[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Heidelberg 9-20-2011 by Ord. No. 596. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Findings. The Borough Council makes the following findings regarding the need to regulate pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers, junk dealers, auto salvage dealers and scrap iron and metal processors and precious metal dealers operating within the Borough:
Pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers, junk dealers, auto salvage dealers, precious metal dealers and scrap iron and metal processors and businesses associated with those occupations provide an opportunity for persons committing a crime to conceal that crime and profit from that crime by using those establishments to receive and transfer stolen property easily and quickly.
Because of the propensity of pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers, junk dealers, auto salvage dealers and scrap iron and metal processors to attract criminals attempting to conduct transactions involving stolen goods and untitled goods, those establishments have the potential to be generally injurious to the maintenance and development of healthy adjacent commercial, recreational and residential areas.
Consumer protection regulation is warranted in transactions involving pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers, junk dealers, auto salvage dealers, precious metal dealers and scrap iron and metal processors in light of the potential for abuse.
To safeguard the public health, safety and welfare and to help stabilize costs associated with the regulation of the establishments identified in this chapter, it is necessary to require licensing and regulation of those establishments.
Purpose. The Borough Council enacts this chapter in order to further the following objectives:
The prevention of pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers, junk dealer, auto salvage dealers, precious metal dealers and scrap iron and metal processors and associated businesses from being used as facilities for the commission or furtherance of crimes.
The identification of criminal activities through timely collection and sharing of transaction information.
The promulgation of consumer protection standards.
To protect property values, prevent blight and protect the public health, safety and general welfare.
To recover the Borough's costs of regulation of the identified establishments.
For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following words or phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
Any junk dealer engaged exclusively in the business of purchasing or receiving, wrecking, or dismantling and the sale or exchange of motor vehicles for the purpose of salvaging parts or material there from.
The Borough of Heidelberg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Any vehicles used for the collection, transportation, or handlings of junk or secondhand property.
Any item not specifically covered by the other definitions contained in this section.
Any personal property which is or may be salvaged for reuse, resale, reduction or similar disposition, or which is possessed, transported, owned, collected, accumulated, dismantled or assorted for any of the aforesaid purposes. Without limiting the aforesaid definition of "junk," the term shall include used or salvaged rope, bags, paper, rags, glass, rubber, wood pallets, copper wire, copper pipe, bronze items, aluminum items and similar articles of property and used motor vehicles or parts thereof which are used, owned or possessed for the purpose of wrecking or salvaging parts or materials there from.
Any person whose principal business is buying, exchanging, collecting, receiving, storing, accumulating, selling, or otherwise handling junk.
Any person, corporation, partnership, firm, association or other establishment or entity required to be licensed pursuant to this Ordinance.
Any person who loans money on deposit or pledges of personal property, or other valuable things, other than securities or printed evidence of indebtedness, or who deals in the purchasing of personal property or other valuable things on conditions of selling the same back again at a stipulated price.
Any person, corporation, partnership, firm, association or other establishment or entity buying or selling or otherwise dealing in the purchase or sale of precious metals or jewelry containing any precious metal, diamonds or jewels of any kind.
Items containing or being of gold, silver, platinum, including but not limited to jewelry and silver services, but excluding ingots, bullion or photographic film or any article containing less than 5% gold, silver, or platinum by weight.
Any junk dealer engaged exclusively in the business of purchasing or receiving scrap iron and metal (except scrapped motor vehicles not purchased from a licensed auto salvage dealer or junk dealer) and the storing, processing, recycling, and sale of exchange thereof.
Any household furniture, used wearing apparel, used lumber, used bricks, used tile, used plumbing fixtures, used electrical fixtures, used articles of precious metal, used jewelry, used electronic equipment, used tools, and any other used articles or personal property bought and sold by and from other than the original purchaser or user.
It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, partnership, firm, association or other establishment to engage in the business of pawnbroker, secondhand dealer, junk dealer, auto salvage dealer or scrap iron and metal processor in the Borough of Heidelberg without first paying a license application fee as set forth in this ordinance, securing a license, and otherwise complying with this Ordinance.
No person, individual or corporation, partnership, firm shall engage in the selling of goods or attempt to engage in the selling of goods on a parking lot or parking lots or any other property not owned by the seller without first obtaining the written permission of the owner, occupant, lessee, agent or trustee of such property to engage in such activity on the property. (Property owner must notify Borough of name, address, etc., of person authorized to sell from parking lot.)
