[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Heidelberg 5-8-2001 by Ord. No. 542. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The elected Tax Collector of the Borough of Heidelberg is authorized and empowered to issue real estate tax certifications upon the request of the public, upon prepayment of a fee of $30 per lot for each three-year period of tax certification, and, upon issuance of the said tax certification, the said Tax Collector shall be permitted to collect and retain, from the above-listed fee prepayment, a fee of $15 for each tax certification, which fee shall cover the cost of services, record review and certification rendered in the preparation of the tax certification.
The Tax Collector shall charge a prepaid fee of $60 for each such tax certification for certificates requested to be provided within 48 hours of the time the request is made and shall be permitted to collect and retain from such fee prepayment a fee of $30 for each such tax certification.