[Adopted 5-21-2002 by L.L. No. 2-2002]
This article is intended to provide health coverage to Police Chief(s) of the Town of Niagara, who retire from active service with the Town.
The Town of Niagara shall provide medical coverage to a Chief of Police, as defined herein, for the maximum premium payment of $7,000 per annum. The coverage shall be family medical coverage, until the Chief's 55th birthday, and individual coverage thereafter, subject to the conditions stated herein. All additional premiums shall be paid for by the individual.
In order to qualify and receive the foregoing benefit and coverage a Police Chief shall comply with the following conditions:
Have been employed full-time as a police officer for a period of 25 years; and
Have been a full-time Police Chief of the Town of Niagara for a period of five years, or more, and retired holding the official position of Police Chief; and
Have been appointed from a competitive civil service list and passed a civil service exam for the position Police Chief: and
Have formally retired after February 1, 2002, as an employee of the Town of Niagara and applied for retirement with the New York State Policeman and Fireman Retirement System Pension, and not receive benefits from any other town or municipality or public entity within the State of New York, on or after the 1st of February, 2002; and
Not be eligible for a spouse's paid medical coverage, through employment, or be employed by any state or local subdivision or authority.
Upon qualification the following procedure shall apply: The retired Police Chief shall be included in any Town group plan to the maximum amount allowed by this article, for family coverage until age 55 and single coverage thereafter.
If a Police Chief ceases to be covered by their spouse's health insurance contract, then that person may be considered eligible for coverage under the Town's plan, as provided in this article. Upon the Chief's reaching his 65th birthday, he shall apply for Medicare Part A and B, and the Town shall be responsible for the premium, for Part B only. At no time shall the benefit provided for hereunder entitle any person to a cash reimbursement. The Chief(s) shall annually certify under oath as to his eligibility.
All benefits provided under this article shall cease upon the death of the Police Chief qualified hereunder, or upon employment, or as otherwise provided herein.
If any provision of this article is held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of the article shall not be invalidated.