[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The following site design and layout requirements apply in the Gateway Corridor Business District:
Off-street parking.
Rear or side of building.
If at side of building: minimum five-foot landscape buffer between parking area and back edge of the sidewalk.
Landscape materials: trees, hedges, shrubs, or low walls of brick, wood, wrought iron, or an acceptable substitute.
Shared access points to reduce curb cuts developed where appropriate.
In no case shall parking be allowed on access roads.
Landscape islands required and shall be equivalent to the size of one parking space for every 10 spaces proposed for the site. Landscape island must equal two spaces if adjacent to two perpendicular spaces.
No parking space shall be more than 75 feet from a large deciduous tree.
Landscape requirements:
Canopy/deciduous trees: three- to four-inch caliper.
Small flowering trees: 1.5- to two-inch caliper.
Large shrubs: height of 30 inches.
Trees shall be planted so that trunk is a minimum of 2.5 feet from curb edge.
Screening and buffers.
Landscape screening and buffers shall be designed to separate business/commercial and residential land uses.
Adequacy, type, size, and arrangement of trees, shrubs, and other landscaping shall constitute a visual screen and/or buffer between the project site and adjoining land use properties, and shall include the maximum retention of desirable or specimen existing vegetation. Parking, service, and loading/maneuvering areas shall be reasonably landscaped and screened from view of adjacent properties and from within the project site.
The Planning Board, in accordance with the purpose and visual nature, shall decide landscaping barriers and security needs. This can include limiting landscaping and barrier heights to limit visual obstruction.
Site lighting.
Pedestrian-scale and area lighting required.
Fixtures must be shielded to prevent illumination and glare onto adjacent streets, properties, sky.
Pedestrian lighting shall be 10 feet to 12 feet (maximum).
Area lighting shall be 18 feet or building height, whichever is less.
Color rendition: preferred in following order; however LED fixtures are acceptable: metal halide, high-pressure sodium, low-pressure sodium. Mixtures should be avoided.
Footcandles. No lights shall produce glare so as to cause illumination beyond the boundaries of the property on which they are located in excess of 0.5 footcandle. Flashing or intrinsically bright sources of illumination shall be prohibited.
Public spaces.
Sidewalk material: constructed of concrete or brick concrete pavers.
Sidewalk width and location:
Within district shall be a minimum of seven feet wide; three-foot brick accent strip.
Connecting to residential districts shall be a minimum of five feet wide.
Where sidewalk crosses a parking lot access drive, the concrete paving pattern shall continue uninterrupted.
New sidewalks must connect to adjacent properties.
Street trees shall be planted between the curb and the building line. All street tree planting areas shall be covered with a porous, hard-surfaced grate. Trees shall not be planted closer than seven feet to the building line.
One large deciduous tree for each 40 feet of linear road frontage.
Tree species may include ash, locust, red oak, or as approved by the Village Engineer.
Sidewalk retail.
Sidewalk retail strongly encouraged.
Merchandise shall be removed at the close of business.
No retail activity shall extend beyond five feet into the required ten-foot sidewalk.
Public connections.
Required between residential and commercial areas.
If connection is a sidewalk, it shall be a minimum of five feet in width with a five-foot planted buffer between sidewalk and curb.
If connection is a trail, it shall be a minimum of eight feet in width with a minimum five-foot vegetation clearance on each side.
If trail is near a wetland, minimum eight feet wide constructed at the edge.
Materials shall be constructed of wood-grained plastic lumber made from recycled materials.
All trail connections shall be properly lighted to encourage a safe and highly visible environment.
Public plazas and outdoor dining.
Public plazas:
Strongly encouraged.
Area shall be landscaped with trees, perennials, annuals, herbaceous shrubbery, ornamental lighting, and benches.
Area should be constructed on the side of the building that receives the most sunlight.
Outdoor dining:
Strongly encouraged.
Sidewalk cafes shall be temporary structures and dismantled during winter months.
