[Added 4-11-1974]
A tennis court complying with the provisions of this Article shall only be permitted in a residential district as an accessory use to a dwelling located on the same lot for the residents of such dwelling and their guests.
[Amended 4-13-1995 by L.L. No. 2-1995]
For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The entire surface, both inside and outside of any marked court area, where the game of tennis is played, and shall also include the central net and any adjacent fencing, walls, screening or other surface which limits the movement of tennis balls. No tennis court as above defined shall be constructed having dimensions of less than 60 feet in width and 110 feet in length.
No tennis court shall be constructed unless a building permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector.[1] Every application for a permit shall be accompanied by a dimensional site plan, drawn to scale and showing locations of all details, duly certified by a licensed professional engineer or architect. No tennis court shall be used unless a certificate of occupancy has been issued therefor.
Editor's Note: For building permit provisions, see Ch. 17, Building Construction.
Tennis court shall be located only in the rear or side yards and courts shall conform to the setback requirements for accessory buildings as set forth in § 145-25. No tennis courts shall be located in any front yard.
[Amended 4-13-1995 by L.L. No. 2-1995]
Every tennis court shall have fencing of not less than five feet nor more than 10 feet in height on three sides of the tennis court, which shall not include the side facing the dwelling, which fencing shall be located along the perimeter of the playing surface, but in no event shall any fencing encroach into any required yards.
No tennis court shall be used in a manner that permits tennis balls to cross the property lines of the property on which the tennis court is located.
No cover or enclosure of any kind shall be permitted over a tennis court.
The height of the playing surface of the tennis court shall not be above the existing mean level of the ground immediately surrounding the tennis court area prior to construction of the tennis court.
No tennis court shall be constructed or maintained so as to permit any drainage water to flow onto adjoining properties or the public streets.
All lighting shall be of a type and so located as not to cause light rays to project across any property line.
No tennis courts may be used between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.