[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Hague as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Dumps — See Ch. 91.
[Adopted 3-12-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991]
This article shall be known as the "Recycling - Source Separation Law of the Town of Hague."
The Town Board of the Town of Hague finds that a reduction of solid waste through separation and removal of recyclable materials from the waste stream is of importance to the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the Town of Hague, County of Warren, and is consistent with the goals of the New York State Solid Waste Management Plan to reduce the amount of solid waste generated, and to reuse or recycle materials and conserve our precious natural resources.
Waste reduction and recycling are preferable to the disposal and processing of solid waste. Removing recyclable materials from the waste stream will decrease the flow of solid waste to the town's landfill and transfer station, aid in the conservation and recovery of valuable resources and conserve energy in the manufacturing process.
It is the intent of this article to promote the disposal of solid waste generated within the Town of Hague in the most environmentally acceptable manner possible by requiring the recovery of all recyclable materials which can be marketed or used for secondary purposes.
In addition, this article seeks to provide for the education of the citizens of the town with respect to the economic and environmental values of recycling and waste reduction and the encouragement of participation in such activities.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Businesses, including without limitation retail stores, banks and financial institutions, business and professional offices, personal service establishments, hotels, motels, campsites and other tourist accommodations, tourist attractions, mortuaries and funeral homes, restaurants, pet shops, veterinary establishments, medical offices, automobile sales establishments, gasoline stations, car washes and agricultural endeavors and any other business endeavors not specifically stated herein.
The person appointed by the Town Board to administer and supervise the town's recycling and solid waste management program.
Any area designated from time to time by the Director where persons can bring recyclables for aggregation and further transport to a solid waste management facility.
The practice whereby solid waste, including separated recyclables, generated by the residential sector is placed at or near the roadside or other appropriate location at residential property to be picked up by a commercial hauler for transportation to a solid waste management facility.
Establishments primarily concerned with manufacturing or other substantial physical or chemical materials processing operations, including without limitation manufacturing establishments, warehouses, wholesale distributors, freight and trucking terminals and heavy machinery sales, service and repairs.
Public, charitable and similar establishments, including schools, churches, hospitals, psychiatric centers, government offices and garages, and nursing homes.
The following materials: newsprint, except newsprint on glossy paper; clear, green and brown glass containers; tin cans; aluminum; copper; brass; stainless steel; corrugated cardboard; high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic containers; motor vehicle batteries; household or any other type of batteries; motor vehicle tires; and scrap metal, including miscellaneous iron, steel and white metals (appliances); and waste oil. The Director may modify this definition at his or her discretion in accordance with § 142-4A(4) hereof and subject to Town Board approval.
Single- and multiple-family residences, boardinghouses, dormitories, mobile home parks, seasonal residences and camps.
It shall be a violation of this article for any person to dispose of recyclables otherwise than as provided by this article.
All persons shall separate recyclables from other solid waste when preparing them for transportation, collection, pickup or removal by placing recyclables in one or more separate containers in accordance with rules adopted by the Town Board. It shall be a violation of this article for any person to place for collection or delivery to a dropoff area or a solid waste management facility a container which contains recyclables mixed with other solid waste.
Recyclables delivered to a dropoff area or a solid waste management facility shall be prepared in accordance with all rules adopted and promulgated by the Town Board, which shall be filed with the Town Clerk. Rules for preparation may include but shall not be limited to:
Removal of glossy inserts and wet or damp materials from newsprint.
Washing and flattening of metal containers.
Washing and flattening of, and removal of caps, lids and metal or plastic neck bands from, plastic containers.
Washing of, and removal of caps, lids and metal or plastic neck bands from, glass containers.
Removal of broken glass.
Placement in designated or properly labeled containers.
Sorting of different categories of recyclables.
Use of clear plastic bags for delivery of recyclables to a dropoff area or solid waste management facility.
The Director may from time to time determine that certain materials contained in solid waste generated or brought within the town are recyclables or that certain materials included or hereafter included in this article's definition of recyclables are no longer recyclable. Upon any such determination, the Director shall submit a written report to the Town Board recommending that such materials be added to or deleted from the definition of recyclables and providing the reasons and data supporting such inclusion or deletion.
