Editor's Note: Building permit and certificate of occupancy provisions were formerly located in both the Building Code and in the Building Zone Ordinance. Additions made 7-11-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985 to Art. IV of this chapter place all such provisions in Art. IV.
Except as provided in § 17-29, it shall be unlawful to construct, alter, repair, remove or demolish or to commence the construction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition of a building or structure, and in addition, it shall be unlawful to alter, change, add to or remove within 100 feet of any property line any soil or other material which will result in any deviation from the original grade of the property without first filing with the Building Inspector an application in writing and obtaining a permit therefor.
[Amended 9-9-2004 by L.L. No. 5-2004]
The installation and/or alteration of a central airconditioning unit which is designed and intended to provide central air conditioning for one or more buildings on the lot and located outside of a building is hereby deemed to be an alteration requiring the filing of an application for a building permit.
[Added 7-11-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985]
Exception to Subsection A above. Grade may be raised for soil landscaping berms when located in a front yard, not exceeding two feet in height above original grade and located at least 15 feet from front and side property lines, and does not require a building permit.
[Added 9-9-2004 by L.L. No. 5-2004]
[Added 7-11-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985]
Any person or his agent may file with the Building Inspector preliminary plans of any proposed building or structure prior to the filing of detailed plans therefor, and the Building Inspector may tentatively approve the same, subject to the submission and filing of the diagrams, plans and drawings herein provided for.
[Added 7-11-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985]
No person, other than the owner in fee of the land, shall make any such construction or alteration without having first filed with the Building Inspector a statement in writing accompanying the application to build or alter, which statement shall give the full name and residence of the owner of the land, building or proposed building, structure or proposed structure, and shall recite that he has duly authorized the performance of said work.
An application for a permit shall be submitted in such form as the Building Inspector may require.
Such application shall be made by the owner or lessee, or agent of either, or the architect, engineer or builder employed in connection with the proposed work. If such application is made by a person other than the owner in fee, it shall be accompanied by a duly verified affidavit of the owner in fee or the person making the application that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that the person making the application is authorized to make such application. Where the work costs more than $5,000 or the building has more than 15,000 cubic feet in volume or where the work, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, may involve the structural safety of the building, the plans shall be prepared by a registered architect or a registered engineer or under his supervision, and shall bear his certificate and official seal.
Such application shall contain the full names and addresses of the applicant and of the owner and, if the owner is a corporate body, of its responsible officers.
Such application shall describe briefly the proposed work and shall give such additional information as may be required by the Building Inspector for the intelligent understanding of the proposed work. It shall contain a certificate that the proposed work complies with all of the provisions of the Building Code, the Building Zone Ordinance and all other applicable statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, any exceptions being specifically noted.
Such application shall also comply with all of the requirements of the Building Zone Ordinance.
Incomplete applications for building permits will be held for three months without action, after which the permit application will be cancelled. If work is to be undertaken, a new application will be necessary.
[Added 6-14-2007 by L.L. No. 4-2007]
Applications for permits shall be accompanied by such drawings of the proposed work drawn to scale, including floor plans, sections, elevations and structural details, as the Building Inspector may require.
There shall also be filed a plot plan or diagram in a form and size suitable for filing permanently with the permit records, drawn to scale, with all dimensions figured, showing accurately the size and exact location of all proposed new constructions or, in the case of demolition, of such construction as is to be demolished and of all existing buildings and structures that are to remain.
Nothing in this section shall prohibit the filing of amendments to an application or to a plan or other record accompanying the same at any time before the completion of the work for which the permit was sought. Such amendments, after approval, shall be filed with and be deemed a part of the original application.
Ordinary repairs to buildings or structures which do not involve structural changes and which do not affect matters of health or safety may be made without filing an application or obtaining a permit, but such repairs shall not include the cutting away of any wall or portion thereof, the removal or cutting of any beams or supports or the removal, change or closing of any stairway or required means of exit and shall not include any alterations affecting the application of the Building Zone Ordinance.
Nothing in this Building Code shall require changes in the plans, construction or designated use of a building or structure for which a lawful permit has been heretofore issued or which has been otherwise lawfully authorized and the construction of which shall have been actually begun within 90 days after this Building Code becomes effective and which entire building shall be completed, as authorized, within two years thereafter.
Editor's Note: Former § 17-31, Placement surveys for building permits, added 1-11-1962 by Ord. No. 75, was repealed 6-13-1991 by L.L. No. 2-1991, See § 17-45.
It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to examine the applications for permits within a reasonable time after filing and payment of the fees hereinafter provided. If, after examination, he finds no objection to the same and it appears that the proposed work will be in compliance with the laws, ordinances and regulations applicable thereto and the proposed construction or work will be safe, he shall approve such application and issue a permit for the proposed work as soon as practicable. If his examination reveals otherwise, he will reject such application, noting his findings in a report to be attached to the application and sending a copy to the applicant.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Building Inspector from issuing a permit for the construction of part of a building or structure before the entire plans and detailed statements of said building or structure have been submitted if adequate plans and detailed statements have been presented for the said part and have been found to comply with this chapter.