Any person, corporation, partnership, firm, association or other establishment whose business in whole or in part is that of purchasing, selling, exchanging, storing, or receiving secondhand articles of any kind is declared to be a secondhand dealer of junk or junk dealer; provided that this definition shall not apply to retail merchants who repossess their own merchandise sold on title retaining contract or chattel mortgage basis or who accept merchandise as a part payment on new sales.
Application for a license required under this Ordinance shall be made to the Borough upon forms prepared by the Borough and provided to applicants. The applicant shall state his name whether a person, firm or corporation, the place at which such business is to be located or maintained, the number and description of collector vehicles to be used in the conduct of business, and the applicant's residence(s) for a period of three years preceding such application. The application so received by the Borough shall be referred to the Borough Manager and by him to the Chief of Police and Code Official, for the purpose of investigation of the applicant and inspection of collector vehicles and the premises to be used in the conduct of such business.
After receipt of such departments' recommendations, the application shall be submitted to the Borough Council, accompanied by evidence that the business premises have been inspected within the preceding six months and found to be in compliance with all applicable ordinances and licensing requirements. The Borough Council, upon a determination that neither the applicant nor an officer, partner or owner of a company who may be applying, have not been convicted of any felony and/or misdemeanor offense related to the person's likelihood to serve the public in a fair, honest, and open manner and that all requirements of this Ordinance have been complied with, shall grant a license to said applicant. The sole power to grant licenses hereunder is vested with Borough Council. Licenses granted by the Borough Council shall be issued by the Borough Manager after review and recommendation of the Chief of Police of the Borough of Heidelberg.
Licenses shall be issued annually and shall be effective for a calendar year. Licenses must be renewed each year. The Borough Manager, after consultation with the Chief of Police and Code Official, shall develop a form for initial application and renewal of a license, requiring such information as may be necessary to assure compliance with this Ordinance.
The fees for licenses issued under this Ordinance shall be set annually by resolution for the initial license and for an annual renewal. This fee is due upon approval of the license. The initial fee shall be for the remainder of the fiscal year in which the application was approved. After that, renewal applications and the annual license fee is due prior to the next calendar year beginning, but no later than 30 days after the beginning of that calendar year. If an application for renewal of a license is not received, and any required fee paid, within 30 days of the beginning of the calendar-year license period, the license shall be deemed to have expired and a new license application shall be necessary with the appropriate fee for a new licensee.
No person or entity that is entirely devoted to charitable or religious purposes and whose entire income is devoted to charitable and religious purposes shall be subject to the fees prescribed for a license under this section. Such fees are hereby waived as to such person, but they shall apply for and obtain a license as provided in this Ordinance.
The fees for inspections, if any, required prior to issuance of license shall be included in the license fees. The fees for inspections requested or required by a violation of this Ordinance shall be charged in addition to those set forth above.
The initial license fee and renewal license fee may be modified from time to time by resolution of Borough Council.
No person or entity who has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that directly relates to the occupation herein licensed as provided for in this Ordinance shall be deemed to be a suitable person to receive a license pursuant to this Ordinance.
Any person, corporation, partnership, firm, association or other establishment to whom a license has been granted under this Ordinance may have his license suspended or revoked by the Borough at any time that the Borough determines that the licensee is not in compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance or has been convicted of any violation of this Ordinance after a reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard before Borough Council.
In case any person, corporation, partnership, firm, association or other establishment, or any clerk, agent, servant, or employee of the person, corporation, partnership, firm, association or other establishment shall be found guilty of violating any section of this Ordinance in a court of competent jurisdiction, the license issued to such entity shall be revoked and such entity shall not be permitted to carry on such business within the Borough for a period of one year after such conviction after which time a new application for license shall be required.
All collector vehicles and premises licensed, used or intended for use in connection with a license granted under this Ordinance shall be inspected before a license is issued or renewed.
In addition to any other requirements of state statutes, every person licensed under this Ordinance shall require that the person from whom goods or a pledge is purchased or pawned give:
His full and complete name.
His full and complete address.
Place of employment, if any.
