No permit shall be issued for the erection or enlargement of a public garage for a motor vehicle service station or for the conversion of any premises for such purposes in other than the B-2 and I Zone Districts, and then only if no part of the lot or plot in question is situated within a radius of 300 feet of:
A school.
A hospital.
A theater.
A public library.
A firehouse, municipal or other public building.
A park or playground.
A residence district.
Gasoline filling stations shall have their gasoline pumps and all other service facilities set back at least 25 feet from any street line.
Public garages shall be located on a lot having a frontage of not less than 100 feet. All facilities for the servicing of cars shall be located entirely upon private property. Adequate space for automobiles being serviced shall be provided upon private property. No part of the storage space or work shop shall be nearer than 35 feet to any street and all entrance and exit driveways shall have an unobstructed width of at least 15 feet, and that not more than 10 rated horsepower is used on the premises. There shall be no openings in the side, rear walls or roof of such a garage or service station within 10 feet or any side or rear lot line. No automobile commercial repair work, except emergency work, shall be carried on out of doors. Applications for erection or enlargement of public garages shall be made to the Planning Board. The parking of all vehicles on the lot shall meet the requirements of Article XI, Site Plan Review, §§ 149-73 to 81, and Article XII, Design Standards, §§ 149-82 to 88. No part of any public garage shall be used for residence or sleeping purposes.