[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haddon 5-19-1998 by Ord. No. 1034. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Alarm systems — See Ch. 74.
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 95.
Fire insurance claims — See Ch. 118.
Fire prevention — See Ch. 122.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 186.
All residential, commercial, industrial or other structures erected or to be erected within the Township of Haddon shall display identification numbers as provided herein and in accordance with the specifications provided herein.
House/building numbers shall be determined by the Haddon Township Municipal 9-1-1 Coordinator. Every owner of a house/building erected or to be erected in the Township of Haddon shall apply to the 9-1-1 Coordinator for a number, if no number has previously been assigned in accordance with this chapter.
The owner of each and every structure which now fronts or which may hereafter front upon any public or private street within the Township of Haddon shall, at his own expense, within 60 days after the effective date of this chapter, cause the authorized and assigned number of such structure to be permanently and conspicuously placed in accordance with the specifications set forth herein.
House or building numbers shall be:
In Arabic numbers.
A minimum height of three inches.
Mounted in a secure fashion to the front wall or porch of the house/building near to, or on the front door, so as to be clearly visible from the street.
Sufficiently legible as to contrasting background color, arrangement, spacing and uniformity so as to be clearly visible from the street. The use of reflective numbers is encouraged.
Sufficiently maintained and placed so that trees, shrubs, vines and/or other obstructions do not block the line of sight of the numbers from the street upon which the house/building fronts.
If numbers affixed to the front of the house/building would not be visible from the street, requirements of this chapter may be satisfied if the owner shall provide the Arabic numbers, as required, upon a post, rod, mailbox or other type of fixture of substantial nature at or near the frontage, with the same number affixed thereon and so located upon same so that the number may be conspicuous and visible from the street upon which the building fronts. When provisions of this section have been complied with, then the affixing of the numbers to the front of the house/building is optional.
The display of any house/building number other than the number authorized or assigned is expressly prohibited.
Garden apartments, townhouse complexes and multiple dwellings shall provide such building and apartment numbers as are provided for in this chapter. In addition, garden apartments and townhouse complexes shall display identical numbers on the rear of the buildings.
On buildings where the apartment doors open to the exterior, both the building number and apartment number or letter will be displayed.
On buildings where the apartment doors open to an interior common area, the building numbers only need be displayed.
Houses/buildings that have vehicular access to the rear shall display identical numbers on both front and rear.
The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the Haddon Township Construction Code Official, Haddon Township Fire Marshal's office, Police Department or any other official designated by the Mayor and Commissioners. Any person or persons, partnership or corporation convicted of a violation of this chapter shall be liable to a fine not to exceed $100, said punishment to be levied at the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge. Each calendar week or portion thereof that said violation continues shall be deemed a separate violation.