No substance shall be emitted into the atmosphere
in quantities which are injurious to human, plant or animal life or
to property, or which will interfere unreasonably with the comfortable
enjoyment of life and property anywhere in the municipality. All provisions
of the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code, as amended and as augmented
and all the following provisions stated, whichever shall be more stringent,
shall be complied with:
A. Smoke. In any zone, no smoke, the shade or appearance
of which is darker than No. 1 of the Ringelmann Smoke Chart, shall
be emitted into the open air from any incinerator or fuel burning
equipment; provided, however, that smoke emitted during the cleaning
of a fire box or the building of a new fire, the shade or appearance
of which is no darker than No. 2 of the Ringelmann Smoke Chart, may
be permitted for a period or periods aggregating no more than three
minutes in any 30 consecutive minutes.
B. Solid particles.
(1) In any residential zone, no discharge of solid particles
through a stack, duct or vent shall be permitted that is greater than
50% of the allowable emission in pounds per hour established by Chapters
7 and 8 of the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code.
(2) In any other zone, except industrial zones, the allowable
discharge shall be 75% of the allowable emission permitted by the
New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code.
(3) In the industrial zone, the allowable discharge shall
be the allowable emission permitted by the New Jersey Air Pollution
Control Code.
(4) No open burning shall be permitted in any zone.
(5) Any road, parking area, driveway, truck loading or
unloading station, or any other exterior area having a substantial
movement of vehicles or equipment shall be paved or otherwise stabilized
during construction sufficient to prevent the generation of dust from
the movement of such vehicles or equipment.
In any zone, no odorous material may be emitted into the atmosphere in quantities sufficient to be to be detected without instruments. Any process, which may involve the creation or emission of any odors, shall be provided with a secondary safeguard system, so that control will be maintained. Table 1 (Odor Thresholds in Air) in Part
1 (Odor Thresholds for 53 Commercial Chemicals) of "Research on Chemical Odors," copyrighted October 1968, by the Manufacturing Chemists Association, Inc., Washington, D.C., shall be used as a guide in determining quantities of offensive odors.
No liquid waste shall be discharged into any
watercourse, storm drain or sewage collection and disposal system,
nor into any ground sump, any well or percolation area, except in
accordance with plans approved by the Township Engineer, and where
required, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
All uses in the Township shall:
A. Assume full responsibility for adequate and regular
collection and removal of all refuse, except if the municipality assumes
the responsibility.
B. Comply with all applicable provisions of the Air Pollution
Control Code.
C. Comply with all provisions of the State Sanitary Code,
Chapter 8, Refuse Disposal, Public Health Council of the State Department
of Environmental Protection.
D. Permit no accumulation on the property of any solid
waste, junk, or other objectionable materials.
E. Not engage in any sanitary landfill operation on the
All use of materials, equipment or facilities,
which are or may be sources of radiation, shall comply with all controls,
standards and requirements of the U.S. Atomic Energy Act of 1965,
as amended and any codes, rules or regulations promulgated under such
Act, as well as the New Jersey Radiation Protection Law, N.J.S.A.
26:2D-1 et seq., as amended, whichever is more stringent.
All activities shall be carried on only in buildings
classified as fire resistant by the Building Code of the Township, and as determined by the Fire Department. The operation
shall be conducted in such a manner and with such precautions against
fire and explosion hazards as to produce no explosion hazard as determined
by the New Jersey Inspection Bureau of Fire Prevention to a use on
an adjacent property and must conform to the rules and regulations
of the most recent adopted edition of the Fire Prevention Code of
the National Board of Fire Underwriters and the Fire Department.
There shall be no electromagnetic interference
A. Adversely affects at any point the operation of any
equipment other than that belonging to the creator of such interference;
B. Is not in conformance with the regulations of the
Federal Communication Commission.
Every use and activity shall be so operated
that it does not raise the ambient temperature more than 2ºC.
at or beyond the boundary of any lot line.
All new construction and additions shall be
fire-resistant construction in accordance with the requirements of
the State Uniform Construction Code.
Any operation or activity producing intense
glare shall be conducted so that direct and indirect illumination
from the source of light shall not cause illumination in excess of
0.1 footcandle in residential districts.