No permit to move a building or structure shall be granted until notice of application therefor shall have been given to the owners of land adjoining the lot or parcel to which said building or structure is to be removed and to the owners of poles, wires or other impediments, the temporary removal of which will be necessary, and an opportunity has been given said owners to be heard upon such application, nor until a bond in a sum fixed by the Building Inspector has been filed with the Village to cover all damage to public property and to indemnify and save harmless the Village for damages and claims for damage arising out of the work. The Building Inspector may designate the route to be covered, the hours of moving, the portions of the street to remain unobstructed and may impose such other conditions as he may deem advisable. He is hereby authorized to deny the permit if he determines that the moving of the building or structure would cause excessive injury or inconvenience to the public or to the Village.
All work performed under a permit issued by the Building Inspector shall conform to the approved application and plans and approved amendments thereof. The location of all new construction as shown on the approved plat diagram or an approved amendment thereof shall be strictly adhered to. The work shall comply with all the requirements of this Building Code and of the Building Zone Ordinance.
Every permit issued under the provisions of this Building Code shall be signed by the Building Inspector.
[Amended 1-13-1994 by L.L. No. 2-1994]
A building permit issued after the effective date of this section shall expire six months after issuance, where no work has been commenced and 12 months after issuance where work has been commenced but not yet completed. The building inspector has the authority to grant an extension of up to six months. Any further extensions of time may be granted only upon a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
[Amended 6-14-2007 by L.L. No. 4-2007]
A building permit issued prior to the effective date of this section shall expire two years after the effective date of this section where work has not been completed.
Upon application to the Board of Trustees by the Building Inspector, an additional extension of time may be granted to the issuance of a building permit, and in granting that extension of time, the Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, levy a fee commensurate with the size and scope of the project.
[Added 3-8-2012 by L.L. No. 2-2012]
A copy of the permit shall be kept on the premises open to public inspection during the prosecution of the work and until the completion of the same. The Building Inspector may require a certified copy of the approved plans to be kept on the premises at all times from the commencement of the work to the completion thereof.
No permit issued under this Building Code shall be assignable or transferable.
The Building Inspector may suspend a permit or approval issued under the provisions of this Building Code in case he shall be satisfied that there has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or approval was based or that any of the work has been or is about to be performed or materials furnished which do not comply with this Building Code or with the terms of the permit or that in any respect the provisions of this Building Code or of the Building Zone Ordinance have been violated or have not been complied with.
The Building Inspector shall report the matter to the Board of Trustees at its next regular meeting, and the holder of the permit so suspended shall have the opportunity to appear before the Board of Trustees at said meeting or at some other time fixed by the Board. The Board of Trustees may thereupon continue the suspension of such permit or approval until the holder has complied with all matters giving rise to such suspension, or, in its discretion, the Board of Trustees may revoke the permit.
[Added 7-11-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985]
In case of the expiration or revocation of a permit, the owner shall forthwith on demand restore the premises to their condition prior to the application for the permit, including the demolition of any construction and the filling in of the excavation to grade. In case of the failure of the owner so to do, the Village may do the work for the account of the owner by contract or with Village workmen and assess the cost thereof, including supervision, against the property.
Upon filing an application for a permit under this Building Code, including a building permit for the construction, alteration or repair of a building or other structure, and including plumbing and incidental structures, there shall be paid to the Village the fees set forth in Ch. A149, Fees.
[Amended 7-11-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985]
No additional fees shall be required for the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. In case any permit under this Building Code shall include within its terms a permit as required by the Building Zone Ordinance[1] of the Village, the amount of the fee shall be either as provided in this Building Code or as provided in the Building Zone Ordinance, whichever is greater, but two fees shall not be required.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 145, Zoning.
Responsibility for payment; collection.
[Added 4-11-2013 by L.L. No. 1-2013]
It shall be the responsibility of the homeowner and/or applicant to pay the fees as set forth in this section and other applicable sections of the Code and in any resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees. (Note: Reference Ch. 149, Fees, adopted 9-12-1983, L.L. No. 5-1983, was repealed on 1-13-1994. This local law provided that "after the effective date of this local law, all fees heretofore established in Ch. 149A shall be fixed by resolution by the Board of Trustees.")
In the event of a failure to pay the Building Department fees, the actual cost thereof, plus the accrued legal rate of interest per annum from the date due, shall become due and payable at the time of the present amount of such bill. A copy of the invoice shall be mailed to the person(s) charged with the fee by certified mail, return receipt requested. The owner, or other parties responsible, may, within 10 calendar days of receipt of the invoice, request a hearing before the Building Inspector to challenge the reasonableness of the fees.
