For the purpose of applying the regulations, restrictions and provisions of this chapter, Penn Township is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:
RR (Rural Resource District)
MDR (Mixed Density Residential District)
NC (Neighborhood Commercial District)
CC (Commercial Corridor District)
IC (Industrial Commerce District)
The following constitute overlays to the zoning districts as described in this section and Subsections D and E of § 190-303.
APO (Airport Overlay District)
FPO (Floodplain Overlay District)
MEO (Mineral Extraction Overlay District)
DIO (Development Infill Overlay District)
The boundaries of the districts are shown upon the map which is made a part of this chapter,[1] which map is designated as the "District Zoning Map." The District Zoning Map and all the notations, references and other information shown thereon are a part of this chapter and have the same force and effect as if the District Zoning Map and all the notions, references and other information shown thereon were all fully set or described herein, the original of which District Zoning Map is properly attested and is on file with the Board of Commissioners.
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The district boundary lines on said map are intended to follow either street or alley or lot lines, and where the districts designated on the map are bounded approximately by such street, alley or lot lines, the street or alley or lot line shall be construed to be the boundary of the district, unless such boundary is otherwise indicated on the map. In the case of nonsubdivided property, the district boundary lines shall be determined by the use of the scale appearing on the District Zoning Map or by dimensions.
Where the boundary of a district follows a railroad line, such boundary shall be deemed to be located midway between the main tracks of said railroad line, unless the district line as shown on the District Zoning Map follows the right-of-way line.
Where one parcel of property is divided into two or more portions by reason of different zoning district classifications, each of these portions shall be used independently of the other(s) in its respective zoning classifications, and, for the purpose of applying the regulations of this chapter, each portion shall be considered as if it is in separate and different ownership.
Airport Overlay District. The Airport Overlay District (APO) shall be delineated on the Township Zoning Map by means of an overlay which shall be based on the current copy of the maps contained in the Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Commission's reports entitled "Proposed Airport Zoning Regulations to Limit the Height of Objects Around Pittsburgh - Bouquet Airport."
Location of district. The APO District shall be deemed to be an overlay on all zoning districts now or hereafter applicable to any lot or part of lot in the APO District, and the regulations for the APO District shall supplement the underlying zoning district regulations otherwise applicable to that lot.
Permitted uses. Permitted uses for the APO District shall be the uses listed in Article IV for the underlying zoning district, subject to the height limitations and other restrictions of the APO District.
Floodplain Overlay District. The Floodplain Overlay District (FPO) shall be defined to be the low area adjoining and including any water or drainage course or body of water subject to periodic flooding or overflow and delineated in the Penn Township Flood Insurance Study.
Delineation of district. The Floodplain Overlay District (FPO), as herein above defined, shall be delineated on the Township Zoning Map by means of an overlay which shall be based on the current copy of the Flood Insurance Study Map provided to the Township by the National Flood Insurance Administration (NFIA).
Location of district. The FPO District shall be deemed to be an overlay on all zoning districts now or hereafter applicable to any lot or portion of a lot in the FPO District, and the regulations for the FPO District shall supplement the underlying zoning district regulations otherwise applicable to that lot.
Permitted uses. Permitted uses for the FPO District are listed in Article IV, District Regulations.