[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Brant 4-10-1974 as L.L. No. 1-1974. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known as "Standards for the Publication of Notice of Adoption of the Text of Ordinances or Ordinance Amendments Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Brant."
This chapter is enacted in recognition of the fact that the legislature of the State of New York has enabled municipalities to eliminate the necessity for publishing the complete text of ordinances or ordinance amendments passed by the individual municipal boards. The purpose is to eliminate the onerous costs of publication of the complete text of adopted ordinances or ordinance amendments, thus saving the town and the taxpayers of the Town of Brant large sums of money.
The purpose of this chapter is mindful of the necessity that the public be notified by public notice of the contents of adopted ordinances or ordinance amendments, and it is not the intent of this chapter to delete the text of such adopted ordinances or ordinance amendments entirely, but rather to present them in outline form, sufficiently delineating the main topics of the ordinance or ordinance amendment adopted.
The requirement that an ordinance or ordinance amendment once adopted be published in its complete form as adopted is hereby abolished.
This chapter shall apply to all ordinances and ordinance amendments adopted after the filing of this chapter with the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York.
The Town Board shall hereafter continue to have the authority to publish the complete text of adopted ordinances or ordinance amendments.
The Town Board may, hereafter, in the notice of adoption of ordinances or ordinance amendments published in the official town newspaper, publish only a summary of the main topics or highlights of said ordinance, with the provision that the abridged text as published puts the citizens of the Town of Brant on sufficient notice of the provisions contained in the complete text of said law. Said publication shall be in accordance with the constitutional requirements of notice as required by the applicable provisions of the Town Law, General Municipal Law, Municipal Home Rule Law and decisions of the Appellate Courts of the State of New York interpreting the same.
The Town Board shall direct the Town Clerk to file the full text of any such adopted ordinance or ordinance amendment in the office of the Town Clerk, which copy shall be made available for inspection by the public during the regular business hours of the Town Clerk of the Town of Brant.