually annoy any person other than the owner or owners harboring such dog.
Cause damage or destruction to property or commit a nuisance upon the premises of a person other than the owner or persons harboring such dog.
Chase or otherwise harass any person in such a manner as to reasonably cause intimidation or to put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or injury.
Habitually chase or bark at motor vehicles.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or person harboring any female dog to permit such dog to run at large when in heat, and such dog shall be confined to the premises of such person during such period.
[Amended 11-5-1985 by L.L. No. 7-1985]
Any dog found to be running at large in violation of § 118 of the Agriculture and Markets Law or in violation of any provision of this article shall be seized, and such dog shall be properly fed and cared for until disposed of as provided by § 118 of the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York.
Impoundment fees and all fees and charges provided for in this article or in the Agricultural and Markets Law of the State of New York shall be set or modified from time to time by resolution of the Village Board.
A Dog Control Officer, to be designated by the Village Board as provided by § 114 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, may enforce the provisions of this article and may also investigate and report to the Village Justice of the Village of McGraw any dangerous dog as described in § 121 of the Agriculture and Markets Law and see that the order or orders of the Village Justice in such case are carried out.
Any person who observes a dog causing damage or destruction to property of a person other than its owner or committing a nuisance upon the premises of a person other than its owner may file a signed complaint, under oath, with the Village Justice of the Village of McGraw specifying the objectionable conduct of the dog, the date thereof, the damage caused, a description of the dog and name and residence, if known, of the owner or other person harboring said dog.
Upon receipt by the Village Justice of any complaint against the conduct of any particular dog, the Village Justice may summon the alleged owner or other person harboring said dog to appear in person before him; if the summons is disregarded, the Village Justice may permit the filing of an information and issue a warrant for the arrest of such person.
[Amended 4-17-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
A violation of this article shall be deemed an offense against the article, and any person convicted of violation after investigation and hearing shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $250 or imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both such fine and imprisonment, for each violation, together with such costs as may be incurred by the Village in connection therewith, provided that such costs and penalties shall not contravene §§ 118 and 119 of the Agriculture and Markets Law.
[Added 7-6-1976 by L.L. No. 1-1976]
The Dog Control Officer or a peace officer observing a violation of this article in his presence shall issue and serve an appearance ticket for such violation. The appearance ticket shall be in the form prescribed by the Board by resolution.