[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Heidelberg 7-15-1980 as Ch. 107 of the 1980 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The hereinafter listed terms used in this chapter are defined as follows:
A motor vehicle that is inoperable and left unattended on public property for more than 48 hours.
A motor vehicle that has remained illegally on public property for a period of more than 48 hours.
A motor vehicle without registration plates left standing on or along a highway, street or alley.
A motor vehicle that has remained on private property without the consent of the owner or person in control of the property for more than 48 hours, provided that vehicles and equipment used or to be used in construction or the operating and maintenance of public utility facilities and which are left in a manner which does not interfere with the normal movement of traffic shall not be considered abandoned vehicles for the purpose of this chapter.
A motor vehicle violating a provision of any ordinance of this municipality, such as a parking ordinance.
A motor vehicle violating any provisions of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code.
A motor vehicle without a current inspection sticker for that motor vehicle.
A motor vehicle without the proper authorized registration plates for that motor vehicle, which motor vehicle has remained stationary for a period of more than 48 hours.
A motor vehicle which cannot be legally operated.
A motor vehicle without any of its four required wheels or tires for normal operation.
A motor vehicle without one or more of its doors or without its engine or without its battery.
A motor vehicle without a part necessary to make it self-propelled.
Any vehicle in, upon or by which any personal property is or may be transported along a public highway, street or way, including but not limited to all automobiles, trucks, buses, tractor-trailers, truck-trailers, semitrailers and/or motorcycles, which are designed to move on said highways, streets, alleys or ways and are designed to be self-propelled or commonly propelled by a self-propelled motor vehicle.
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person, association, partnership, corporation and/or other entity to abandon or be responsible for the abandoning of a motor vehicle on any public street, alley or way or upon any other public property within the Borough of Heidelberg.
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person, association, partnership, corporation and/or other entity to leave a motor vehicle in an illegal stationary position for a period of more than 48 hours.
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person, association, partnership, corporation and/or other entity to abandon or be responsible for the abandonment of a motor vehicle on a private way or upon private property.
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any property owner within the Borough of Heidelberg to have on his, her or their property an abandoned motor vehicle as defined by this chapter.
[Amended 5-19-1987 by Ord. No. 383, approved 5-19-1987; 11-21-2000 by Ord. No. 539]
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter, upon conviction, shall be liable for a fine in a sum not to exceed $1,000 for any single violation of this chapter. In the event of nonpayment of the fine and costs, the District Justice may, upon conviction, convict the guilty party to not more than 10 days in any county jail or workhouse.
The Heidelberg Borough Police Department shall notify each property owner and, if possible, each owner of a vehicle defined as an abandoned vehicle within this chapter of the violation of this chapter. The written notice shall be delivered to the property owner, the vehicle owner or posted on the property and shall give the vehicle owner 10 days' notice to correct the violation. The notice shall be in a form to be determined by the Chief of Police of the Borough of Heidelberg.