[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Mount Holly 7-7-1980 as Sec. 3-3 of Ch. III of the Revised General Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Powers and duties of Manager — See Ch. 3, Art. II.
Emergency alarms — See Ch. 65.
Curfew — See Ch. 102.
Fire lanes — See Ch. 126.
Hindering emergency personnel — See Ch. 191, § 191-17.
Widespread public disorder has erupted in municipalities throughout the country resulting in numerous deaths and personal injuries and in property damage of hundreds of millions of dollars, and the Township Council is charged by N.J.S.A. 40:48-1, Subdivision 6, to make and enforce ordinances to preserve the public peace and order and to prevent and quell riots, disturbances and disorderly assemblages, and by the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2A:48-1 et seq., the Township is liable for destruction or injury to real or personal property by reason of a mob or riot, subject to the conditions therein set forth. The Township Manager is the chief executive and administrative official of the Township charged with the duty of executing all laws and ordinances of the Township, and it is deemed necessary and in the public interests that the Township take all appropriate action to ensure that orderly procedures exist to protect persons and property of the citizens of the Township of Mount Holly.
Whenever, in the judgment of the Township Manager or in the event of his absence, disability or other inability to act, the qualified administrative officer designated by him to perform his duties during his temporary absence or disability (N.J.S.A. 40:69A-94) or in the event of his failure to make such designation or the temporary absence or disability of both the manager and such administrative officer, then the Chief of Police of the Township determines that an emergency exists as a result of mob action or other civil disobedience, including riot, rout or unlawful assembly or real or present danger thereof causing or likely to cause danger of injury to or damages to persons or property, he shall have the power to impose by proclamation any or all of the following regulations deemed by him necessary to preserve the peace and order of the Township:
To impose a curfew upon all or any portion of the Township, thereby requiring all persons in such designated curfew areas to forthwith remove themselves from the public streets, areas, parks or other public places; provided, however, that physicians, nurses and ambulance operators performing medical services, utility personnel maintaining initial public services, firemen and Township authorized or requested law enforcement officers and personnel shall be exempted from such curfew.
To order the closing of any business establishments anywhere within the Township for the period of the emergency, such businesses to include but not be limited to those selling intoxicating liquors, alcoholic beverages, gasoline or firearms or ammunition.
To designate any public street, thoroughfare or vehicle parking areas closed to motor vehicles and pedestrian traffic.
To call upon regular and auxiliary law enforcement agencies and organizations within or without the Township to assist in preserving and keeping the peace within the Township.
Issue such other orders as are immediately necessary in his judgment for the protection of life and property.
The proclamation of emergency provided herein shall become effective upon its issuance to news media or immediate dissemination to the public, its posting on a bulletin board in the Municipal Building and, where feasible, by public address systems throughout the Township.
Any emergency proclaimed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall terminate after 48 hours from the issuance thereof or upon the issuance of a proclamation determining an emergency no longer exists, whichever occurs first; provided, however, that such emergency may be extended for such additional comparable periods of time as determined necessary by the Township Manager.
During the period of such emergency, no person shall make, carry, possess or use any type of Molotov cocktail, gasoline or petroleum base fire bomb or other incendiary missile.
No person shall consume any alcoholic beverages in a public street or public place or in any motor vehicle driven or parked thereon.
No person shall carry or possess any rock, bottle, club, brick or weapon or other object capable of being used as a weapon, unlawfully against the persons or property of another, provided that anything herein contained shall not apply to any law enforcement officer or other person engaged lawfully in enforcing the emergency restrictions or thereunto authorized by the Manager.
No person shall carry or transport gasoline or other liquid flammable or combustible products in any container other than a gasoline tank properly affixed to a motor vehicle.
No person shall intercept or interfere with police and/or fire radio broadcasts.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to authorize any of the proscribed conduct at any other times when it is prohibited by law.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or who shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with the proclamation or shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with the orders of duly authorized law enforcement officers or personnel charged with the responsibility of enforcing the proclamation of emergency shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished liable to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Article II.
[Amended 6-22-1992 by Ord. No. 1992-5]
This chapter shall be construed to be an addition to any other ordinances or statutes on the same subject, and the Township Manager is hereby constituted as a lawful delegated authority under this chapter to close any street or other public or private place in anticipation of or for the prevention or cessation of any riot, disturbance of the peace or disorderly conduct, pursuant to the terms of this chapter.