In the event no hearing is requested to challenge the reasonableness of the fees, and the full amount due the Village of Hewlett Harbor specified in Subsection C(2) remains unpaid 20 calendar days following the mailing of the invoice for the fees as part of this Code, the Building Inspector shall cause to be filed in the office of the Village Clerk a sworn statement showing the fees due, the location of the property by section, lot and block for which said permit was issued or, in the case of a fee for working without a permit, on which said work was done, and the name of the reputed owner thereof. The filing of such sworn statement shall constitute a lien and privilege on the property and shall remain in full force and effect for the amount due in principal and interest, plus cost of court, if any, for collection, until final payment has been made. Said costs and expenses shall be a lien on the property and shall be collected in the manner fixed by law for the collection of taxes and made part of the taxable levy and, further, shall be subject to a delinquent penalty at the legal rate of interest in the event that the same is not paid in full on or before the date the tax bill upon which such charge appears becomes delinquent. Sworn statements filed in accordance with the provisions hereof shall be prima facie evidence that all legal formalities have been complied with and that said notice to every person concerned that the amount of the statement, plus interest, constitutes a statement that the same is due and collectible as provided by law.
No building or structure hereafter constructed shall be occupied or used, in whole or in part, until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by the Building Inspector certifying that such building or structure conforms to the provisions of this Building Code.
No building or structure hereafter enlarged or extended or so altered, wholly or in part, as to change its classification, and no building hereafter altered for which a certificate of occupancy has not been heretofore issued, shall be occupied or used, in whole or in part, until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by the Building Inspector certifying that the work for which the permit was issued has been completed in accordance with the provisions of this Building Code, provided that if the occupancy or use of such building was not discontinued during the work of alteration, the occupancy or use of the building shall not continue for more than 30 days after completion of the alterations unless such certificate shall have been issued.
[Added 1-11-1962 by Ord. No. 75]
The Building Inspector may in any case, and shall in the case of a bulkhead, require a placement survey before the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certificate of approval.
Editor's Note: See Bulkheads, Ch. 25.
In addition to the certification as to compliance with the provisions of this Building Code, such certificate may, if warranted by the facts, also contain the matters required for a certificate of occupancy under the Building Zone Ordinance, and in such case, the certificate of occupancy shall constitute the certificate of occupancy required both by this Building Code and by the Building Zone Ordinance.
A certificate of occupancy shall be issued within five days after written application therefor if the building at the time of such application shall be entitled thereto. Copies of a certificate of occupancy shall be furnished, on request, to persons having a proprietary interest in the building.
[Added 7-11-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985]
Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the Village Clerk shall have received written certification from the Nassau County Department of Health indicating that all sewage and waste disposal facilities are complete and in compliance with applicable New York State and Nassau County standards.
No change of occupancy or use shall be made in a building hereafter constructed or altered that is not consistent with the last issued certificate of occupancy for such building, unless a permit is secured.
Applications to the Building Inspector for a certificate of occupancy for a new building costing more than $10,000 shall be accompanied by the affidavit of a licensed architect or licensed professional engineer who supervised the construction work or by the affidavit of a superintendent of construction who supervised the construction work and who has had at least 10 years' experience in supervising building construction work, which affidavit shall be to the effect that the deponent has examined the approved plans of the structure for which the certificate of occupancy is sought and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the structure has been erected or altered in accordance with the approved plans and, as erected or altered, complies with the statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations governing building construction or use, except in so far as variances therefrom have been legally authorized, such variances to be specified in the affidavit.
[Amended 3-8-2012 by L.L. No. 3-2012]
Under such rules and regulations as may be established by the Board of Trustees, a temporary certificate of occupancy for a part of a building may only be issued by the Building Inspector of the Village or such other person as may be designated by the Board of Trustees.
[Added 3-8-2012 by L.L. No. 4-2012]
A temporary certificate of occupancy issued in accordance with § 17-51 of this chapter shall expire three months after issuance. The Building Inspector, upon application to the Board of Trustees, and approval therefrom, shall grant an extension of up to three additional months. Any further extension shall be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
[Added 3-8-2012 by L.L. No. 5-2012]
The fee for the initial three-month extension of the temporary certificate of occupancy shall be $500. The fee for an additional extension of the temporary certificate of occupancy shall be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees and shall be commensurate with the size and scope of the project.
In the case of a building or structure completed prior to the adoption of this Building Code, the Building Inspector shall, if so requested by the holder of a permit and if the facts warrant, issue a certificate to the effect that the building or structure has been completed in conformity with the provisions of this Building Code and indicating the use or uses to which such structure may thereafter be put and to what extent.
When a certificate is specifically required by a provision of this Building Code for an installation, alteration, repair or removal of an elevator or elevator equipment, plumbing, gas piping, electric wiring, heating system or other installation, it shall be unlawful to use or permit the use thereof until the appropriate certificate has been issued.
[Added 1-12-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989]
Whenever any work for which a permit is required pursuant to the provisions of this Code has been performed without such permit, a civil penalty shall be imposed of an amount of not less than two times the fee payable for such permit pursuant to this article. If after a review and determination by the Building Inspector that such work without a permit was especially egregious, flagrant and willful, the Building Inspector shall have the authority and discretion to recommend to the Board of Trustees that such civil penalty be increased to an amount of not more than four times the fee payable for such permit. The power to levy a civil penalty of an amount more than two times the payable permit fee shall rest exclusively with the Board of Trustees.
[Amended 11-14-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013]
Such civil penalty and such permit fee shall be payable by the owner of the building on which such work is performed.
No permit shall be issued for any work described in Subsection A of this section until the civil penalty assessed pursuant to this section has been paid.