[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Hague 12-29-1970. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Pursuant to the provisions of Title D of the Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, the Town Board of the Town of Hague hereby adopts the following rules and regulations providing for the operation of snowmobiles in the Town of Hague.
It is the intent of this chapter to promote the safe and proper use of snowmobiles for recreation and commerce in the Town of Hague by encouraging their use and development and minimizing detrimental effects of such use upon the environment, and, further, to carry out the intent and purposes of Title D of the Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law.
All of the provisions, definitions, rules and regulations set forth in Title D of the Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law are hereby adopted and made applicable to this chapter.
In addition to the permissible use of public highways specified in § 25.05 of the Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, snowmobiles may be operated on public streets and highways in the Town of Hague in the following cases and no other:
Emergencies. In an emergency, as so declared by the Supervisor of the Town of Hague, and for the purpose of emergency travel only, snowmobiles may be operated on any public street or highway during the period of time when and at locations where snow upon the roadway renders travel by automobile impracticable.
The Town Board may designate specific town roads as uncongested highways, and snowmobiles may be operated on the shoulders thereof. A complete list of said highways is on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
Outside slopes. Snowmobiles may be operated on the slopes or area outside the guard rail, if any, or on the back side of any snow embankment of any town road in the Town of Hague.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
In addition to the rules and regulations provided in Title D of the Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law for the use and operation of snowmobiles, the following regulations shall apply in the Town of Hague:
Age of operator. No person under the age of (at least 10) years shall operate a snowmobile upon public lands, waters, property and roads in the Town of Hague.
Financial responsibility. Every owner of a snowmobile used or operated on public lands, waters, property and roads in the Town of Hague shall be financially responsible and shall carry on his person evidence of financial responsibility. Evidence of financial responsibility as provided herein shall be presented to any law enforcement officer upon request.