Every new installation of a plumbing system in a building or structure shall, when there is an acceptable public sewer in a street abutting the lot on which such building is located, be connected with such sewer, as provided in this section.
The plumbing system of an existing building or structure located on a lot abutting on a street in which a public sewer has been installed, after such plumbing or drainage was installed, shall, whenever directed by the Building Department of the Incorporated Village of Valley Stream or the Department of Public Works of the County of Nassau, be connected to such public sewer. Under no circumstances shall it be permissible to construct a new cesspool or septic tank for an existing building or structure were public sewer facilities are available.
Each plumbing system of a building or structure shall separately be connected with the public sewer or with a private sewer or cesspool.
No connection shall be made to a public sewer without first obtaining the necessary permits from the Nassau County Department of Public Works and the Building and Highway Departments of the Incorporated Village of Valley Stream.
No permits for a sewer connection shall be issued unless the plumbing system conforms to the provisions of this code which are applicable to sewers.
No direct or indirect connection for the removal of sewage from any premises shall be made with the stormwater drainage of the Village nor with a stream or watercourse.
All connections with a public sewer shall be made by a licensed plumber.
Where cesspools or overflow pools are discontinued following connections to a street sewer, or for any other reason, the plumbing contractor shall have these pools promptly emptied, cleaned and backfilled with earth, sand or other acceptable clean material.