[Adopted 9-23-1976 as Art.
III of Ch. 24 of the Charter and Revised Ordinances]
All proposed streets shall be laid out, graded and constructed their
entire length and full width, from street line, in full accordance with the
specifications set out in this chapter and mode of procedure and any amendments
All acts required to be performed as a condition to acceptance of a
proposed street or highway as recited herein shall be performed by the owner
or by his authorized representatives, unless the contrary is indicated.
The construction of all improvements shall always be subject to inspection
by the City Engineer and the Commissioner of Public Works. No subgrades, storm
or sanitary sewers, drains, culverts or bridge work shall be covered until
inspected and approved by the City engineer and Commissioner, nor shall the
gravel surface be oiled until inspected and approved by them.
Any owner who desires the city to accept a proposed street on his land
shall present to the Board of Aldermen a layout map of such proposed street
drawn to scale and in such form and containing such information as may be
determined necessary by the City Engineer, and no such layout map shall be
filed in the land records of the Town of Derby until such layout has been
approved by the Board of Aldermen and the Planning Commission and a certificate
of approval appears thereon signed by the City Clerk; provided, however, that
any approval of layout shall not be construed to be an acceptance of such
street by the city. A filing fee of $10 shall be paid to the City Clerk for
each layout map presented to the Board of Aldermen, and such fee shall be
paid at the time of such presentation.
The owner shall engage the services of a registered engineer or surveyor
to lay out the lines and grades of streets their entire width and length and,
in accordance with such approved lines and grades, shall construct a roadway
at least 30 feet wide centered between the street lines in the case of a forty-five-foot
highway, 32 feet wide in the case of a fifty-foot highway, and at least 36
feet wide in the case of a sixty-foot highway, in each instance having a crown
of not more than eight inches as the City Engineer or his duly authorized
representatives may direct. The shoulders of sidewalk areas shall be graded
to the center-line grade at the gutter line and have a pitch of not more than 1/2
inch to the foot down toward such gutter line from the street line. The ground
adjacent to the proposed streets shall not be steeper than one in two, or
as may be directed by the City Engineer. The percentage of grade of the proposed
street shall not be less than 1% or more than 10%, except that if in the opinion
of the City Engineer these limits cause undue hardship, he may allow grades
in excess of 10%, provided that no appreciable hazard to health or safety
is thereby created.
All sod and other vegetable matter shall be excavated and stumps removed
where fills of less than four feet are made. Boulders and ledge shall be removed
to a depth of at least 12 inches below finished grade. The subgrade shall
be brought to a uniform surface, the grade of which shall be inspected and
approved by the City Engineer or his duly authorized representative before
the surfacing may be done.
Upon the prepared subgrade shall be spread a uniform gravel or broken
stone surface which shall have a minimum depth after compaction of eight inches,
except that where ledge rock is encountered, the depth shall be increased
to 12 inches after compaction. All surfacing material shall be approved prior
to placing by the Commissioner of Public Works or his duly authorized representative.
The finished surface shall be thoroughly compacted by wetting and rolling
and shall be uniformly graded to the required cross section. Upon this prepared
surface there shall be spread a coating of RT2 road tar at the rate of 3/4
of a gallon per square yard. This coating shall be allowed to set and traffic
shall not be allowed to use the roadway until the Commissioner of Public Works
or his duly authorized representative shall have determined that the oil has
properly set. Not earlier than seven days thereafter, a seal of MC3 road oil
or RT4 tar shall be applied at the rate of not more than 1/2 of a gallon
per square yard and shall be immediately covered with clean sand in sufficient
quantity to prevent bleeding and picking up of the bitumen before traffic
is allowed to use the roadway.
All storm drains determined by the City Engineer and Commissioner of
Public Works to be required by good construction practice shall be constructed
by the owner at his sole expense. The storm drains shall include all necessary
pipe lines, catch basins, manholes and appurtenances sufficient and adequate
to provide proper drainage. Gutters and curbs shall be paved with bituminous
concrete at catch basins and wherever, in the opinion of the City Engineer,
the grades will cause excessive erosion.
A. Reinforced concrete monuments of 1 to 2 to 4 mix, four
inches square at the top, six inches square at the bottom and three feet long,
shall be set at angle points, points of curve and other critical or control
points to define and locate the street rights-of-way.
B. Each monument shall have a brass or iron rod at least
six inches long in the top and shall be the point of reference. The tops of
the monuments shall be set to the established grade. The monuments shall be
set in place after all other street improvements are completed. The accuracy
of location of such monuments shall be certified. in writing, by the land
surveyor or engineer making the street layout before the acceptance of such
street by the city.
Upon completion of the required improvements as set out in this chapter,
including the setting of all monuments, the construction of all roads and
the installation of all required drainage facilities, and upon certification
of the same by the City Engineer, Commissioner of Public Works and Chairman
of the Street Committee of the Board of Aldermen, in writing, the street shall
be accepted by the city.
Whenever, in the sole discretion of the Board of Aldermen, it is determined
that the proposed street has been completed sufficiently and has been surfaced
and paved so as to permit the construction of buildings on property with frontage
on such proposed street and to issue building permits therefor, notwithstanding
the fact that all provisions and specifications herein have not been completed
in full, the city may accept a surety bond in favor of the city executed by
a surety company authorized to enter into such bonds under the laws of the
state which bond shall be in such amount and in such form and contain such
conditions as the Board may require. Upon acceptance of such bond by the Board,
building permits on lots fronting on such proposed street may be issued. Such
bond shall not be released until the Board, upon written statement by the
City Engineer and the Commissioner of Public Works, shall determine that all
of the bond conditions have been fully satisfied and that the proposed street
has been formally accepted as a street or highway by the Board of Aldermen.