[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Rhinebeck 3-9-1992 as L.L. No. 1-1992. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Whereas the Town Board recognizes that a sound solid waste management program is of importance to the economic welfare and long-range preservation of the health, safety and well-being of the residents of Rhinebeck and whereas the conservation, recovery and reuse of recyclable materials is now a necessity in order to conserve natural resources, reduce the impact of the ever-increasing cost of solid waste disposal, ensure safe processing of solid waste, maximally reduce the quantity of solid waste that must be disposed of and preserve capacity at solid waste management/resource recovery facilities and whereas it is the intent of the Town of Rhinebeck to establish a comprehensive solid waste management plan in the Town, it is the purpose of this chapter of the Code of the Town of Rhinebeck to regulate, as a proper governmental function, the disposal of all solid wastes, including separated recyclables, by all persons within the municipality.
This chapter is adopted pursuant to § 10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law (§ 2047-t, Subdivision 3, of the Public Authorities Law).
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Uncontaminated aluminum packaging, such as pie plates and frozen dinner trays.
Items smaller than furniture but too large to dispose of in a garbage bag. Examples include a stroller, suitcase, clothes basket, child's swimming pool or mirrors.
Containers comprised of aluminum, tin, steel or a combination thereof which formerly contained only food and/or beverage substances.
All corrugated cardboard normally used for packing, mailing, shipping or containerizing goods, merchandise or other material but excluding plastic, foam or wax-coated or soiled cardboard.
Businesses operated for profit, including manufacturing, wholesale and retail establishments.
Source-separated, nonputrescible, noncontaminated recyclable materials that have been placed in the same container.
Bond paper specially manufactured for computer printouts.
Uncontaminated solid waste resulting from the construction, remodeling, repair and demolition of structures and roads.
Items normally used in a home which equip it for living, excluding appliances and including but not limited to chairs, tables, sofas, beds and carpets.
Putrescible waste incident to and resulting from the use, preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
Only clear, green and brown jars and bottles, both transparent and translucent, made from silica or sand, soda ash and limestone.
A solid waste, or a combination of solid wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed of or otherwise managed. Such materials or wastes shall include, but are not limited to, explosives, radioactive materials, toxic substances and those substances which the state has identified as hazardous wastes pursuant to the above criteria and has included on a list of hazardous wastes promulgated by the Department of Environmental Conservation. Examples of "hazardous waste" include motor lubricants, antifreeze, pesticides, toxic cleaners and polishes, paints and varnishes.
Any not-for-profit business establishment.
Any motorized vehicle no longer operable or capable of being made operable.
All paper-covered, coated-paper periodical publications, including catalogs.
Large and/or bulky household appliances (refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, etc.) ordinarily operated by gas or electricity.
The Town of Rhinebeck.
All uncontaminated paper commonly referred to as newsprint, and shall include all supplements and comics but exclude all glossy inserts.
All white bond paper, including stationery, photocopy and ledger from commercial and institutional waste generators but excluding computer paper.
Any natural person, individual, partnership, copartnership, association, owner or manager of a business, commercial or industrial establishment, joint venture, corporation, trust, estate or any other legal entity inclusive of a municipality or any other waste generator in the Town of Rhinebeck. The term shall include any Village of Rhinebeck residents who choose to utilize the Town of Rhinebeck facilities for the purpose of solid waste disposal.
All containers made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET), bearing the numbers two and one, respectively, within the recycling arrows stamped on the container, or other polymers that may be designated as recyclable materials in accordance with this chapter once economic markets exist.
All materials which are by-products of production or utilized in production by a commercial or industrial enterprise for which there is an economic market.
Those materials specified by the municipality for collection and reclamation in accordance with this chapter. Such materials may include but shall not be limited to magazines, newspapers, plastics, food and beverage cans and clean green glass, brown glass and clear glass containers. The list of "recyclable materials" may be changed from time to time by the municipality.
Those who deal with recyclable materials as collectors, separators and marketers. This definition shall include not-for-profit corporations and charitable organizations which collect recyclables for fund-raising purposes.
Any process by which materials which would otherwise remain part of solid waste are collected, separated or processed and returned to the economic mainstream in the form of raw materials or products.
Any facility designed and operated for the receiving and storing of acceptable separated recyclables.
Ferrous and nonferrous metal items, excluding items specified in §§ 95-4, 95-8, 95-12 and 95-13.
All materials or substances discarded or rejected within the municipality as being spent, useless, worthless or in excess to the owners at the time of such discard or rejection.
The segregation of recyclable materials from the solid waste stream at the point of generation for separate collection, sale or other disposition.
The State of New York.
The facility for the collection and transfer of recyclable materials and other portions of the solid waste stream, specifically the Town of Rhinebeck Transfer Station.
Grass clippings, leaves, garden debris, brush and cuttings from shrubs, hedges and trees.
In addition to the recyclable materials defined in § 95-3 of this chapter, based on market availability, technology or other factors, the municipality is empowered to designate and alter the list of recyclable materials. (Said list shall include, but not be limited to, glass, magazines, newspapers, corrugated cardboard, metal food and beverage containers and PET and HDPE plastics.) Such designation or alteration shall be made in writing, published in the official newspapers of the municipality, and shall take effect 14 days after such publication.
