Buildings or structures shall be erected, altered or extended and premises shall be used only as indicated in the Use Regulations Schedule[1] unless exempted by § 185-18, Nonconforming uses and structures, or by statute.
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Use Regulations is included at the end of this chapter.
No use shall be either permitted or allowed on special permit if detrimental or offensive or tending to reduce property values in the same or adjoining districts by reason of dirt, dust, glare, odor, fumes, smoke, gas, sewage, refuse, noise, vibration or danger of explosion or fire or any other general nuisance. A hazardous use, as defined in § 185-3, shall be allowed only on special permit by the Board of Appeals, subject to the requirements of § 185-41, Hazardous uses.
[Amended 5-12-1986 by Bylaw Amendment 86-66]
No storage or open display or junk cars, trucks, machinery or any similar used materials shall be authorized in any zone.
Where an activity might be classified under more than one of the schedule categories, the more specific category shall govern; if equally specific, the more restrictive shall govern. Uses not classifiable under any category listed may be allowed on special permit from the Board of Appeals if that Board determines that the use closely resembles, in its impact on abutters, the neighborhood and the Town, a use allowed or allowed on special permit in that district.