Structures shall be consistent with existing state regulations for safety.
Sidewalk cafes shall not block pedestrian traffic on a sidewalks, and shall allow for maintaining a minimum of five feet of unobstructed sidewalk width.
If at side of building, an edge matching the line of the building facade shall be created; the edge shall be made of transparent fence made of wood or wrought iron at a maximum height of four feet.
In no case shall the fence/railing combination prohibit views from the sidewalk into the cafe area.
Signage: refer to Chapter 130, Signs, of the Code of the Village of Victor for sign regulations.
Utilities. All utilities shall be placed underground.
All new construction, alterations, additions, and exterior renovations in both districts require review and approval by the Village of Victor Planning Board.
Minimum two stories.
Second story and higher are not required to be a functional floor, but the building shall appear to meet the minimum requirements.
Limit 25,000 gross square feet; 12,500 building footprint.
First story height shall be a maximum 12 feet measured floor to floor.
Pitched and flat roofs permitted.
Gambrel or mansard roofs not permitted.
Flat roofs:
Shall incorporate a parapet with cornice details along facades facing public streets.
Plain parapets not allowed.
Pitched roofs:
Shall complement the overall style of the building.
Materials shall not be reflective.
Colors shall complement the overall character of the building.
Shall incorporate measures to prevent falling snow and ice onto the sidewalk.
Overall facade composition shall break the building down into smaller distinct portions to provide a small-scale impression.
Building transparency is important at the street level.
Consequently, the ground-floor level shall have a minimum 50% glass surface that is oriented vertically.
No floor-to-ceiling windows are permitted.
Second-floor windows shall relate to the first in shape, form, and pattern.
Second-floor windows shall make up at least 30% of the facade.
Storefront construction shall be recessed enough at the point of entry to allow the door to swing out without obstructing the sidewalk.
Windows shall not be mounted flush to the exterior of the facade.
Awnings and canopies.
Strongly encouraged on building facades that face public streets.
One awning shall be permitted for each window or door of the facade.
Awnings must be fastened to the facade of the building and not supported from the ground; shall not extend more than seven feet from the facade; and no portion of the awning shall be nearer than seven feet to the ground.
Awning materials:
Shall be constructed of canvas.
Plastic and metal awnings are not permitted.
Internal lighting or backlighting is not permitted.
Color schemes shall be consistent with the colors outlined under materials and colors below.
Retractable awnings are permitted.
Specialty equipment.
Rooftop mechanical equipment, satellite dishes, antennas, etc. shall be screened from public view with the use of architecturally compatible materials, parapet, or wall.
Ground-level equipment such as dumpsters and loading docks shall be screened from public view with landscaping materials, natural material walls and opaque fencing, or other design treatments compatible with the finishes of the principal structure.
Materials and color.
Facade materials:
Common red brick.
Special masonry units (colored, textured painted).
Natural stone, stone veneer, or concrete product.
Vinyl siding of high quality simulating a natural material.
Unacceptable materials:
Plain (bare) masonry units.
Plain vinyl siding or flat-surfaced.
Metal siding.
Imitation stone, plastic, composite, or resin products.
Trim materials:
Finished grade painted or stained wood.
No bare, lumber-grade wood allowed.
Windows shall have anodized aluminum or wood frames, not bare aluminum frames.
Building colors. Colors shall be chosen from a commercial paint distributor's historic color pallet and shall be approved by the Village of Victor Planning Board. Fluorescent colors are not acceptable.
Architectural examples.
Representative photographs are provided as examples of desired architectural styles. Specific standards are provided in the Code of the Village of Victor, these design standards, and as approved by the Planning Board.
These design standards have been derived from the architectural principles that are currently exhibited within the districts, and the regulating board does not insist on historic replication. They are to be used as ideas early in the design process, and creativity is always encouraged. During the design review process, applicants will be expected to work within these standards; however, exemptions can be granted by the reviewing board at its discretion, based on individual circumstances.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The following site design and layout requirements apply in the Village Center Business District:
Off-street parking. In addition to the off-street parking regulations found in § 170-42, parking in the VCB District shall comply with the following:
Rear or side of building.
