[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haddon 3-18-2008 by Ord. No. 1209. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Mayor and Commissioners of the Township of Haddon declare that an anti-nepotism policy should be enacted.
Wherever and whenever this chapter mentions or references "family member" or "relative," same refers to a spouse; child; parent; sibling; grandparent; grandchild; father-in-law; mother-in-law; brother-in-law; sister-in-law; stepfather; stepmother; stepsibling; half-brother; half-sister; nephew; niece; first cousin; aunt; uncle; foster child; domestic partner or cohabitant as defined by the New Jersey Civil Union Act.
No person who is a relative or family member of any elected official of the Township shall be considered for employment as an employee of the Township. This applies to full-time, part-time, and seasonal employment. This shall not restrict nor prohibit the continued employment of individuals to a position or positions with the Township where a relative of a permanent employee is elected after the date of the permanent employee's start date of employment with the Township.
No elected official can serve as liaison to any department that employs any member of that elected official's family.
No municipal employee shall be in a position that provides supervision over a member of his or her family. This precludes the acceptance of applications for full-time, part-time or seasonal employment from relatives for positions in the same department where supervision conflicts exist or, through promotion, potential conflict could exist. This policy does not apply to present employees of the Township.
These policies are not for the purpose of depriving any citizen of an equal chance for a government job, but solely to eliminate the potential for preferential treatment of the relatives of government personnel or elected officials. These policies will not deprive any permanent employee as of the date of these policies of any promotional right in the normal career development nor change the existing status of any permanent employee. None of these policies apply to any unpaid volunteer positions.
No elected official or supervisor may participate in the promotion process, or any other personnel matter, of any existing municipal employee who is a relative or family member of such elected official or supervisor.
No relative or family member of an elected official shall be appointed to the position of any municipal professional who receives compensation, or to any board or commission which has more than an advisory role and/or one in which the members receive compensation.
All statements, complaints, requests or other written materials filed pursuant to this chapter, or other official papers prepared pursuant to this chapter, shall be preserved for a period of at least five years from the date of filing or preparation.