[Adopted 4-4-1933]
No animal or vegetable substances and no dirt gathered in cleaning yards, buildings or docks, or waste of mills or factories, or any old building material, abandoned automobiles or any other materials which are offensive or tend, by decay, to become putrid or render the atmosphere impure or unwholesome, shall be deposited or used to fill up or raise the surface level of any lot or grounds of property within the limits of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson unless pursuant to a special permit from the Board of Trustees of said Village.
No person shall permit or have any offensive substance, water or abandoned automobiles or any other kind of old refuse on his premises to the prejudice of life or health, or throw, deposit or allow to be thrown or deposited on any lot or premises within the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson, or on any street or public place in said Village, any offensive matter whatsoever, or any garbage, refuse, rubbish, abandoned automobiles or old building materials or any other refuse or matter whatsoever.
Every person violating this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable upon conviction.