Provide a driver's license, military ID or other state- or government-issued and approved photo ID. If an approved photo ID is not provided, the seller shall provide or the buyer shall take and maintain a colored photograph of the seller along with a full thumbprint of the seller impressed on a form and in a manner established and approved by the Chief of Police.
Any state-issued photo identification card, a photocopy of which will be retained by the licensee.
A signed sales sale/purchase slip containing the name and address of the seller that contains the statement that the seller is the legal owner of the goods.
Every licensee, except those exempted by operation of Subsection E below, shall, within 24 hours of a transaction requiring make available for inspection reporting, and if required transmit to the Chief of Police by means of electronic transmission all transactions in which the licensee received used goods by pawn, trade, purchase, or consignment. A transaction reported by electronic transmission under this Ordinance shall not be required to be reported on paper forms.
All transactions, whether electronic or otherwise, shall require for reporting purposes, from the person from whom goods or a pledge is purchased or pawned:
Name and all information gathered in § 47-10A(1) through (6) of this Ordinance.
Date and time of the transaction.
Complete detailed inventory of items, including any serial numbers.
Amount of money exchanged for the transaction.
A digital image of each item bought, traded, or pawned, each item being a separate image.
A licensee required by this section to electronically report transactions shall be solely responsible for the costs associated with such reporting. Licensees may, however, charge the customer from whom the reportable item was purchased or pawned with a transaction registration fee which is equal to the fee charged of the licensee by the company that maintains the registration records, unless otherwise prohibited from doing so by state or federal law.
A licensee need not report transactions electronically when the number of transactions taking place at a business location in each ninety-day period does not exceed 10. A pawnbroker, secondhand dealer, or other licensee reasonably believing a location at which he or she conducts a business qualifies under this subsection for exemption from electronic reporting and wishing to be exempt from the requirements to report transactions electronically, shall sign, under penalties of perjury, a declaration to that effect in a form developed by the Chief of Police or his designee, and once the declaration is signed, so long as the volume of transactions does not exceed 10 each ninety-day period, transactions taking place at that business need not be reported electronically, but shall be reported on paper form within three days of the date of transaction.
All items taken in pawn shall have remained in possession of the pawnbroker for at least 30 days prior to sale. All items taken in pawn shall be stored separate and apart from other items not less than three days.
Every licensee under this Ordinance shall provide access to the premises where business is conducted or property is stored to any police officer, the Code Official, Building Inspector or the Fire Marshal, without warrant, during regular hours of business, or at any time the licensee or his agent are on the premises.
No licensee under this Ordinance or employee thereof shall conceal or misrepresent the identity by removing, concealing, defacing, adding to, substituting, or altering the serial number or manufacturers number on any motor vehicle, motor, appliance, mechanical device, watch, clock, camera, precision instrument, outboard motor, radio, shotgun or any other article or thing where on the manufacturer has placed numbers for the purpose of identification; by altering or replacing any part of such article or thing bearing the serial or manufacturer's number with a new or replaced part upon which the proper serial or manufacturer's number has not been stamped or placed.
No person licensed under this Ordinance shall knowingly deal in or possess any motor vehicle, motor, appliance, mechanical device, watch, clock, camera, precision instrument, outboard motor, radio, or other article or thing from which the serial numbers have been removed, concealed, defaced, added to, substituted or altered.
In all prosecutions under this section, possession by any dealer, distributor, wholesaler or person, firm, partnership, or corporation in the business of buying and selling of any motor vehicle, motor, appliance, mechanical device, watch, clock, camera, precision instrument, outboard motor, radio, or other article or thing with the manufacturer's number or identification number removed, concealed, defaced, added to, substituted, or altered, shall be prima facie evidence of violation of the provisions of this section.
Whenever a law enforcement official from any agency notifies a licensee not to sell an item, the item must not be sold or removed from the premises. If the hold was conveyed verbally, the hold shall be confirmed by the investigating agency within 72 hours either in writing or electronic transmission. The order to hold an item shall expire 30 days from the date it is placed unless the holding agency seizes the item as evidence or determines the hold is still necessary and notifies the business in writing or electronic transmission to continue the hold for an additional 30 days.
