The map of regulated areas, entitled "Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Map, Orange, Connecticut," delineates the general location and boundaries of inland wetlands and the general location of water courses. Copies of this map are available for inspection in the office of the Town Clerk or the Commission. In all cases, the precise location of regulated areas shall be determined by the actual character of the land, the distribution of wetland soil types, and locations of water courses. The Commission may use aerial photography, remote sensing imagery, resource mapping, soils maps, site inspection observations or other information in determining the location of the boundaries of wetlands and water courses.
Any property owner who disputes the designation of any part of his or her land as a regulated area on the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Map, may petition the Commission to change the designation. All petitions for a map change shall be submitted in writing and shall include all relevant facts and circumstances which support the change. The petitioner shall provide proof that the designation is inapplicable. Documentation in accordance with Article XV of these regulations may be required of property owner when the Commission requires an accurate delineation of regulated areas.
The Commission or its designated agent(s) shall inventory and maintain current records of all regulated areas within the Town. The Commission may amend its map from time to time as information becomes available relative to more accurate delineation of wetlands and water courses within the Town. Such map amendments are subject to the public hearing process outlined in Article IX of these regulations.