The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person of the duty to observe other more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles as set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:4-138, any other New Jersey statute or as hereinafter provided.
Upon the declaration of an emergency, there shall be no parking upon streets or sections of streets where temporary "EMERGENCY NO PARKING" signs are displayed. The Chief of Police or, in his absence, the ranking police officer is authorized to declare an emergency and to direct the posting of "EMERGENCY NO PARKING" signs when weather conditions, accidents, fire or public celebrations, dictate or require the avoidance of hazards or other conditions which interfere with the free flow of traffic. Notification that "EMERGENCY NO PARKING" signs are being or will be posted shall be given to the operator or owner of any vehicle which has been parked prior to the posting of the signs.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this section shall be deemed a nuisance and menace to the safe and proper regulations of traffic and any police officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall pay the reasonable costs of removal and storage which may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
The effectiveness of this section is contingent upon the signs being erected as required by law.
No person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets or parts thereof described in Schedule I attached to and made a part of this chapter.
No person shall park a vehicle between the hours specified in Schedule II of any day (except Sundays and public holidays) upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule II attached to and made a part of this chapter.
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle between the hours specified in Schedule III of any day (except Sundays and public holidays) upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule III attached to and made a part of this chapter.
No person shall park a vehicle for longer than the time limit shown in Schedule IV at any time between the hours listed in Schedule IV of any day (except Sundays and public holidays) upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule IV attached to and made a part of this chapter.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle, upon any cul-de-sac in the Township during a snowstorm in which the accumulation of snow has reached at least two inches.
The above parking prohibition shall remain in effect until a cul-de-sac has been plowed from curbline to curbline and until parking will not interfere with the operation of snowplows or the normal flow of traffic on the cul-de-sac.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this subsection shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic and any police officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall pay the reasonable costs of the removal and storage which may result before regaining possession of the vehicle.
[Added 7-9-2003 by Ord. No. 19-2003]
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle in such a manner so as to obstruct a fire lane, fire zone or fire hydrant.
[Added 12-19-2018 by Ord. No. 22-2018; amended 3-24-2021 by Ord. No. 4-2021]
There presently exists a designated area in the municipal building complex that reserves parking spaces for Township employees. This area shall be designated by signs or other form of distinguishing notice.
Municipal employees shall be issued a permit to be able to park in the parking area designated for Township employees during normal business hours Monday through Friday.
Any employee in possession of such permit shall forfeit the permit, immediately, upon termination of employment with the Township.
The purpose of this section includes, without limitation, public safety and efficiency.
Any vehicle that is parked in the designated area without an appropriate parking permit shall be in violation of this section and subject to the violations of this section and subject to an initial parking fine of $50.
Any subsequent violation, such violator shall be subject to a fine in the amount of $100 for each additional offense.
The possession of a parking permit does not exempt the carrier from obeying all traffic rules, regulations, and ordinances.
The Township Police Department may remove and impound any vehicles which are parked in violation of this article. The cost of said removal shall be borne by the vehicle owner or vehicle lessee.
The Township shall designate and reserve, with appropriate signage or other form of distinguishing notice, at least two parking spaces for veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States to utilize when parking at the Wall Township municipal building complex.