[Added 12-3-1979 by Ord. No. 1979-12]
Recognizing that certain uses, activities and structures are necessary to serve the needs and conveniences of the Township of Mount Holly and, at the same time recognizing that such uses may be or become inimical to the public health, safety and general welfare if located and operated without proper consideration being given to existing conditions and the character of the surrounding area, such uses are differentiated from permitted uses and nonpermitted uses by this article and are referred to herein as "conditional uses." In addition to other powers conferred by this Part 3 and applicable statutes, the Planning Board shall have original jurisdiction pursuant to the procedural requirements established elsewhere within this Part 3 to grant a permit for a conditional use under the terms and conditions established hereinafter and under the following stipulations and guidelines.
Editor's Note: Former § 149-179, Community residences designated, as amended 6-22-1992 by Ord. No. 1992-5, was repealed 5-26-1998 by Ord. No. 1998-6.
Plans and documentation. Plans and documentation shall comply with the requirements set forth within this Part 3 for a site plan application. Procedures for processing applications for the conditional use permit specified above are the same as those specified for site plan approval.
It shall be the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate to the Planning Board that the design, arrangement and nature of the particular use sought as supported by development plans and documentation is such that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected and:
The use will not adversely effect the safe and comfortable enjoyment of property rights or otherwise adversely effect the value of adjacent property.
The development plans provide for structures and site improvements in keeping with the general character of the zoning district and sufficient landscaping, including trees, shrubs and lawn areas to enhance the area and appropriately buffer the use from adjoining property.
The conditional use will serve a useful purpose to the general welfare of the Township and/or satisfy an established need within the community.
The conditional use as set forth on the plans and documentation presented will not constitute a nuisance, safety hazard or health hazard due to site lighting; noise; odors; sewage disposal; vibration; the need and method of storage, use or disposal of materials; parking and traffic circulation; hours of operation; site signing; or pollution of the environment.
The conditional use as set forth on the development plans and documentation adhere to the minimum site standards set for the zone in which the proposed use is sought as well as the special conditions and safeguards as in the opinion of the Planning Board will implement the intent of objectives of this section and the special conditions or restrictions listed in § 149-182.
Editor's Note: Former § 149-182, Special conditions and restrictions, was repealed 5-26-1998 by Ord. No. 1998-6.