If at side of building: minimum five-foot landscape buffer between parking area and back edge of the sidewalk.
Landscape materials: trees, hedges, shrubs, or low walls of brick, wood, wrought iron, or an acceptable substitute.
Shared access points to reduce curb cuts developed where appropriate.
In no case shall parking be allowed on access roads.
Landscape islands required and shall be equivalent to the size of one parking space for every 10 spaces proposed for the site. Landscape island must equal two spaces if adjacent to two perpendicular spaces.
No parking space shall be more than 75 feet from a large deciduous tree.
Landscape requirements:
Canopy/deciduous trees: three- to four-inch caliper.
Small flowering trees: one-and-one-half- to two-inch caliper.
Large shrubs: thirty-inch height.
Trees shall be planted so that trunk is a minimum of 2.5 feet from curb edge.
Screening and buffers.
Landscape screening and buffers shall be designed to separate business/commercial and residential land uses.
Adequacy, type, size, and arrangement of trees, shrubs, and other landscaping shall constitute a visual screen and/or buffer between the project site and adjoining land use properties, and shall include the maximum retention of desirable or specimen existing vegetation. Parking, service, and loading/maneuvering areas shall be reasonably landscaped and screened from view of adjacent properties and from within the project site.
The Planning Board, in accordance with the purpose and visual nature, shall decide landscaping barriers and security needs. This can include limiting landscaping and barrier heights to limit visual obstruction.
Site lighting.
Pedestrian scale and area lighting required.
Fixtures must be shielded to prevent illumination and glare onto adjacent streets, properties, sky.
Pedestrian lighting: 10 feet to 12 feet (maximum).
Area lighting: 18 feet or building height, whichever is less.
Color rendition: Preferred in following order; however, LED fixtures are acceptable: metal halide, high-pressure sodium, low-pressure sodium. Mixtures should be avoided.
Footcandles: No light shall produce glare so as to cause illumination beyond the boundaries of the property on which it is located in excess of 0.5 footcandle. Flashing or intrinsically bright sources of illumination shall be prohibited.
Public spaces.
Sidewalk material: Constructed of concrete or brick concrete pavers.
Sidewalk width and location:
Within district: minimum seven feet wide, three-foot brick accent strip.
Connecting to residential districts: minimum five feet wide.
Where sidewalk crosses a parking lot access drive, the concrete paving pattern shall continue uninterrupted.
New sidewalks must connect to adjacent properties.
Street trees shall be planted between the curb and the building line. All street tree planting areas shall be covered with a porous, hard-surfaced grate. Trees shall not be planted closer than seven feet to the building line.
One large deciduous tree for each 40 feet of linear road frontage.
Tree species may include ash, locust, red oak, or as approved by Village Engineer.
Sidewalk retail.
Sidewalk retail strongly encouraged.
Merchandise shall be removed at the close of business.
No retail activity shall extend beyond five feet into the required ten-foot sidewalk.
Public connections.
Required between residential and commercial areas.
If connection is a sidewalk, minimum five-foot width with a five-foot planted buffer between sidewalk and curb.
If connection is a trail, minimum eight feet in width with a minimum five-foot vegetation clearance on each side.
If trail is near a wetland, minimum eight feet wide constructed at the edge.
Materials shall be constructed of wood-grained plastic lumber made from recycled materials.
All trail connections shall be properly lighted to encourage a safe and highly visible environment.
Public plazas and outdoor dining.
Strongly encouraged.
Area shall be landscaped with trees, perennials, annuals, herbaceous shrubbery, ornamental lighting, and benches.
Area should be constructed on side of building that receives the most sunlight.
Outdoor dining:
Strongly encouraged.
Building shall be permitted to be set back from the required build-to line. However, in no case shall the building be allowed to be set back more than a maximum of 10 feet.
