[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Heidelberg 10-18-1994 by Ord. No. 506, approved 10-18-1994. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Pursuant to Section 3156-B of Act 77 of 1993,[1] a budgetary reserve account is hereby established for the purpose of retaining disbursements received by the Borough of Heidelberg, during calendar year 1994, of tax moneys under Section 3157-B of Act 77.[2]
Editor's Note: See 16 P.S. § 6156-B.
Editor's Note: See 16 P.S. § 6157-B.
The money disbursed to the Borough of Heidelberg shall be retained in the budgetary reserve account, to be designated as "emergency reserve account," without lapsing, for use during unanticipated emergencies during fiscal year 1995 or thereafter.
Unanticipated emergencies are defined as any of the following:
Unexpected costs resulting from breakage, damage, malfunction or inadequacy of any borough-owned structure, utility, road, property or improvement.
Unexpected costs incurred because of unusual weather conditions or personnel requirements arising from injury, illness or other unexpected reasons.
Exhaustion or unexpected substantial depletion of the funds budgeted for an individual item in any fiscal year, such that insufficient funds remain to carry out a municipal function or service.
Any expense or decline in revenue incurred in connection with the defense, prosecution or settlement of litigation or threatened litigation or administrative proceeding or in connection with the payment of any judgment, cost, fine or other expense to which the borough is subjected as the result of litigation.
Unanticipated declines in revenues.
An unexpected need to provide funding to permit essential services, properties or contracts to be secured in furtherance of the public health, safety and welfare.
Any emergency declared by the President of the United States, the Governor or the Allegheny County Commissioners.
Any other fiscal emergency as may be determined by resolution of the Borough Council.