[Adopted 2-14-2008]
There is hereby established the office of Director of Operations for the Borough of Allendale.
The Director of Operations shall serve at the pleasure of the governing body.
Supervise the operations of the DPW, Water and Fire Departments, reporting directly to the Mayor and Council;
Represent the Borough in its relations with other governmental agencies and oversee the Borough's interests in contracts, franchises and other transactions;
Supervise the business administration of the DPW, Water and Fire Departments in consultation with Department heads and respective Council Chairmen;
Maintain a continuing review of DPW, Water and Fire Department operations and report thereon to the Mayor and Council;
Recommend and coordinate with appropriate department heads the nature, location and extent of public improvements and implement the execution of such improvements when authorized by the Council;
Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Mayor and Council;
Purchasing. Exercise the duties of purchasing agent, approving all requisitions from departments for services and materials up to a total amount of $3,000. On purchases over said amount, approval of the appropriate Council Committee Chair must first be obtained.
The compensation to be paid to the Director of Operations shall be as the Borough Council from time to time provides for in the annual Salary Ordinance and implementing resolutions.[1]
Editor's Note: The current Salary Ordinance is on file in the Borough offices.