[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee (now Township Council) of the Township of Hillside 12-21-1971 as Ch. II, Sec. 2-22, of the 1971 Code; amended in its entirety 4-21-2015 by Ord. No. O-15-06. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Consistent with the provisions of § 4-3.2C(2) of the Township Code, there shall be a Board of Health within the Township of Hillside which shall be an advisory board consisting of seven members (hereinafter the "Board"). One of the members shall be a member of the Township Council appointed to the Board by the Township Council at its annual organization meeting for a one-year term expiring on December 31 of that year. The other six members shall be Township residents appointed by the Township Council at its annual organization meeting for two-year terms, expiring on December 31 of the year following said appointments. Terms shall be arranged so that the terms of three resident members expire annually. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be made by the Township Council for the prior member's unexpired term only.
The Board of Health, as an advisory board, shall promote health and health lifestyles within the Township by recommending health initiatives to the Township Council and administration to prevent disease and foster a clean and safe environment. The Board will consult with the Township Department of Health, and may provide policy and action recommendations to the Department, proposed forms of ordinances to the Township Council, shall serve as public health advocates to the community and shall act to support the Township Council in the Council's efforts to adopt appropriate health-related legislation.