As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings
Any place or premises in the City open to the general public and
containing one or more pool or billiard tables for the use of which a fee
is charged.
No person shall operate a public pool or billiard room unless he first
obtains a license therefor from the City Clerk. The Clerk shall issue such
license upon payment of the required fee prescribed in this chapter and upon
approval by the Chief of Police after due investigation.
An application for a license under this chapter shall be made in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk upon forms furnished by the City and shall be accompanied by the fee set forth in §
315-4 hereof. It shall be signed by the applicant and shall contain the following information:
A. The name of the applicant.
B. The residence of the applicant.
C. The date and place of birth of the applicant.
D. The place where the applicant's business is to be
conducted and a description thereof.
E. The place of residence of the applicant for the past
three years.
F. Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a crime
or disorderly persons offense or violation of an ordinance involving gambling
and, if so, the nature of the offense and the date and place of the conviction.
G. The information requested by the foregoing Subsections
A through
F shall be furnished with respect to each director and officer in the case of a corporate applicant and to each partner in the case of a partnership applicant.
[Amended 2-14-1991 by Ord. No. A-5-91; 5-12-2003
by Ord. No. O-26-03]
The licensing fee for the privilege of conducting for profit the business
of a public poolroom or billiard room or place shall be the sum of $500 annually,
and, in addition thereto, the following fees shall be paid:
A. For each table: $35 annually.
The term of the license shall commence on January 1 and shall terminate
of December 31 of the year it is issued.
Upon application made therefor, in accordance with §
315-3, a license may be transferred by the City Clerk from person to person or from one location of business to another for the balance of the term of said license, provided that the requirements of §§
315-7 and
315-8 hereof are met, and a fee of $25 shall be paid for such transfer.
No license shall be granted covering any location within 100 feet of
the property line of a school or house of worship.
Each licensee shall post and display his license in a conspicuous place
in the premises licensed under this chapter.
The Council may, by rules and regulations duly adopted by resolution,
regulate the opening and closing hours of pool or billiard rooms on weekdays,
Sundays and legal holidays.
[Amended 2-14-1991 by Ord. No. A-5-91]
Each licensee shall maintain good order, prohibit gambling and observe
existing laws and ordinances and shall not harbor or allow persons under 17
years of age to play in or about the licensed premises unless they are accompanied
by an adult.
[Amended 2-14-1991 by Ord. No. A-5-91]
Every license issued hereunder is subject to revocation or suspension
by the City of Rahway should the licensee or operator operate the licensed
premises contrary to the provisions of this chapter or any other law, ordinance,
rule or regulation or fail to cooperate fully with any law enforcement officer
or agency. Any material misstatement or omission in the license application
or any information submitted therewith or the failure to notify the City Clerk,
in writing, of any changes by additions or deletions or amendments to said
application or information during the term of any license or renewal shall
constitute additional grounds for the revocation or suspension of said license.
The licensee shall be given written notice of any proposed suspension or revocation,
which notice shall state the grounds therefor and advise the applicant of
a right to a hearing before the City Council not less than 10 days after the
licensee's receipt of the notice. At such hearing, the licensee may submit
relevant information in his own behalf and cross-examine witnesses.
[Added 2-14-1991 by Ord. No. A-5-91]
Each licensee shall provide the minimum floor space necessary under
each billiard or pool table licensed by this chapter, as required by applicable
industry standards. The Building Inspector shall determine the maximum number
of billiard or pool tables or devices for which a premises may be licensed
and shall file said report with the City Clerk.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction
thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or by imprisonment for a
term not exceeding 90 days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed
on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.