A program is hereby established for the disposal of solid waste, including separation of recyclable materials, within the municipality. All persons shall separate recyclable materials from solid waste before either setting out solid waste for collection pursuant to lawful procedure or disposing of it at an authorized transfer station.
The Town, from time to time, may modify rules and regulations specifying requirements for preparation of recyclable materials and solid waste within its jurisdiction. Such rules and regulations shall be promulgated in accordance with § 95-19 hereof. All persons shall prepare recyclable materials and solid waste in accordance with the rules and regulations of the municipality.
All persons using the Rhinebeck Transfer Station must separate recyclable materials and render them clean and uncontaminated prior to disposal.
For persons using private carters, all recyclable materials shall be prepared and placed in a separate container or containers as required by their private carters.
Upon the effective date of this chapter, all persons in the municipality shall separate recyclable materials for the purposes of collection and recycling. Where permitted by the rules or regulations of the municipality or private hauler, different types of recyclable materials may be commingled.
No person shall dispose of recyclable materials or solid waste within the municipality except as directed by this chapter.
This section does not prohibit any person from donating recyclables to any other legally operating recycler.
Records reflecting the tons of recyclable materials and solid waste collected shall be maintained by the municipality.
Tires, auto batteries and major household appliances shall be separated from solid waste.
All tires must be without rims and doors must be removed from refrigerators and freezers.
Residents of the municipality may dispose of these items at the transfer station for a fee to be established by the Rhinebeck Town Board.
All yard waste shall be separated from other solid waste. It shall be unlawful to mix such material with other solid wastes for disposal purposes.
Individual residents of the municipality may dispose of yard wastes at the transfer station.
Brush must be prepared as directed by the municipality.
Directions for the preparation of other yard wastes shall be established as needed and posted at the transfer station.
This section shall not prohibit private composting or on — site disposal, in compliance with any existing law, of yard waste by any individual or disposal of any yard waste or tree through a private contractor.
All scrap metals shall be separated from other solid wastes and, when so separated, shall be accepted for recycling at the transfer station. Fees, if necessary, shall be established by the Town Board.
Motorized vehicles defined as junked under Town municipal law shall not be accepted for disposal by the municipality. Legal disposal is available through various local scrap dealers.
All furniture and other bulky items shall be separated from other solid waste and, when so separated, shall be accepted for disposal at the transfer station for a fee to be established by the Town Board. This section does not prohibit donations of furniture or bulky items for reuse.
All construction and demolition debris shall be separated from other solid waste and disposed of in accordance with County regulations. No provisions for disposal of such debris shall be made by the municipality. Legal disposal is available through various local private carting companies.
Paint, pesticides and other hazardous wastes must be separated from other solid wastes and kept by the owner for disposal at special collections designated by the municipality or County.
Any oils used in any engine must be separated from other solid wastes and disposed of at a service facility accepting such oils.
It shall be unlawful for any person:
Other than those persons authorized, to collect any recyclable material which has been placed at the curb or roadside for collection or within a recycling dropoff site pursuant to this chapter or to scavenge or remove any articles from any containers.
To violate or to assist in the violation of any provision of this chapter.
To place or to cause to be placed any material other than recyclable material in or near a recycling dropoff.
To hinder, to obstruct, to prevent or to interfere with the municipality or any other authorized persons in the performance of any duty under this chapter or in the enforcement of this chapter.
To commingle any designated recyclable material with solid waste for the purpose of disposal.
To dispose of tires, auto batteries, scrap metals or household appliances by any means except at the transfer station, through a retail outlet or scrap processor or by other legal means.
To dispose of solid waste items in any manner not prescribed in this chapter.
Any municipal solid waste employee shall have the right to inspect any person's solid waste for compliance with this chapter and to report violations to the appropriate law enforcement officer.
Any person who violates this chapter shall be guilty of an offense and subject to a fine. Conviction of a first offense provided by this chapter shall be punishable by a maximum fine of $50 and, in addition, anyone convicted of a first offense hereunder shall be liable to pay a civil penalty of a maximum of $50. Conviction of a second offense within a year of the first offense shall be punishable by a fine of a maximum of $100 and, in addition, anyone convicted of a second offense hereunder shall be liable to pay a civil penalty of a maximum of $100 and, in addition, anyone convicted of a subsequent offense hereunder shall be liable to pay a civil penalty of a maximum of $350. Community service may be substituted for fines at the discretion of the Judge.
Any person who violates this chapter may be subject to a suspension or revocation of the disposing privileges provided by the municipality. Reinstatement of privileges shall be at the discretion of the municipality.
Every day that a violation continues after a notification of the violation has been served upon the violator shall be deemed a separate violation.
The municipality shall have the exclusive authority to sell special bags for the purpose of disposal of garbage and other household wastes not covered in §§ 95-8 through 95-15 of this chapter and to set and collect fees for the acceptance and disposal of other solid wastes as it sees fit.
The municipality may from time to time promulgate rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this chapter in order to effect the purposes thereof.