[Adopted 4-28-2005]
On and after the effective date hereof, there shall be a Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Derby, who shall have all of the powers, duties and responsibilities hereinafter set forth in the ordinances and in the position description for the Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Derby as adopted and amended from time to time by the Board of Aldermen.
The Mayor of the City is hereby authorized to appoint and hire a Chief Administrative Officer. The Mayor is vested with the authority to remove the Chief Administrative Officer, for any cause that shall seem to the Mayor sufficient, of which cause the Mayor shall be sole judge, and his/her actions shall not be subject to review by any court or other tribunal. The compensation and benefits of the Chief Administrative Officer shall be detailed in the position description as adopted and amended from time to time by the Board of Aldermen.
The Chief Administrative Officer shall serve under the direction of the Mayor of said City, who shall prescribe hours of employment and direct the policy guidance and specific duties to be performed. The Chief Administrative Officer shall perform all duties assigned by the Mayor, including those outlined in the City of Derby position description for the Chief Administrative Officer as adopted and amended from time to time by the Board of Aldermen in accordance with the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Derby and the laws of the State of Connecticut.