[Adopted 10-9-1952 as Part III, Chapter 2, of Ord. No. 32]
No person shall build, kindle, add fuel to, maintain or permit a bonfire or fire of any character whatsoever upon or adjacent to any pavement, curb, sidewalk, tree, shrubbery or grass within or upon any street, parkway, park or other public property in the Village of Hewlett Harbor.
No person shall, without previously procuring and thereafter holding unrevoked a permit therefor, as provided by the ordinances of the Village of Hewlett Harbor, cut, open, obstruct, paint, deface, damage or destroy any pavement, curb, sidewalk, tree, shrubbery or grass within or upon any street, parkway, park or other public property in the Village of Hewlett Harbor.
No person shall post any bills, notices or advertising material of any character whatsoever upon any trees or posts, poles, fences, buildings or other structures within or upon any streets, parkways, parks or other public property in the Village of Hewlett Harbor.
Editor's Note: For related provisions, see Ch. 121, Signs.
No person shall damage, deface, multilate or destroy any grass, trees, shrubbery, posts, poles, fences, buildings or other structures within or upon any street, parkway, park or other public property in the Village of Hewlett Harbor.