Procedures for residential sector. Persons in the residential sector shall dispose of recyclables by delivering recyclables, properly separated and prepared, to a solid waste management facility or to any dropoff area which the Director may designate, or by arranging for pickup of separated recyclables by a commercial hauler.
Procedures for the commercial, industrial and institutional sectors.
Persons in the commercial, industrial and institutional sectors shall dispose of recyclables by delivering recyclables, properly separated and prepared, to a solid waste management facility duly designated pursuant to this article or by arranging for pickup of separated recyclables by a commercial hauler.
Although all persons from the commercial, industrial or institutional sectors must separate recyclables from other solid waste in accordance with the general provisions of this article, they need not deliver or make arrangements with a commercial hauler to deliver such recyclables to a duly designated solid waste management facility in the following circumstances:
They have access to markets for recyclables and actually deliver or cause to be delivered recyclables to such markets on a regular basis;
They file on an annual basis an application for exemption with the Director, which application shall set forth on a prescribed form all information or facts justifying exemption from the provisions of Subsection C(1) above and which shall include copies of all pertinent documentation of access and actual delivery, such as contracts, receipts, bills of lading, affidavits, letters of intention or other suitable records indicating the facts justifying exemption; and
They obtain written approval of the exemption from the Director, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
Disposal of collected recyclables by commercial haulers.
Commercial haulers engaged in collecting recyclables generated within the town by the residential, commercial, industrial or institutional sectors or who dispose of wastes in the town's solid waste management facility shall keep recyclables separated from other solid wastes, shall handle recyclables in such a manner that they are not contaminated or destroyed and shall deliver recyclables only to a solid waste management facility duly designated pursuant to this article.
Commercial haulers need not deliver collected recyclables from the commercial, industrial or institutional sectors to a duly designated solid waste management facility in the following circumstances:
The recyclables collected are not within the category of recyclables which the town and/or commercial hauler are required to deliver to the county resource recovery facility pursuant to any law or regulation which may be enacted by Warren County;
They have access to markets for recyclables and actually deliver or cause to be delivered recyclables to such markets on a regular basis;
They file on an annual basis an application for exemption with the Director, which application shall set forth on a prescribed form all information or facts justifying exemption from the provisions of Subsection D(1) above and which shall include copies of all pertinent documentation of access and actual delivery with contracts, receipts, bills of lading, affidavits, letters of intention or other suitable records indicating the facts justifying exemption; and
They obtain written approval of the exemption from the Director, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
It shall be a violation of this article for any commercial hauler to collect, handle or dispose of recyclables otherwise than as provided by this subsection.
It shall be a violation of this article for any person without authority of the town to collect, pick up, remove or cause to be collected, picked up or removed any recyclables placed for collection at a dropoff area. Each such unauthorized collection, pickup or removal from a dropoff area shall constitute a separate and distinct violation of this article.
The Town Board shall have the power to adopt and promulgate, amend and repeal such rules and regulations as may be recommended by the Director and which, in its discretion, are necessary or desirable to carry out, interpret and enforce the intent and purposes of this article. Notwithstanding this power, any failure to adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations shall not impair the enforceability of this article.
The Director may develop, subject to Town Board approval, a comprehensive, innovative and effective public education program concerning the requirements of this article and any amendments, the overall value of recycling and waste reduction and any related public programs.
The Director and any other person designated by the Town Board shall be authorized to inspect solid waste left for collection, loads of solid waste being transported within the Town of Hague and solid waste being disposed of at any duly designated dropoff area or solid waste management facility in the town for the purpose of determining if any person has failed to comply with the provisions of any section of this article.
The Director and any other person designated by the Town Board shall be authorized to turn away and deny access to any person delivering a mixed load of solid waste which includes or contains recyclable materials to a duly designated solid waste facility in the town.
Each commission of a single act of violation shall constitute a separate violation of this article and each day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense, which may be punished and prosecuted as such.
The violation of this article shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $250 or imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
For purposes of establishing the applicable fine pursuant to Subsection D above, a violation of this article by members of a family; employees or agents of any entity within the commercial, industrial or institutional sectors or of any commercial hauler; or residents of a hotel, motel or other tourist accommodation shall be considered to be a violation by the family, the commercial, industrial or institutional entity, the commercial hauler or the owner of the hotel, motel or other tourist accommodation, rather than by the individual actually committing the violation.