If an item is identified as stolen, or as evidence in a criminal case, by any law enforcement agency, the investigating agency may, but are not limited to:
Seize the item and retain it as evidence; and/or
Place the item on hold and extend the hold as provided in this section; and/or
Photograph, videotape, or otherwise electronically capture the item; and/or
Order the item released to the proper owner, after the owner has paid the cost of the item paid by the business.
All holds of any item shall expire in 60 days from the date the hold was issued, and the business holding the property may dispose of it as if a hold had never been placed unless the item is necessary, for evidentiary purposes, for an investigation which has resulted in criminal charges being brought. In that case, the investigating agency may continue the hold past 60 days and until the case is resolved. The investigating agency must notify the business in writing, on official department letterhead, of the following:
The need for the item to be held further; and
The agency complaint or case number; and
The name and telephone number of the investigating officer(s); and
The name of the court and the court docket number assigned to the case.
It is the sole responsibility of the investigating officer, and/or their agency, to notify the business promptly when the case is resolved and there is no longer a need to hold said item.
No licensee shall sell or purchase by sale, barter, exchange or otherwise, an article under a license issued pursuant to this Ordinance between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following day. In addition, no licensee shall sell or purchase by sale, barter, exchange or otherwise, any junk between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day.
Every person licensed under this Ordinance shall post in a conspicuous place in or upon his shop, store, wagon, vehicle, building, or other place of business, a sign having his name and occupation legibly inscribed thereon, and shall keep a separate book or electronic record, open to inspection by members of the Borough police department, Allegheny County Sheriff's office, or other public officers, in which shall be written in the English language at the time of the purchase or exchange of such articles or junk, all information requested under this Ordinance and the following:
A description of such articles or junk, including salvaged iron, aluminum, brass, lead, copper, and other base metal and their compounds or combinations, the quantity and/or weight of such items; and
The name, description and residence of the person including the driver's license number and the vehicle license plate or a non-driver's identification number, from whom the same was purchased and received; and
The day and hour when such purchase or exchange was made.
Articles or junk purchased or exchanged by a licensee shall be retained by the licensee thereof for not less than 15 days before disposing of them, in an accessible place in the building or other suitable location, where such articles or junk are purchased and received. A tag shall be attached to such articles or junk in some visible and conspicuous place with a number written thereon to correspond with the entry number in such book or electronic record. For items not reported electronically, such licensees shall prepare and deliver on Monday of each week to the Chief of Police before 12:00 noon a legible and correct copy, written in the English language, from such book, containing a description of each article or junk, including salvage iron, aluminum, brass, lead, copper, and other base metal and their compounds or combinations, the quantity and/or weight of such items, purchased or received during the previous week, the hour and day when the purchase was made, and the description of the person from whom it was purchased. Such statement shall be verified by the affidavit of the person subscribing his name thereto, provided that this section shall not apply to old rags or waste paper, provided further that the fifteen-day retention requirement shall not apply to licensed scrap iron and metal processors.
Any person who engages in the business of buying, exchanging, collecting, receiving, storing, or selling any used motor vehicle(s) for the purpose of wrecking or salvaging parts therefrom shall report each such transaction to the Borough Police Department within five business days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) from the date of the transaction. Such report shall contain, as to each transaction, a description of each such motor vehicle acquired, including its vehicle identification number, the hour and day when the purchase was made and a description of the person from whom it was acquired. Such report shall be made on forms approved by the Borough police department and shall be made under oath. The used motor vehicles shall be retained in the same physical state in which they were at the time of acquisition for a period of five business days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) after the time the report is received by the Borough before being disposed of or altered in any fashion.
No licensee shall receive any article from any person who is at the time visibly intoxicated or from or from any person whom he has reason to suspect is not the owner of the property or from any minor under the age of 18 years without written consent of the parents of such minor who shall act as the seller and be responsible as the seller.
Any person who shall violate any portion of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 per occurrence or imprisonment for not more than 30 days or both. Each day or portion thereof in which a violation exists shall be considered a separate violation of this Ordinance. Each provision of this Ordinance which is violated shall be considered a separate violation. Such fine shall be in addition to any other fine which may be imposed under the provisions of any other ordinances of the Borough, Pennsylvania law, or federal law.
Any ordinance or part of any ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
If any provision of this Ordinance shall be determined to be unlawful, invalid, void or unenforceable, then that provision shall be considered severable from the remaining provisions which shall continue in full force and effect.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect 30 days after its final passage.