[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Rhinebeck 6-27-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 101.
Waterfront consistency review — See Ch. 118.
Wetlands — See Ch. 120.
Zoning — See Ch. 125.
The Town of Rhinebeck ("Town") is renowned for its scenic beauty and bucolic open spaces, rural and historic character, natural resources and outstanding quality of life. The Town is also known for the care it takes to ensure that its nationally recognized resources are protected and preserved. The preservation and improvement of the quality of the natural environment within the Town are of vital importance to the health, welfare and economic well-being of present and future residents and requires action by the Town Board, as mandated in the 2009 Town of Rhinebeck Comprehensive Plan. It is recognized that the biologic integrity of the natural environment, on which residents depend for survival and the natural and functional beauty of our surroundings, which affect the quality of our life experiences, cannot be protected without the full cooperation and participation of all the people of the Town working in partnership with local, state and federal officials and with various public and private institutions, agencies and organizations. Establishment of a Conservation Advisory Board is a necessary step in fostering coordinated action on environmental problems and it is essential that the Town Board designate one entity for coordinating and communicating, in a timely manner, all relevant information on the natural environment among the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Town Board, Town Attorney, Town Engineer, Town Planner, Code Enforcement Officer, and Zoning Enforcement Officer.
The Town Board hereby creates a board which shall be known as the "Town of Rhinebeck Conservation Advisory Board," hereinafter called the "Conservation Advisory Board." The Town of Rhinebeck Conservation Advisory Council shall cease functioning upon this chapter becoming effective. Any matters being worked on by and any functions and responsibilities heretofore granted to the Conservation Advisory Council shall be transferred to the Conservation Advisory Board in addition to those enumerated in § 9-5. Existing members of the Town of Rhinebeck Conservation Advisory Council are eligible for appointment to the Conservation Advisory Board following consideration by the Town Board.
The Conservation Advisory Board shall consist of up to nine members, with a minimum of five members. All members of the Conservation Advisory Board shall be appointed by the Town Board. Of the members first appointed to the Conservation Advisory Board, the Town Board shall designate two to hold office for the term of one year, three for the term of two years and the remainder for the term of three years. Their successors, and additional members not serving as successors, shall be appointed for a term of three years from and after the expiration of the terms of their predecessors in office. Persons residing within the Town who are interested in the improvement and preservation of environmental quality shall be eligible for appointment as members of the Conservation Advisory Board. Vacancies on the Conservation Advisory Board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. In addition, the Town Board may appoint nonresidents of the Town who are interested in the improvement and preservation of the environmental quality of Rhinebeck as nonvoting ex officio members of the Conservation Advisory Board.
The Town Board shall appoint a member of the Conservation Advisory Board to act as Chair thereof. At the first meeting of the Conservation Advisory Board, its members shall designate from among themselves a Recording Secretary. The Conservation Advisory Board shall develop rules and procedures for its meetings. The Conservation Advisory Board shall keep accurate records of its meetings and activities and shall file an annual report as provided in § 9-7 of this chapter.
The powers and duties of the Conservation Advisory Board shall be to:
Advise various Town agencies on matters affecting the preservation, development and use of the lands listed on the Open Space Index and particularly natural features and conditions of such lands in the Town insofar as aesthetics, quality, biologic integrity and other environmental factors are concerned, including, in the case of human activities and developments, with regard to any major threats posed to environmental quality, so as to enhance the long-range value of the environment to the people of the Town.
Develop and conduct a program of public information in the community which shall be designed to foster increased understanding of the nature of environmental problems and issues and support for their solutions.
Conduct studies, surveys and inventories of the natural and man-made features within the Town by updating and maintaining the Town's Natural Resource Inventory and Open Space Map using a computer-based geographic information system (GIS), providing advice using science-based procedures, and conducting such other studies and surveys as may be necessary to carry out the general purposes of this chapter.
Maintain an up-to-date inventory or index of all open spaces in public or private ownership within the Town, including but not limited to natural landmarks; glacial and other geomorphic or physiographic features; streams and their floodplains; wetlands; biodiversity and unique biotic communities; scenic and other open spaces of natural or ecological value; and of the ownership, present use and proposed use of such areas, so as to provide a base of information for recommendations by the Conservation Advisory Board for their preservation and/or use.
Seek to coordinate, assist and unify the efforts of private groups, institutions and individuals with the Town in accord with the purposes of this chapter.
Communicate and act as liaison with public and private agencies and organizations of local, state and national scope whose programs and activities have an impact on the quality of the environment or who can be of assistance to the Conservation Advisory Board.
