This zone district is designed to provide for appropriate residential, institutional and limited office uses in selected largely developed areas of the Township which, by virtue of their location with regard to the existing business center and residential development, can provide a logical transition in land use. Among the objectives of OB Districts are:
To encourage the preservation of the historic character of the High Street area.
To accommodate the expansion of the medical center and county government with its necessary supporting facilities.
In general, to permit in areas in which typical commercial development is not desirable an appropriate range of residential professional uses.
A building may be erected, altered or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes and no other following review by the Planning Board for design to determine compatibility with the neighborhood:
Single-family detached dwelling.
Township administrative building or public library; public park or recreation area; or any similar use owned and operated by the Township.
Private or parochial school, church or any similar educational, religious or institutional use.
Professional office or studio of a doctor, lawyer, dentist, clergyman, architect, accountant, engineer, insurance agent, real estate agent or similar practitioner or an office building for a group of any such practitioners, including a medical office building or a clinic with private dispensaries or similar offices which do not involve on the premises retailing activities or the direct sale of merchandise to the general public.
Any of the following uses when authorized as a conditional use by the Planning Board, provided that any such use shall conform with the character of the established neighborhood either as a conversion of an existing dwelling or in a new building designed with the appearance of a residential building, insofar as practicable:
Apartment use in combination with a permitted office or other nonresidential use, provided that not more than four dwelling units may be established in conjunction with any one nonresidential use.
General hospital, nursing home, convalescent home or any similar use.
Governmental or public utility use other than permitted in this section above, provided that it shall be determined that the placement of such use in the proposed location is a public necessity and that satisfactory screening and other measures are taken to safeguard the character of the surrounding areas.
Restrictions on lot area, setbacks, lot width, front yard, side yard, rear yard, floor area and height shall be identical to those permitted under the R-2 Residential Zone (§ 149-96) unless specifically listed in this section.
Side yards. Office buildings shall have an aggregate width of the two side yards combined at least equal to the height of the building, with the minimum side yard of 10 feet.
In addition to the other regulations of the district, each use other than a single-family dwelling shall comply with the following requirements:
Each building devoted to office or other nonresidential use shall be designed or converted in such a manner as to minimize its commercial or nonresidence district appearance. No building shall contain a display or show window.
The structural alteration of the exterior of an existing dwelling or other building shall be the minimum necessary to permit the authorized change in use or improvement, and all fire escapes or stairways shall be completely within the converted building or shall be so located as not to detract from the original character of the building as viewed from a street. No building or lot may be used for any trade or business which is noxious, offensive or hazardous.
In the case of any structure which is designated by the Township as an historic site, it is the intent of this article that each such structure be preserved to the maximum extent possible. Any request to alter or remove such an historic use shall comply with all review and other requirements of the Township relating to historic preservation that now exists or may hereafter be adopted.
Each permitted use shall comply with the requirements of Articles XI and XII relating to site development, provided that in no case shall the parking space provided for a medical office or clinic be less than five spaces for each practitioner located on the premises, whichever is the greater. No off-street parking space may be located in a front or side yard.