[Amended 1-4-2000 STM by Art. 12
No building or structure shall be built nor shall any existing building or structure be enlarged or altered except in conformance with the regulations of this Zoning Bylaw as to lot coverage, lot area, land area per dwelling unit, lot frontage, lot width, front, side and rear yards, and maximum height of structures, in the several districts as set forth below except as may otherwise be provided elsewhere in this Zoning Bylaw.
The land and yard spaces required for any new building or use shall not include any land or area required by any other building or use to fulfill zoning requirements.[1]
Editor's Note: The Land Space Requirements Table, which immediately followed this subsection, is now included at the end of this chapter.
The front, side, or rear setback requirements for an addition to an existing residential structure, in current use as such in the RA or RB Zones may be reduced by the issuance of a special permit, subject to all requirements of § 145-65, but only down to the following limits:
[Added 1-4-2000 STM by Art. 13]
Front yard setback: 40 feet
Side yard setback: 10 feet
Rear yard setback: 10 feet
and only if the special permit granting authority (SPGA) finds that, in addition to satisfying the requirements of § 145-65F, the proposed construction is consistent with the neighborhood, that the purpose of the construction could not be reasonably achieved without infringing on the setback area, and that the purpose of the construction could not reasonably have been achieved by a more careful siting of the existing structure on the lot when the structure was first built. This provision shall not be used to allow the construction of a new structure.