Obtain and maintain in an orderly and timely fashion maps, reports, books and other publications to support the necessary research of the Conservation Advisory Board into local environmental conditions in a space at Town Hall with access to a photocopy machine, fax machine, and a Town computer configured with the Town's GIS system.
Further assist the Town in the development of sound environmental planning and ensure preservation of natural and scenic resources on the local level throughout the Town as follows:
Review each proposed application for action by the Town Board or by the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals which seeks approval for the use or development of open space. Nothing contained herein shall be interpreted to require applications to the Building Department, the Zoning Enforcement Officer or the Highway Superintendent to be referred to the Conservation Advisory Board. Applications, including their accompanying State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) environmental assessment forms and/or environmental impact statements, if any, shall be referred by the Town Board, Planning Board, and Zoning Board of Appeals, as applicable, to the Conservation Advisory Board, at such time as the application is accepted for review. In the event the application is for a conservation subdivision, the Conservation Advisory Board shall participate in the four-step design process and shall attend the mandatory field visit with the Planning Board. In the event the application is located within the Local Waterfront Revitalization Area, such application shall include sufficient additional information as is necessary for the Conservation Advisory Board, acting as the Waterfront Advisory Committee, to make a determination of coastal consistency.
Submit a written report promptly to the referral body after receipt by the Conservation Advisory Board of such application, so that the referral body will have the report prior to substantive consideration of the application, but in no event later than 30 days after receipt by the Conservation Advisory Board of such application. If the Conservation Advisory Board fails to report within such period, the referring body may take final action on the proposed action without such report. Such report shall evaluate the proposed use or development of the open space in terms of the environmental planning objectives of the Town and shall include the effect of such use or development on the Town's environment. The report shall make recommendations as to the most appropriate use or development of the applicable open space and may include recommendations of preferable alternative use proposals consistent with open space conservation. A copy of every report shall be filed with the Town Board.
Make available for public inspection at the office of the Conservation Advisory Board copies of all such reports of the Conservation Advisory Board.
Carry out the tasks and responsibilities conferred upon the Conservation Advisory Council in Chapter 3 of the Town of Rhinebeck Comprehensive Plan, as adopted on December 29, 2009, as may be amended from time to time.
Exercise any of the functions and responsibilities heretofore granted to the Conservation Advisory Council as hereinabove stated, including acting as the Waterfront Advisory Council pursuant to Chapter 118.
Nothing herein shall prevent the Town Board or other Town agency or department from requesting advice from the Conservation Advisory Board.
Working in cooperation with the Planning Board, a designated member of the Conservation Advisory Board shall attend said Planning Board meetings and provide to the Planning Board the Conservation Advisory Board's recommendations concerning features, plans and programs relating to environmental planning. The Conservation Advisory Board shall also review industrial, commercial, institutional and subdivision proposals for their environmental impact, and similarly recommend to the Town Board appropriate and desirable changes in existing local laws and ordinances relating to environmental conservation or recommend new local laws and ordinances.
Automatic referral of proposals for development or permits in areas of open space shall be made upon acceptance of applications by the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, or Town Board, to the Conservation Advisory Board.
The Conservation Advisory Board, if it needs additional information to render its advice, may ask for the appearance by a proposer at a regular Conservation Advisory Board meeting. The number of days between the date of such request and the appearance by the proposer shall not be counted for purposes of § 9-5A(8)(b).
The Conservation Advisory Board shall submit an annual report to the Town Board concerning the activities and work of the Conservation Advisory Board and, from time to time, shall submit such reports and recommendations as may be necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter.
The members of the Conservation Advisory Board shall receive no compensation for their services as members thereof, but may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties within the appropriations made available therefor.
This chapter shall be deemed an exercise of the powers of the Town to preserve and improve the quality of the natural environment on behalf of the present and future inhabitants thereof. This chapter is not intended and shall not be deemed to impair the powers of any other public corporation.
Except as defined herein, all words used in this chapter shall carry their everyday dictionary definition. Unique terms used throughout this chapter are defined as follows:
A compilation of the natural resources of an area in a usable format. The primary purpose of the Natural Resource Inventory is to provide data that can provide a basis for municipal planning to maintain or enhance the conservation of natural or scenic resources.
The Open Space Map and Natural Resource Inventory accepted and approved by the Town Board.
An inventory of open areas within the entire Town with each such area identified and listed according to priority of preservation.
The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data, encompassing all identified natural resources and concerns as described in the Natural Resource Inventory.