[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee (now Board of Commissioners) of the Township of Haddon 11-16-1948 by Ord. No. 209. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Public garages — See Ch. 131.
[Amended 4-7-1987 by Ord. No. 819]
From and after the passage of this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use any vacant lot, vacant property or any portion of a lot outside of a building for the selling or storage for sale of used and/or new motor vehicles without first obtaining a license therefor from the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haddon as herein provided.
The license shall authorize the licensee to conduct the said business on the lot specified in the license and shall not be transferable to another plot or lot, nor shall said license be assignable or transferable in any manner without the consent of the Board of Commissioners.
Every applicant for a license to engage in said business shall file with the Township Clerk a written application signed by the applicant or applicants, which application shall state:
The name and residence of the applicant, and, if a firm or corporation, the names and addresses of the officers and the registered agent or partners.
The length of time that the applicant or applicants, or if the applicant is a firm or corporation, the length of time that the manager or the person in charge, has been a resident of the Township, if such is the case; his or their place of previous employment; and whether the applicant or applicants have been convicted of crime, and if so, when, what offense and in what court.
A detailed nature of the business to be conducted.
The place where the business is to be located and carried on, which shall include a description by metes and bounds of the open lot to be used by the applicant, and a plan or survey of the lot, showing the existing or proposed entrance or entrances to said open lot.
Each application shall contain an agreement that the applicant accepts the license to be granted upon the condition that it may be suspended or revoked for cause at any time by the Board of Commissioners. The licensee shall, upon written notice of the revocation served upon the licensee personally or by registered mail, be entitled to a hearing before the Board of Commissioners upon making written application therefor within one week after service or receipt of notice of revocation of said license.
Prior to such issuance, the licensee shall make, enter into, execute and deliver a bond to the Township of Haddon in the sum of $1,000, conditioned upon the faithful obedience of the terms of this chapter, with corporate surety authorized to do business within the State of New Jersey, said bond to be approved as to form by the Township Attorney of the Township of Haddon.
[Amended 4-7-1987 by Ord. No. 819]
No licensee hereunder shall purchase from or sell to any person under the age of 18 years any motor vehicle without the written consent of the parents or surviving parent or guardian of such minor.
No motor vehicle shall be placed by the said licensee on the sidewalk or any part thereof, nor shall the said licensee use the street or any part thereof for the storage, display or sale of said motor vehicles.
All licensed premises shall be subject to inspection at all times by members of the Police Department, members of the Board of Commissioners and the Township Clerk.
No licensee or his agent shall knowingly buy, sell, receive, dispose of, conceal or have in his possession any motor vehicle from which the manufacturer's serial number or any other number or identification mark has been removed, defaced, altered, covered or destroyed for the purpose of concealing the identity of such vehicle.
The licensee and any person employed by him to whom is offered for sale any motor vehicle, part or accessory from which has been removed, defaced, covered, altered or destroyed the manufacturer's serial number or any other identification shall immediately notify police headquarters.
If any other business than that therein especially licensed is to be conducted on the premises and a license is required for said business by an ordinance of the Township, a separate license must be secured therefor.
The Board of Commissioners may restrict the number of such licensed premises within the Township and may impose such reasonable regulations and rules with regard to said business or businesses so to be conducted, not contrary to law, as the Board of Commissioners may deem necessary and proper for the good government, order, protection of persons and property and for the preservation of public health, safety and welfare of the municipality and its inhabitants and as may be necessary to carry into effect the powers and duties conferred and imposed upon the Township by law. These restrictions and regulations shall be made by resolution. Rules, regulations and restrictions as set forth in this section may be promulgated and adopted by the Board of Commissioners from time to time by resolution or resolutions setting forth in particular such rules, regulations and restrictions.
[Amended 12-26-2006 by Ord. No. 1170]
The amount of the annual license fee to be paid for said license shall be as set forth in Chapter 111, Fees, and all licenses hereunder shall terminate on December 31 after the date of issuance. Said licensee fee shall be for the purpose of regulating the business referred to herein.
If the applicant is not the owner of the site where the said business is to be conducted, the owner's consent to the conduct of said business shall be endorsed on the said application.
Each holder of a license herein authorized shall at all times keep the license posted while in force in a conspicuous place on the premises described in the application for such license.
The licensee, by accepting a license hereunder, agrees to comply with all of the terms and conditions set forth in this chapter and all rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Commissioners.
[Amended 4-7-1987 by Ord. No. 819]
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000 for each and every offense or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 90 days, or both, in the discretion of the court, and each day that this chapter is violated shall constitute a separate offense.
Editor’s Note: See also Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I, Adoption of Code; General Penalty.