[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Mount Holly on 2-27-1995 by Ord. No. 1995-5. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Any group, organization or other entity whose members are not appointed by the Township Council to serve the needs of the Township or according to law, or are not a Township nonprofit group, organization or entity serving the needs of Mount Holly residents, such as, but not limited to recreational groups and organizations and civic and social improvement groups and organizations, shall be charged a fee for the use of the Municipal Building.
The fee to be charged for the use of the Municipal Building shall be $50 for each hour of use, or portion thereof. This fee shall be reviewed on an annual basis during the month of January and may be revised by the Township Council by a resolution which shall be filed in the Township Clerk's office, where it shall be available for public inspection during the normal working hours.
Prior to scheduling the use of the Municipal Building by any group, organization or entity, the Township Clerk shall determine whether a user fee shall be required and, if the decision is in the affirmative, shall require the completion of a user application in the form to be prescribed by the Township Manager, and the payment of the estimated user fee.
The application form shall require, at a minimum, the name, address and telephone number of the user, the person who shall be responsible to see that the Township regulations for the use of the Municipal Building are followed, the date and purpose for which the Municipal Building will be used and the name and address of the liability insurance carrier for the user and the amounts and coverage of such insurance.
In the event any group, organization or entity disputes the decision of the Township Clerk that a user fee is required, they may request, in writing, that the Township Council review such determination at its next meeting. The Township Council shall review the information provided to the Township Clerk and, at its discretion, hear a presentation from a representative of such group, organization or entity, after which it shall either affirm or reverse the decision of the Township Clerk.