[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Rhinebeck 6-27-2016 by L.L. No. 4-2016. Amendments noted where applicable.]
A Recreation Advisory Committee is hereby established in and for the Town of Rhinebeck to advise and consult with the Town Board regarding all recreation programs, parks and recreation facilities of the Town located in the Town of Rhinebeck and/or the Village of Rhinebeck.
The Recreation Advisory Committee shall consist of seven members, all of whom shall be residents of the Town or Village of Rhinebeck. However, no fewer than four members shall be residents of the Town of Rhinebeck.
Members shall be appointed by the Town Board.
The members of the Committee first appointed shall be appointed for such terms that the term of one member shall expire annually thereafter and their successors shall thereafter be appointed to serve terms of years which shall total in number the membership of the Committee. Members of the Recreation Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Board for their appointed terms. A member of the Recreation Committee who misses three consecutive meetings without just cause, fails to actively participate in the functions of the Recreation Committee, fails to fill his or her duties, or who exhibits disruptive behavior may be removed by resolution of the Town Board upon written charges presented by the Town Board and a private or public hearing thereon.
[Amended 8-22-2016 by L.L. No. 6-2016]
The purpose of the Recreation Advisory Committee is to:
Identify recreation programs, and recreation and park resources and needs, and determine priorities and make appropriate recommendations to the Town Board to meet those needs and priorities.
Explore ways and means to strengthen and support recreation programs and recreation facilities and parks of the Town of Rhinebeck located within the Town and/or Village of Rhinebeck.
Increase the visibility and promote and enhance the image of the recreation and park opportunities to the public.
Establish and maintain effective communications with the Town Board. In this regard, the Town Board shall appoint a liaison to meet with the Recreation Advisory Committee at its monthly meetings.
The Recreation Advisory Committee shall have the following functions:
To investigate and determine the needs and interests of the community for recreational facilities/programs and to make recommendations to the Town Board to meet those needs.
To review the existing recreation programs and bring needs/ideas for expansion and improvement of the programs to the attention of the elected officials and general citizens of the Town and Village of Rhinebeck.
To recommend and help secure a comprehensive master plan or other study of parks and recreation for the acquisition, development and improvement of an adequate system of parks, facilities and recreation programs.
To encourage favorable public opinions and support for parks and recreation services through such means as community and neighborhood groups and meetings.
To assist in the maintenance of high standards in parks and recreation facilities and their leadership and in the quality of the program services.
To assist the Town Board in developing partnerships with other organizations and private groups to further the objectives of the Town to provide added and varied recreation programs.
To identify and recommend recreational needs for possible inclusion in the Town's recreation program and Recreation Department budget.
To assist in evaluating recreation programs and activities with input from program participants.
To assist in recruiting volunteers to assist with parks and recreation programs/activities.
To assist the Town Board in developing program priorities.
To educate the public of the importance and need for park and recreation programs, facilities and services.
The members of the Recreation Committee shall, at their first organizational meeting, appoint by majority vote a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson to serve for a period of one year. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be similarly appointed by the Recreation Committee on an annual basis at its first meeting of the year. The term, however, for Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be limited to three consecutive years.
Monthly meetings shall be held by the Recreation Committee at the time and place scheduled by the Chairperson. Meetings may, however, be held more often than once a month, at the discretion of the Chairperson and the Committee members. Four members of the Recreation Committee shall constitute a quorum, and all votes shall be made by simple majority vote of the entire Committee. No proxy voting shall be permitted.
The Recreation Committee shall have the power to adopt its own rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings and performance of its functions. The Recreation Committee shall not, however, have the power to hire, fire, or direct any Town employees including, but not limited to, the Recreation Director. Those powers shall be exercised by the Town Board and may, in the Town Board's discretion, be delegated to the Town's Recreation Director.
The Recreation Advisory Committee shall submit a report to the Town Board of its activities on a quarterly basis each year. The Committee may, in its discretion, provide reports to the Town Board on a more frequent basis.