[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Heidelberg 7-17-2007 by Ord. No. 572. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As of the effective date of this chapter, there is hereby created a Civil Service Commission, hereinafter referred to as the "Commission." The Commission shall consist of three Commissioners who shall be qualified electors of the Borough and shall be appointed by the Borough Council initially to serve for the terms of two years, four years and six years, and as each term thereafter expires, Borough Council shall fill the vacancy by making an appointment of a member for a term of six years. Any vacancy occurring in any Commission for any reason whatsoever shall be filled by the Borough Council for the unexpired term within the period of 30 days after such vacancy occurs. Each member of the Commission, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, shall take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and to perform his official duties with fidelity, together with such loyalty oath as is prescribed and required by law. The Civil Service Commission shall receive no compensation.
No Commissioner shall at the same time hold an elective or appointed office under the United States government, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any political subdivision of the commonwealth, except that one member of the Commission may be a member of the Council of the Borough and one may be a member of the teaching profession.
The Commission first appointed shall organize within 10 days of its appointment and shall elect one of its members as the Chairman and one as the Secretary. The Commission shall thereafter meet and organize on the first Monday of February of each even-numbered year. The Secretary of the Commission shall give each Commissioner at least 24 hours' notice in writing of each and every meeting of the Commission. Two members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, and no action of the Commission shall be valid unless it shall have the concurrence of at least two members.
Heidelberg Borough shall furnish to the Commission, on the requisition of the Commission, such clerical assistance as may be necessary for the work of the Commission. The Borough shall provide a suitable and convenient room for the use of the Commission. The Commission shall order from the Borough the necessary stationery, postage, printing and supplies, and the elected and appointed officials of the Borough shall aid the Commission in all proper ways in carrying out the provisions of this chapter. Additionally, the Borough shall budget the necessary funds for the proper administration and functioning of the Civil Service Commission.
The Commission shall have the power to prescribe, amend and enforce rules and regulations for carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter and shall be governed by said rules and regulations, as adopted. Before any such rules and regulations are in force, the same shall be first approved by Heidelberg Borough Council. When such rules and regulations have been so approved, they shall not be annulled, amended or added to without the approval of Heidelberg Borough Council. All rules and regulations and modifications thereof shall be made available by the Borough for public distribution or inspection.
The Commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings and the records of its examinations and shall have the power to make investigations and to issue subpoenas as provided in the Borough Code. Additionally, the Civil Service Commission shall, by the end of each calender year, file with the Borough Secretary an activity report listing the general activity of the Commission, including all testing data, current eligibility lists and the status of all hearings.