Sidewalk cafes shall be temporary structures and dismantled during winter months.
Structures shall be consistent with existing state regulations for safety.
Cafes shall not extend five feet beyond the established build-to line.
If at side of building, an edge matching the line of the building facade shall be created; the edge shall be made of transparent fence made of wood or wrought iron at a maximum height of four feet.
In no case shall the fence/railing combination prohibit views from the sidewalk into the cafe area.
Signage. Refer to Chapter 130, Signs, of the Code of the Village of Victor for sign regulations.
Utilities. All utilities shall be placed underground.
All new construction, alterations, additions, and exterior renovations in both districts require review and approval by the Village of Victor Planning Board.
Minimum two functional stories;
First-story height shall be a maximum of 12 feet measured floor to floor.
NOTE: Multiple buildings can be constructed on the same lot with a zero side-yard setback (i.e., shared wall) with common access occurring on the second floor.
Pitched and flat roofs permitted.
Gambrel or mansard roofs not permitted.
Flat roofs.
Shall incorporate a parapet with cornice details along facades facing public streets.
Plain parapets not allowed.
Pitched roofs.
Shall complement overall style of the building.
Materials shall not be reflective.
Colors shall complement the overall character of the building.
Shall incorporate measures to prevent falling snow and ice onto the sidewalk.
Overall facade composition shall break the building down into smaller distinct portions to provide a small-scale impression.
Building transparency is important at the street level. Consequently, ground floor level shall have a minimum 50% glass surface that is oriented vertically.
No floor-to-ceiling windows are permitted.
Second-floor windows shall relate to the first in shape, form, and pattern.
Second-floor windows shall make up at least 30% of the facade.
Storefront construction shall be recessed enough at the point of entry to allow the door to swing out without obstructing the sidewalk.
Windows shall not be mounted flush to the exterior of the facade.
Awnings and canopies.
Strongly encouraged on building facades that face public streets.
One awning shall be permitted for each window or door of the facade.
Awnings must be fastened to the facade of the building and not supported from the ground; shall not extend more than seven feet from the facade; and no portion of the awning shall be nearer than seven feet from the ground.
Awning materials:
Shall be constructed of canvas.
Plastic and metal awnings are not permitted.
Internal lighting or backlighting is not permitted.
Color schemes shall be consistent with the colors outlined under materials and colors below.
Retractable awnings are permitted.
Specialty equipment.
Rooftop mechanical equipment, satellite dishes, antennas, etc. Shall be screened from public view with the use of architecturally compatible materials, parapet, or wall.
Ground-level equipment such as dumpsters and loading docks: Shall be screened from public view with landscaping materials, natural material walls and opaque fencing, or other design treatments compatible with the finishes of the principal structure.
Materials and color.
Facade materials:
Common red brick.
Special masonry units (colored, textured, painted).
Natural stone, stone veneer, or concrete product.
Vinyl siding of high quality simulating a natural material.
Unacceptable materials:
Plain (bare) masonry units.
Plain vinyl siding or flat-surfaced.
Metal siding.
Imitation stone, plastic, composite, or resin products.
Trim materials:
Finished-grade painted or stained wood.
No bare, lumber-grade wood allowed.
Windows shall have anodized aluminum or wood frame, not bare aluminum frame.
Building colors: Colors shall be chosen from a commercial paint distributor's historic color pallet and shall be approved by the Village of Victor Planning Board. Fluorescent colors are not acceptable.
Architectural examples.
Representative photographs are provided as examples of desired architectural styles. Specific standards are provided in the Code of the Village of Victor, these design standards, and as approved by the Planning Board.
These design standards have been derived from the architectural principles that are currently exhibited within the districts, and the regulating board does not insist on historic replication. They are to be used as ideas early in the design process, and creativity is always encouraged. During the design review process, applicants will be expected to work within these standards; however, exemptions can be granted by the regulating board at its discretion, based on individual circumstances.